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How to Improve English Writing  Tips to Overcome Grammar Mistakes

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How to Improve English Writing Tips to Overcome Grammar Mistakes

Let me guess–Are you struggling with grammar mistakes? Or maybe you just want to sharpen your English writing skills? Well, don't panic—We all face similar challenges when writing in a language that isn't our first. However, you can improve your grammar and writing skills with practice and the proper techniques. Although it takes time, each effort brings you closer to clear and effective communication. So, in this article, we have covered six tips that will help you overcome your grammatical mistakes and make your learning process faster and smoother. Why is Learning Proper English Essential? Grammar is the spice that makes your writing flavorful and exciting. It helps you express your thoughts clearly and keeps your readers engaged. Therefore, with good grammar, your ideas shine through, making your writing more effective and enjoyable. However, many people believe their natural intuition for grammar is more reliable than actual grammar rules. This leads to misunderstandings and more explicit messages. The meaning can get lost when grammar slips and your audience may need help following your point. So, while intuition has its place, relying on English grammar rules can enhance your writing and help you communicate more effectively. Tips To Improve English Writing Enhancing your English writing skills is a journey that involves practice and patience. However, focusing on a few main points can speed up learning. So, here are 6 tips to help you improve your English proficiency. Read More Often Since you are not a native, reading is the easiest way to learn English. It helps you find different ways to express your ideas and give words to your thoughts. Well, if we count–-reading can improve your vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammatical errors and get you a better flow of ideas. Moreover, if you read out loud, you are utilizing your three senses–-seeing, saying, and hearing. Consequently, you are also working on your vocal fluency. Thus, read whatever you find interesting, for instance, novels, books, newspapers, or articles. But remember, your goal must be to learn something good and improve your vocabulary and grammar. Work on Your Grammar Before you delve deeper into improving your vocabulary or trying complex writing styles, you must improve your basic grammar. Learn the difference between subject, verb, and object. Therefore, the next time any grammatical question arises, you can easily detect the problem. Although relying on your intuition can sometimes be helpful, a firm grasp of the basic grammar is essential for precise and error-free writing. Use Grammar Checking Tools An online grammar checker can also be an excellent option for helping you spot and improve your grammatical mistakes. They help you better understand the common errors in your writing, and once you overcome them, you can maintain a uniform writing style. For this, you can use any reliable grammar checker online. These grammar check tools help you check the article for grammar errors and provide you with alternative phrases that you can use to polish your writing. Thus, you should choose the grammar checker tool wisely–-Choose the one that best matches your writing style. Self Write Regularly Whether a beginner or a seasoned writer, journaling daily is one of the best ways to boost your writing skills; therefore, write whatever you like without caring about grammatical rules or boundaries. Experiment with new words and different writing styles as much as you want This way, you can better assess your strengths and areas for improvement. Trust me—once you start, you'll enjoy the process. It helps you improve your sentence structures, vocabulary, grammar, and flow. Moreover, it enables you to write more clearly and organize. Be Open To Feed Backs Never hesitate to share your writing with others. Whether it's an instructor, tutor, or native speaker, their feedback is essential for growth. Show them what you've written and ask for honest input. Pay close attention to the mistakes they highlight—subject-verb disagreements or run-on sentences—and apply those corrections in your future writing. This way, you can improve faster. Moreover, swapping work with your fellow writers and classmates is also a great way to get fresher ideas. For instance, their writing perspective can provide alternative ways to express your thoughts and enhance creativity. Furthermore, it also helps you avoid mistakes in your writing that you might have overlooked at first. For this, you can join online writing groups and forums to interact more with writers worldwide and benefit from their constructive feedback. Proofread and Improve Although this tip is mentioned at the end of the article, you will thank me for it. Whenever you write something, just read it out loud. Let me explain why—when we read, our brain automatically tells us if something looks missing or misfit. Moreover, it also helps you think of other ways to present specific information that sounds more fluent. Just focus on editing it. Ask yourself questions like—” How can I improve it”? Experimenting with various writing styles will help you learn how, when, and which techniques best convey your ideas. This approach will enhance your writing and help you quickly correct grammatical errors. Conclusion Improving your English writing revolves around building good habits. To enhance your skills, stick to basic grammar rules and read regularly. Don’t hesitate to use grammar tools; they can be invaluable in your writing journey. Focus on addressing your common mistakes, follow these tips, and believe me—you’ll be well on overcoming your writing errors. However, to accelerate your learning process, develop a consistent writing habit. In summary, the more you practice, the clearer and more effective your writing will become. Keep this in mind, and you'll see steady improvement quickly.

CoachingSelect October 08, 2024

AI and its Uses in the Classroom

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AI and its Uses in the Classroom

AI or artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword anymore. Back in the day, it sounded like something out of a sci-fi story and had very limited applications in real life. But nowadays, AI is almost everywhere. Generative AI, in particular, has made an appearance in many different shapes and forms. It has changed a lot of industries, such as marketing, finance, and education. In this post, let’s take a look at AI’s uses in the classroom. Let’s explore how it can help students learn better and make the jobs of teachers easier. An Overview of AI and What It Constitutes You probably already know what artificial intelligence is and wha  t its broad definition entails. However, there is a possibility that some of our readers are (understandably) not quite caught up with this all. Before diving into the uses of AI in the classroom, let’s do a quick overview of what it is. Artificial intelligence is ubiquitously defined as the technology responsible for simulating human-like intelligence in machines and computers. Nowadays, when we think of AI, we usually just imagine a complicated entity capable of performing millions of calculations at a whim and simulating human emotions, etc. However, in concept, AI can be very simple as well. A program that is able to pick from three choices based on a provided input also exhibits intelligence (albeit a very low level of it) and can be classified as AI. However, this theoretical and lexicon definition of AI is not very applicable these days. From 2020 onwards, AI refers to a class of tools and applications that are able to perform complicated tasks on their own and execute automated jobs without human intervention. It also refers to the class of tools that are able to understand a nuanced prompt or input provided by a human and create an output according to it. Uses and Applications of AI in the Classroom Now that we’re done catching up on what AI is, let’s talk about how it can be used in the classroom. 1. AI can be used by teachers to plan lessons and courses One of the less conventional ways in which AI can be used by teachers in classrooms is for lesson planning. When manually planning lessons and courses, it is possible for teachers to sometimes skip important concepts in their classes. It is also possible for teachers to repeat a certain program without realizing it. In short, there are many different problems that can arise when lessons are planned by just one person—and those problems can be mitigated with the help of AI. Teachers can get help from an AI-enabled chatbot/assistant to come up with all the necessary classes and lectures needed for their course. They can ask the assistant to create an entire plan for them, along with the recommended amount of time to be spent on each concept/topic/module. Another way of approaching this is to create a plan and then show it to an AI assistant. The assistant will be able to look at irregularities in the plan and suggest changes. In the image below, you can see that we’ve asked an AI model to create an 8-week plan for Grammar 101, and it delivered: 2. AI can be used to help students perform better in their assignments AI tools can also help students perform better in their written work, such as writing essays, research papers, theses, etc. There are many different phases involved in writing assignments, from planning to the actual writing part and then the editing/optimizing bit. In all of these different phases, AI can play a helpful role. Online assistant tools, like the one we mentioned in the previous section, can be used for content planning. Grammar-checking tools and readability correctors can be used to improve the quality of the content once it is written. Instead of delegating tasks to AI, students can use it to improve the quality of their work as well as their writing/editing skills. 3. AI can be used by students to collect and compile their study materials easily Another use of AI in the classroom is for collecting and compiling study materials. There are two tools in particular that can be very helpful for this purpose: image-to-text converters and summarizers. With image-to-text converters, students can take study materials provided in different hard forms, such as lecture notes, textbook notes, etc., and convert them to digital text. These tools utilize AI in their functionality to increase the accuracy of the extraction process. In the image below, you can see a tool that converts images to text: This is a method for collecting study materials. AI can also help in compiling and compressing them to make them easier to peruse and understand. For that, AI-based summarizer tools can be used. Lecture notes and textbook extracts, etc., can be shortened and made concise using summarizer tools. By doing this, the main essence of the materials can be retained in fewer words, which can be easier and quicker to read. 4. AI can be used by teachers to automatically grade assignments AI can also be used by teachers and educators to automatically grade assignments handed in by their students. Automatic grading can’t be done on theoretical assignments like essays and research papers. Rather, it is done on quizzes and MCQ-based assignments. The AI software used for this purpose can simply analyze the questions marked by the students. They can compare the answers given by the students to the actual answers (submitted by the teachers). The quiz/test can then be graded accordingly. 5. AI can be used for research and brainstorming Another helpful use of AI in the classroom is for research and brainstorming. Online AI assistants, like the ones mentioned in the first heading, can be very handy for this purpose. Students can use these tools to research their topics, although any research done via AI should be confirmed with reliable sources. These tools can also be used simply to brainstorm—to find out different aspects of the topic that can be explored and discussed in a paper. Wrapping up When used in moderation and under ethical limits, AI can be a great help for students and teachers alike. Many teachers and institutes understandably prohibit the use of AI for their students in consideration of all the unethical ways in which it can be used. However, when utilized in an assistive capacity and as a helping tool, there is usually nothing wrong with it. In the post above, we have looked at various uses of AI in the classroom.

CoachingSelect October 03, 2024

How Students Can Prevent Plagiarism from Their Assignments

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How Students Can Prevent Plagiarism from Their Assignments

If you are a student studying at a college or university, the most common thing you are likely to be concerned about must be plagiarism.  The reason why most learners remain worried is because this ethical culprit can ruin their reputation and cause them face embarrassment in front of teachers.   In some adverse cases, your assignments might get rejected. Having said that, it is crucial for every student to take precautionary measures and avoid plagiarism at all levels.  This could be either intentional or unintentional. In this article, you will explore the best tools and techniques that you can use to avoid plagiarism and make your assignments sound unique or original. Tips to Prevent Plagiarism from Assignments Plagiarism can bring a lot of unwanted consequences if left unattended. Here, I will let you know about some of the best practices that you can follow to avoid plagiarism problems. Use a Plagiarism Removal Tool One of the most effective ways to get rid of plagiarism is to use a credible plagiarism remover tool.    It’s a unique, innovative, and AI-powered online platform that takes plagiarized content and instantly transforms it into unique prose within no time. It does not require much human intervention since the complete tasks work automatically. Here is how it works: 1.    Once you visit the plagiarism remover online, add your problematic content in the box on the left-hand side. You can either click the upload button or paste your text straightaway. 2.    Click the ‘Remove Plagiarism’ button, and the unique text will appear in the right box. 3.    Quickly proofread to catch any inconsistencies (which are rare to observe) and adjust them. Now, you can export the unique text in any desired format. The tool allows you to export generated results in PDF, Word, and Text formats. This is a quick and efficient way to make your assignments plagiarism-free even when they are due tomorrow.  Take advantage of paraphrase tool to save yourself from manually paraphrasing text to achieve uniqueness in assignments. Properly Cite Sources Many students don’t know that the inability to cite sources of information and quotes used in assignments can be subject to plagiarism. Ethically, you are required to cite all external sources that you have extracted data from. Different educational institutions follow different citation styles. You should be fully aware of what citation styles are followed at your school, college, or university.   Some of the most commonly used ones include Chicago Style, MLA, APA, Turabian, Harvard, and iEEE. Spend some time to learn these citation styles so that you can make your assignments fully unique.  Remember, you must double-check that all the sources are cited appropriately before you submit the assignment to your professor. Understand Your College’s Plagiarism Policy One of the biggest mistakes most students make is not developing a good understanding of the plagiarism policy followed by their educational institutions.  Every school, college, and university has a clear policy that states everything clearly about plagiarism. For instance, a college might allow up to 10% plagiarism or have no grievances against the use of quotes, etc.  You can avoid accidental infringement by paying great attention to these details. So, take your time and make sure you understand every bit of it before working on assignments. Focus on Originality In most cases, unintentional plagiarism makes your assignments sound plagiarized.   This happens when you take assistance from online sources and become too much dependent on them.  You reword their work instead of adding your personal intellect. You can avoid both intentional and unintentional plagiarism by focusing on originality. Do not have the fear or adding something wrong.  Try adding a personal touch to every assignment so that it can differ from the rest of the similar materials already available. It might take a little bit of practice and time at the beginning, but once you get used to it, you should find it interesting to add in your input.  Writing original content mitigates chances of plagiarism and similar concerns. Use Latest Stories and Statistics One great way to avoid plagiarism in your assignments is to instill the latest relevant stories. Adding the latest happenings ensures that your assignments remain unique.  This is because those who have written similar assignments in the past must not have included the latest stories that just took place. Furthermore, you can add relevant statistics and information from high authority sources. This gives another unique perspective to your assignments. However, make sure to add only relevant stories and stats. Including something irrelevant might cause you to face embarrassment or get negative remarks from teachers. Run Through Reliable Plagiarism Checkers You are likely to see more than a few plagiarism checkers in SERPs when you search for a plagiarism checking tool.  However, never trust all those results with a blind eye. Instead, only opt for the most authoritative ones since they can provide you with true results regardless of your assignment’s subject. For instance, Turnitin and CopyScape Premium are two leading tools that provide students with the most accurate results.  They can check your assignment against billions of pages and provide you with highlighted areas marked by plagiarism. After you know which part of the assignment is plagiarized, try rewording it manually or through a trustworthy paraphrase tool if you want to save time. Never submit an assignment without checking through a reliable plagiarism checking tool. Develop Strong Research and Writing Skills One of the most common reasons why students end up facing plagiarism is because they don’t possess strong research and writing skills.  They try rewording work of others and that’s how they are fall pretty to stealing of information. You can avoid this situation by developing strong research and writing skills. Eventually, this will help you throughout your academic journey at school, college, and university. Good research, paraphrasing, note-taking, and citation habits can minimize the risk of plagiarism down the road.   It could be slightly challenging at the beginning but it should come in handy as you move forward.   Ask Your Tutor for Help Are you feeling stuck? Reach out to your professors for help since they are always willing to extend a helping hand.   Make sure to get clarification on different contexts regarding plagiarism. It is better to get your doubts cleared rather than continuing with the assignment vaguely. Conclusion Plagiarism is a big concern for students studying at schools, colleges, and universities. It can ruin their reputation and cause their assignments to be rejected.  That’s why it is crucial to follow the best practices to ensure the complete uniqueness of your work. The suggestions discussed above can help you stay away from this ethical culprit.   Using reliable plagiarism remover tools, citing sources appropriately, understanding your educational institution’s plagiarism policy, focusing on the originality of work, including the latest stories and information, and checking your work through a reliable plagiarism checker can work well to make your assignments plagiarism-free. Try following these suggestions to stay away from plagiarism throughout your academic journey.  

CoachingSelect April 09, 2024

Conquering pressure of Board exams and Competitive exams simultaneously for Class 12th students

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Conquering pressure of Board exams and Competitive exams simultaneously for Class 12th students

Introduction The journey through Class 12 is a pivotal phase in every student's life, marked by the dual challenge of acing board exams and preparing for entrance exams. This juncture often serves as a stepping stone to higher education, making the need for a well-balanced approach paramount. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies for students to navigate the demanding landscape of both board exams and entrance exams. Understanding the Landscape The Significance of Class 12 Board Exams: Class 12 board exams are a traditional benchmark that not only assess a student's academic knowledge but also play a crucial role in college admissions. These exams are a reflection of a student's understanding of the prescribed syllabus and their ability to perform under pressure. Importance of Entrance Exams: Entrance exams, on the other hand, are specific tests conducted by various institutions for admission to professional courses. These exams are designed to evaluate a student's aptitude, problem-solving skills, and subject-specific knowledge, often extending beyond the Class 12 curriculum. Time Management Create a Realistic Schedule: Balancing board exams and entrance exams necessitates effective time management. Create a realistic schedule that allocates ample time for both board exam preparation and entrance exam studies. Identify your peak productivity hours and plan your study sessions accordingly. Prioritize Subjects and Topics: Recognize the weightage of each subject in both board exams and entrance exams. Prioritize your study sessions based on the importance of each subject and allocate more time to challenging topics. Strategic Revision: Regular revision is key to retaining information. Develop a revision strategy that includes periodic reviews of both board exam subjects and entrance exam topics. Utilize flashcards, mind maps, and other revision aids to reinforce your understanding. Syllabus Overlap: Identify areas where the syllabi of board exams and entrance exams overlap. Focus on mastering these common topics first, as it will save time and effort. A strong foundation in shared subjects can provide a solid base for tackling more specialized topics later. Stress Management Adopt Healthy Habits: The pressure of Class 12 board exams and entrance exams can be overwhelming. Adopting healthy habits such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep can contribute significantly to stress management. These habits not only enhance physical well-being but also improve cognitive functions. Breaks and Leisure: Schedule regular breaks during your study sessions. Engage in activities you enjoy to refresh your mind. Balancing academics with leisure is essential for maintaining mental equilibrium. Smart Study Techniques: Practice Time-bound Tests: Both board exams and entrance exams often have time constraints. Incorporate timed practice tests into your study routine to improve your time-management skills. This will help you become more comfortable with the exam format and build confidence. Seek Guidance: If certain concepts prove challenging, do not hesitate to seek guidance. Consult your teachers, classmates, or online resources to clarify doubts. Forming study groups can also facilitate collaborative learning, enhancing your understanding of complex topics. Dual Preparation Strategies Board Exam Preparation Tips: Comprehensive Understanding: Focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly rather than rote memorization. Previous Year Papers: Solve previous years' board exam papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern. Regular Revision: Consistent revision is crucial for retention. Entrance Exam Preparation Tips: Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests for the entrance exams to simulate real exam conditions. Specialized Coaching: If possible, enroll in coaching classes for specific entrance exams to gain targeted guidance. Conceptual Clarity: Develop a strong conceptual understanding, especially for topics that go beyond the Class 12 syllabus. Conclusion In the demanding journey of Class 12, striking a balance between board exams and entrance exams is undeniably challenging. However, with effective time management, stress management, smart study techniques, and dual preparation strategies, students can navigate this crucial phase with confidence. Remember, success is not just about the destination but also about the journey. Balancing these two aspects of your academic life will not only lead to success in exams but also instill valuable skills for the challenges that lie ahead in higher education and beyond.

CoachingSelect December 15, 2023

The Impact of Augmented Reality in Education

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The Impact of Augmented Reality in Education

Introduction: In the fast-paced world of technology, innovations are reshaping every aspect of our lives, and education is no exception. One such groundbreaking technology making waves in the educational landscape is Augmented Reality (AR). Augmented Reality is transforming traditional teaching methods, offering an immersive and interactive learning experience. Let's find out how augmented reality influences the education system.  Enhanced Learning Experiences: Augmented Reality introduces a new dimension to education by overlaying digital content onto the physical world. This means that students can interact with three-dimensional models, simulations, and animations that enhance their understanding of complex concepts. For instance, biology students can dissect virtual animals, and history students can explore ancient civilizations by simply using AR-enabled devices. Increased Engagement: Traditional classroom settings often struggle to capture and maintain students' attention. Augmented Reality, with its immersive and interactive elements, addresses this challenge by making learning more engaging. Students are no longer passive recipients of information; instead, they become active participants in their own education. This heightened engagement fosters a deeper understanding of subjects and promotes a love for learning. Personalized Learning Paths: One of the key advantages of Augmented Reality in education is its ability to adapt to individual learning styles. AR applications can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each student, providing a personalized learning experience. This ensures that students can progress at their own pace, reinforcing concepts they find challenging and moving quickly through material they grasp easily. Real-world Application: AR bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. It allows students to apply what they've learned in the classroom to practical scenarios, preparing them for challenges they may face in their future careers. Whether it's a virtual chemistry lab or a simulated engineering project, AR brings education to life by connecting academic concepts to real-world situations. Global Learning Opportunities: Augmented Reality opens the doors to global collaboration and learning. Students can connect with peers from around the world, breaking down geographical barriers. This not only broadens their perspectives but also fosters a sense of global citizenship. AR can be a powerful tool for cultural exchange and collaborative projects, enriching the overall learning experience. Accessible Education: The integration of Augmented Reality in education promotes inclusivity by catering to different learning abilities. Visual and auditory aids provided by AR applications can be particularly beneficial for students with diverse learning needs. This technology ensures that education is accessible to a wider range of learners, creating a more inclusive and equitable learning environment. Conclusion: As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education, Augmented Reality stands out as a transformative force. Its impact on learning experiences, engagement levels, and accessibility is reshaping the way we approach education. The future of education is undoubtedly augmented, promising a more interactive, personalized, and globally connected learning environment for students around the world. Embracing Augmented Reality in education is not just a technological advancement; it is a step towards a more vibrant, dynamic, and effective learning journey.

CoachingSelect December 11, 2023

How VPN helps in Research and find Study Materials

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How VPN helps in Research and find Study Materials

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) has become an essential tool for researchers and students to access study materials and conduct research today. As more libraries, databases, journals, and other academic resources move online, using a VPN provides significant advantages in finding and accessing the information needed for studies. Enhanced Privacy and Anonymity One of the main benefits of using a VPN for research is enhanced privacy and anonymity. When connected to a VPN, all traffic leaving your device is encrypted and routed through remote servers run by the VPN provider. This hides your real IP address, location, and online activity from your internet service provider (ISP), network administrators, government agencies, hackers, and other third parties. Research often involves accessing controversial information or asking sensitive questions. Maintaining anonymity allows researchers and survey respondents to openly share information and opinions without fear of consequences. A VPN enables this by masking the identities of both parties. Access Restricted Resources Many academic libraries, databases, digital collections, and online journals restrict access only to users connecting from specific institutions or geographic locations. However, by routing your traffic through another server, a VPN can trick these services into thinking you are connecting from an authorized network or country. This allows students and academics to access valuable paid resources like JSTOR, Web of Science, digital archives, and international publications from anywhere. A quality VPN service will have servers worldwide, facilitating access regardless of restrictions based on institution or location. Secure Public Wi-Fi Students often need to use free public Wi-Fi networks at coffee shops or university campuses when conducting research away from home. However, public connections come with security risks like man-in-the-middle attacks that can expose login credentials or steal personal information. A VPN protects all traffic over public networks using encryption, preventing snooping by hackers even on the most insecure public Wi-Fi. This allows students to safely access library accounts, paid journal subscriptions, survey data, and other sensitive information without worrying about security. Antivirus installed on your device cannot help you with this. In the battle of antivirus vs VPN, VPN always wins when it comes to online security and privacy. Bypass Internet Censorship In some countries, oppressive governments censor access to information on certain topics by outright blocking websites or restricting search engine results. This severely limits available research materials for both locals and visiting academics. VPN connections allow researchers to bypass this censorship by routing traffic through servers in other countries not subject to the same restrictions. This provides access to a wider range of sources to incorporate into studies. Remote Access to Institutional Networks Professors and students working remotely require access to internal university networks and intranets that house journal subscriptions, digital libraries, citation tools, literature reviews, and more. University VPNs essentially place you inside campus network infrastructure regardless of location, allowing access to all restricted internal resources. This facilitates the same level of research potential even when working off-site. Conclusion From securely browsing controversial topics to accessing journals overseas, a VPN solves many of the challenges facing academics in the digital sphere. As more resources move online and behind paywalls, VPNs help students discover, access, and incorporate the breadth of information needed for comprehensive research

CoachingSelect December 01, 2023

A Comprehensive guide to master Elimination method

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A Comprehensive guide to master Elimination method

One of the fundamental algebraic strategies is the elimination method, which is a methodical way to solve systems of linear equations. To solve linear equations, we use this technique. It offers a powerful and versatile way to find the values of multiple variables that satisfy a set of linear equations simultaneously. The elimination technique is a vital technique for problem-solving and simulating real-world situations. It is significant in different areas of the subject, including mathematics, physics, economics, and engineering. This article will explain the elimination method's definition and the procedures for applying it to the solution of linear equations. Elimination method: Definition A technique used to solve systems of linear equations is known as elimination method. This method involves adding or subtracting equations to eliminate one of the variables, simplifying the system to a point where the variables can be solved step by step. A system of linear equations is a set of two or more equations that have two or more variables. Each equation in the system typically takes the form of a linear equation. Steps Used for Solving Linear Equations Using the Elimination Method: Step 1: Eliminating variable select them To remove a variable (x or y) from the equations, choose it. Our main purpose for this is that both equations equal and additive inverses of each other. Step 2: Create Coefficients with Equal Magnitudes To make an equal constant we multiply the suitable variable. Step 3: Subtract or add This method helps to eliminate only one variable. Step 4: Determine remaining variable After solving we find step 3 to determine the remaining variable. Step 5: Putt all value and solve To find the remaining variable value we put the value in the original equation. Step 6: Check the Solution Verify the solution by substituting the values of both variables into all original equations. The solution should satisfy all equations. You can also try an elimination calculator to verify the solution or to solve system of equations by elimination with steps. Now that we have a clear understanding of the elimination method and its steps, let’s explore it further through a series of examples that highlight its practical applications. Solving Systems of Three Equations Using the Elimination Method It is compulsory to solve three equations by elimination method we first make sure our equation is written in this form AX +By = C or Ax + By + C = 0. This general equation shows that no fraction is given in the coefficient. After arranging them, we select any two pairs of equations and select one variable that we want to eliminate them. Then we choose the other two equations given in three equations and find the same coefficient that we have already found. In this way we find easily two equations with two variables then we follow our previous method which we already used to calculate for two equations. This way we find easily our required result.   How to solve problems of elimination method: Example number 1: 2x + 3y = 12    (A) 4x - 5y = -9     (B) By using the elimination method solve the given two equations. Solution: Step 1:  Select eliminating variable. In this case eliminate the variable x. Step 2:  Create Coefficients with Equal Magnitudes We'll multiply the first equation by 2 and the second equation by 1 to make the coefficients of ‘x’ equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. 4x + 6y = 24    (A) 4x - 5y = -9      (B) Step 3: Add or Subtract Equations Now, subtract equation (B) from equation (A): (4x + 6y) - (4x - 5y) = 24 - (-9) Simplify: 11y = 33 Step 4: Solve for the Remaining Variable Divide both sides by 11: y = 3 Step 5: Substitute and Solve Substitute the value and then simplify, we get. 2x + 3(3) = 12 Simplify: 2x + 9 = 12 Subtract 9 from both sides: 2x = 12 - 9 2x = 3 Now find the value of x and divide both sides with 2: x = 1.5 Step 6: Check the Solution To check the solution, substitute the values of ‘x’ and ‘y’ into both original equations: For equation (A) 2(1.5) + 3(3) = 12 (True) For equation (B)  4(1.5) - 5(3) = -9 (True) The solution (x = 1.5, y = 3) satisfies both equations, confirming its accuracy.     Example 2: Three-Equation System with Fractions Now, let’s tackle a more complex system with three equations: 3x + 2y = 4     (A) 4x - 3y = 1     (B) 2x + y = 2       (C) Solution First, we find the Y variable value. Step 1:  Choose a Variable to Eliminate We’ll eliminate ‘y’. Step 2: Create Coefficients with Equal Magnitudes We’ll multiply equation (A) by 3, equation (B) by 2, and equation (C) by -6 to make the coefficients of ‘y’ equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. 9x + 6y = 12    (A) 8x - 6y = 2        (B) -12x - 6y = -12   (C) Step 3: Add or Subtract Equations Now to find the value of y, we add equation (B) and equation (C). (8x - 6y) + (-12x - 6y) = 2 - 12 Simplify: -4x = -10 Step 4:  Solve for the Remaining Variable Divide both sides by -4: x = 10 / 4 x = 2.5 Step 5: Put value and solve Now that we have the value of ‘x’, substitute it into equation (A): 3(2.5) + 2y = 4 Simplify: 7.5 + 2y = 4 Subtract 7.5 from both sides: 2y = 4 - 7.5 2y = -3.5 Divide both sides by 2: y = -1.75 Step 6: Check the Solution To check the solution, substitute the values of ‘x’ and ‘y’ into all three original equations: For equation (1) 3(2.5) + 2(-1.75) = 4 (True) For equation (2)  4(2.5) - 3(-1.75) = 1 (True) For equation (3)  2(2.5) - 1.75 = 2 (True) So, x = 2.5, y = -1.75 satisfy all equations. Example 3: To solve for three equations: 2x + 3y - z = 7 4x - 2y + 5z = 8 3x + y + 2z = 10 Solution Given data 2x + 3y - z = 7                                                                  (1) 4x - 2y + 5z = 8                                                                (2) 3x + y + 2z = 10                                                                (3) Step 1 Select the appropriate set of equations to remove the variables. By using equations (1) and (2) we eliminate the value of z. For this, we multiply equation (1) by 5 and equation (2) by 1 then simplify the equation. 10x + 15y - 5z = 35                                                                  (4) 4x - 2y + 5z = 8                                                                        (5) 14x -13y = 27                                                                           (6) Step 2 Now we eliminate the value of z for the other two equations given in these three equation for this we select equation (1) and equation (3). Multiply equation (1) by 2 and equation (3) by 1. Then add them 4x + 6y – 2 z = 14                                                                    3x + y + 2z = 10                                                                   7x + 7y        = 24                                                                     (7) Step 3 Now we eliminate the value y by using equation (6) and equation (7), multiply equation (6) by 1 and equation (7) by 2 then subtract them. 14x -13y = 27                                                                             ± 14x ± 14y = ± 24                                                                              -27 y = 3                                                                         (8) Step 4 Simplify equation (8) then put the value of y in equation (7) y = -1/9 put value in equation (7) we get the value x. 7x + 7(-1/9) = 24                                               7x = 24 + 7/9 Simplify the equation x = 216/7 x = 216/7 put the value of x and y in equation (1) we get the value of z. 2 (216/7) + 3 (-1/9) - z = 7 -z= 7 – 432/7 + 1/3 -z = - 1296 + 7/21 -z = -1189/21 z = 1189/21 So, this is our complete solution The value of x = 216/7, y = -1/9 and z = 1189/21 Summary: In the article, we have discussed the definition of the elimination method and the steps used for solving linear equations. Moreover, discusses the elimination method with the frequently asked question. Finally, solved the different examples to understand the topic in detail. FAQs: Question #1: What distinguishes the substitution technique from the elimination method? Answer: While both methods are used to solve systems of linear equations, the elimination method involves adding or subtracting equations to eliminate one variable, whereas the substitution method entails putting the expression from one equation for one variable into the other equations. Question # 2: What are the essential steps in the elimination method? Answer: The key steps include choosing a variable to eliminate, creating coefficients with equal magnitudes but opposite signs, adding or subtracting equations to eliminate the chosen variable, solving for the remaining variable, substituting and solving for the other variable, and finally, checking the solution's validity. Question # 3: Discuss the basic challenges we face in solving the elimination method. Answer: Challenges may include dealing with fractions, the need for multiple operations, and the potential for errors when manipulating equations. It's important to be systematic and organized throughout the process.

CoachingSelect November 30, 2023

Top Scholarship Programs in India for December

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Top Scholarship Programs in India for December

Nikon Scholarship Program 2023-24 An initiative of Nikon India Private Limited to financially support students from underprivileged sections of society to pursue photography-related courses. Financial assistance for photography-related courses will be given to underprivileged sections of society under this plan. Students who have finished their 12th grade will be eligible to get benefits from this programme. The student must be engaged in photography-related courses for a minimum of three months in order to be eligible for financial aid. The student's employment prospects would be enhanced by this programme. Nikon India Private Limited will offer scholarships up to Rs 100,000 under this programme.  Eligibility: Open for Indian students who have completed Class 12 and are pursuing photography-related courses with a duration of three months or more. Annual family income should be less than INR 6 lakh. Prizes & Rewards: Up to INR 1 lakh Last Date to Apply: 31-12-2023 Application mode: Online applications only   Technip Energies India Scholarship Program 2023-24 Technip Energies India invites applications from female students coming from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra who are currently enrolled in the first-year of B.E./B.Tech. courses. The Technip Energies India Scholarship is available to girls in the economically weaker section of the society who are unable to pay for their education. The following courses must be taken by students in their first year of B.E. or B.Tech programmes: chemical, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering. The Technip Energies India Scholarship 2023–24 is open to female students from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Maharashtra. The Technip Energies India Scholarship was established with the intention of inspiring female students to major in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Eligibility: Open for female students from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra.  Applicants must be currently enrolled in the first-year of B.E./B.Tech. (Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering) courses.  Must have scored 70% or more marks in Class 12. Annual family income of the applicant must not be more than INR 4,00,000 from all sources. Prizes & Rewards: INR 30,000 Last Date to Apply:  31-12-2023 Application mode: Online Applications Only   Kotak Life Insurance Scholarship Program 2023-24 An initiative by Kotak Life Insurance Company Ltd. to provide financial assistance to students from Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra to help them pursue their undergraduate studies in commerce stream. The Kotak Life Insurance Company established the Kotak Life Insurance Scholarship to help permanent residents of Maharashtra and Tamilnadu pay for their studies. This Kotak Life Insurance scholarship is only available to students who are enrolled in one of the six designated institutions and are in their first year of the B.Com program. The chosen students will get a stipend of up to Rs. 30,000 each year for three years, or until their BCom degree is completed. The Kotak Life Insurance scholarship money will be deposited into the relevant college's bank account before being given to the chosen student. Students will be chosen based on their qualifying requirements, verification of their documentation, and phone interview.   Eligibility: Open for students who are residents of Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. Applicants must be enrolled in the first-year of B.Com. program at any of the specified colleges in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. The list of colleges is given below - A. Veeriya Memorial Sri Pushpam College (Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu) Nadar Mahajana Sangam S. Vellaichamy Nadar College (Madurai,  Tamil Nadu) Edayathangudy G.S. Pillay Arts and Science College (Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu) Jai Hind Sindhu Education Trust's Manghanmal Udharam College of Commerce (Pune, Maharashtra) Gokhale Education Society's B.Y.K. (Sinnar) College of Commerce (Nashik, Maharashtra) LRD and SRP College for Women (Nagpur, Maharashtra) Applicants must have scored 65% marks or more in Classes 10 and 12. Applicants must have passed Class 12 in the year 2022–2023. Applicant’s annual family income must be ₹3.6 lakhs or less. Prizes & Rewards: Up to ₹30,000 per year Last Date to Apply: 17-12-2023 Application mode: Online Applications Only  

CoachingSelect November 27, 2023

Distance Learning expanding education beyond borders

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Distance Learning expanding education beyond borders

India's educational system has seen tremendous change in recent years, with remote learning becoming a major influence. The flexibility and accessibility provided by distance learning programmes are increasingly replacing the old idea of education being limited to physical campuses and classrooms. This blog examines how remote learning has developed in India, how it affects education, and what opportunities and difficulties it offers. Advantages of Distance Learning In India, distance learning—also referred to as online education or remote learning—has a long history. Even while correspondence courses have been around for a while, distance learning has reached new heights thanks to the digital revolution. A wide variety of online programmes and courses have been made possible by the development of the internet and technological breakthroughs. Flexibility: This is one of the main benefits of remote learning. With the ability to access lectures, course materials, and assignments from any location with an internet connection, students may manage their studies alongside other responsibilities, such as job. Accessibility: People who would not have been able to attend traditional schools because of geographic limitations now have more options for higher education because to distance learning. This inclusiveness is closing the divide and democratising education nationwide. Cost-Effectiveness: The costs of lodging, travel, and infrastructure are frequently high in traditional schooling. Many of these expenses are eliminated via distance learning, which lowers the cost of education for a larger group of people. Diverse Course Offerings: There are many different courses available on online platforms, ranging from professional certifications to academic degrees. Because of this variety, students may select courses that suit their interests and professional objectives. Interactive Learning Platforms: These days, virtual classrooms, live webinars, and discussion boards are all included in distant learning programmes. Because of this, students feel more unified even when they are physically apart. Effect on Indian Education Facilitating Lifelong Learning: The concept of education has changed from being a one-time event to a continuous process as a result of distant learning. Throughout their careers, people may upskill and learn new things, which helps them stay relevant in a labour market that is changing quickly. Filling Skill Gaps: Since distance learning is dynamic, courses designed to fill newly identified skill gaps may be quickly implemented. This is especially important in an environment like India, where the need for certain talents is ever-changing. Improving Accessibility to Higher Education: Especially for those living in rural places, distance learning has been instrumental in making higher education more accessible. Across the country, this is helping to create a workforce that is more educated and competent. Challenges and Future Outlook Technological Barriers: Although there is a slow decline in the digital gap, there are still obstacles accessing dependable devices and high-speed internet, especially in rural regions. Maintaining the success of remote learning requires continuing to close this gap. Quality Assurance: It's important to make sure that online programmes offer a high-quality education. Building credibility and confidence in remote learning requires putting in place strong accrediting procedures and upholding strict standards. Adaptation of Educators: As more classes move to online learning, teachers must adjust to new tools and methods. Continuous assistance and training are essential to increase the efficacy of remote learning initiatives. Conclusion Remote learning has become a revolutionary force in India's educational system. Even if there are obstacles, the advantages of flexibility, accessibility, and a wide range of course options make distance learning an important force in determining the direction of education in the nation. With the rapid advancement of technology, there is a great deal of room for innovation and development in distance learning, which might lead to a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment for students all across India.  

CoachingSelect November 20, 2023

How Gamification boosts student engagement and learning

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How Gamification boosts student engagement and learning

In order to improve motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes, gamification in education is the process of incorporating game aspects and concepts into instructional activities and environments. By incorporating game-like features like leaderboards, competitiveness, point systems, and interactive challenges, educators hope to improve student engagement and learning outcomes. Key Components of Gamification in Education Points and Badges: Students who finish assignments, hit goals, or exhibit particular abilities can receive points or badges. This facilitates acknowledging achievements and giving prompt feedback. Leaderboards: Putting up a scoreboard might make pupils feel competitive. Making student performance publicly visible can inspire students to work towards advancement. Challenges and Quests: Similar to gaming levels, educational information can be organised as challenges or quests. By finishing assignments, figuring out difficulties, or developing new abilities, students advance through the course curriculum. Storytelling & Narrative: Adding a plot or a narrative to the instructional material helps increase student interest. Characters or situations may resonate with students, enhancing the immersive nature of the learning process. Social Interaction and Collaboration: Games frequently promote social interaction and collaboration. Group activities, collaboration, and conversations are examples of educational gamification that may promote a feeling of community and shared learning. Instant Feedback: Performance feedback is instantly available in games. In an educational setting, this can assist students in recognising their advantages and disadvantages, enabling them to promptly modify their method of instruction. Customization and Personalization: Gamification makes it possible to create learning experiences that are tailored to the requirements and preferences of each individual learner. Engagement and motivation may increase as a result of this personalization. Scope of Gamification in Education Engagement and Motivation:  Gamification capitalises on people's natural drive for success, competitiveness, and attention. Gamification offers a global language that breaks through conventional barriers in a nation as diverse as India, where students come from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds. Teachers can encourage students to take an active role in their own education by introducing gaming components into the curriculum. Customized Learning Paths: Certain students are frequently left behind by the conventional one-size-fits-all method of teaching. Personalised learning experiences are made possible by gamification, enabling students to study material in a fashion that best fits their own learning preferences and advance at their own speed. By modifying the degree of difficulty according to a student's performance, adaptive learning systems provide a customised and successful educational experience. Development of Skills: Games naturally encourage the growth of important abilities including decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Students in India may gain both subject-specific information and vital life skills—which are becoming more and more crucial in a world that is changing quickly—through gamified learning modules. Interactive Education: An immersive and engaging learning environment is promoted by gamification. Teachers can enhance learning by adding interactive components such as games, role-playing, and group projects. This strategy especially appeals to India's younger, tech-savvy population, who are used to participatory digital encounters. Challenges Even though there are clear potential advantages to gamification in education, there are several issues that must be resolved. These include the necessity of appropriate training for educators, the possibility of distraction, and the significance of striking a balance between gamified components and conventional teaching techniques. For gamification to be inclusive and reach all of India, concerns like internet connectivity and technological availability must also be taken into account. Conclusion Gamification in education has a lot of potential for India as it provides a dynamic and interesting method of instruction that meets the requirements of students in the twenty-first century. Adopting gamification is a step towards creating a generation of lifelong learners with the information and fundamental skills they will need as technology continues to play a crucial role in determining the direction of education.  

CoachingSelect November 17, 2023

7 Best Morse Code translators for students

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7 Best Morse Code translators for students

Are you trying to find a new and enjoyable method to help your students study more effectively? The translator of Morse code is the only place to look! This antiquated method of communicating could appear out of date. It can improve memory recall and problem-solving skills in some unexpected ways. So grab your decoder ring and get ready to use this online translation to boost your education. This is a tool that fascinates people of every age. It's a communication method based on patterns, dots and dashes. Gaining comprehension is one way that students might gain from knowing this skill. They learn about the evolution of communication while also honing their cognitive skills using this online application. We'll discuss the top 7 student-friendly Morse code interpreters. The Best Morse Code Translators Most of us are still amazed by the Morse Code, even after more than 150 years. Every day, someone discovers this protocol and researches it online. There are a lot of apps out there, and while the majority will work, some might be confusing. We've put together a list of the best Morse code applications. Look into learning Morse code so you can use it with your buddies. 1. Morse Code This application has an outstanding translator for Morse code. You don't need to think too hard about translating your material. You will receive an encrypted text message in real-time. You can get help with the translation process from the program. It needs access to your flashlight for you to view the translation, which is represented by blinks. Turn on the vibration and sound for even more realism. Your surroundings are replete with Morse code, giving you the impression that you are on an aircraft carrier. After copying the translation result, send it to yourself via email or mail. This program is useful for those who want to learn a secret language. You can also have fun with this app. 2. Morsecode translator The Morse Code Translator is an essential program for anyone learning Morse code. The user interface of this app is friendly and straightforward. With this program, users can input any text to convert into Morse code. By utilizing the Morse Code Translator, you can easily become acquainted with the different Morse code characters. Both audio and visual feedback are provided by the app. It makes the dots and dashes on each character visible and audible. One of this translator's best advantages is its ability to adjust its speed based on your degree of skill. While more seasoned students might push themselves by increasing the pace, beginners can start off more slowly. 3. Morse Trainer Students can study Morse Code and get better at sending and receiving messages with the help of this software. Users can select the messages' speed and frequency, and a variety of levels of difficulty are available. However, it is not capable of translating text into Morse code. This software does a decent job of acquainting users with Morse code step-by-step. This app, which you can get for free from the Play Store, can help you add a new skill to your resume. 4. Morse Code Reader With the help of this program, you can create sounds for each dash and dot in Morse code and convert them to text. Its user interface (UI) is straightforward and easy to use, making it suitable even for beginners. The inability of this software to transfer messages is one of its shortcomings. The Morse code sounds are recorded by the app using the microphone on your smartphone. You'll get a translation right away. You should contact the developers if there are any issues with the application's functionality. The app's design is quite basic. It performs admirably for its one purpose. The app doesn't slow down your smartphone's functionality and just weighs 20KB. 5. Morse Code Keyboard Using this program, users can input messages in Morse code, which is then converted to text. Additionally, it makes vibration and sound message delivery easier. The inability to receive messages in the native format is one of the app's drawbacks. It can be used to have some fun and send your buddies secret messages. By copying the text and pressing the decode button on the keyboard, it is simple to understand the text that has been sent in Morse. The Play Store offers the software for free, but it contains advertising. 6. MorseLight Since the beginning of human civilization, people have communicated through coded signals. Smoke signals were once utilized by Native Americans, and only members of their tribe could decipher them. Among the many intuitive ways that Morse can transmit, using light is one of its many methods. Signals can be produced with the flashlight. If you're ever stuck somewhere with bad service, this software can only deliver visual message codes via flash; it cannot use the camera to decipher incoming flash signals; instead, you must manually enter the signal into the app, which will then translate it back to English. 7. M3 Translator Miraculous Mighty Morse is what M3, a hilarious app name, stands for. This translation program translates Morse into English, Japanese, Russian, Greek, and Hebrew, among other languages. It also functions well if you wish to convert your text to Morse code. It also has voice input capability and can convert speech to Morse code. Morse code can be communicated in three basic ways: sound, flash, and vibration. by just choosing one of the three options located in the upper right corner. Open this software to translate text when you come across a secret document that has all the information written in Morse. Maybe you'll uncover a big conspiracy. Bottom Line Today, the outdated system known as Morse code is still in use, despite being slower than other channels. The apps that we've included in this post take care of most people's needs. Morsee is a great choice if your only goal is to learn Morse code. By taking a quiz, you can have fun and play while learning Morse code.  

CoachingSelect November 16, 2023

Revolution in education by AI enabled adaptive learning

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Revolution in education by AI enabled adaptive learning

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) integration has shown to be a game-changer in the quickly changing field of education, providing innovative solutions to enduring problems. AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning, a dynamic method that customizes learning experiences to each learner's specific needs, is one such ground-breaking application. This ground-breaking technology has the power to completely reshape the educational landscape by offering students at all levels individualized and productive learning experiences. Understanding AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning Artificial intelligence algorithms are used in AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning, a cutting-edge educational technology, to recognize and address the unique requirements and skills of every student. Adaptive learning systems, as opposed to conventional one-size-fits-all teaching strategies, use data from student interactions to instantly customize the learning process. Key Components and Features Data Analytics: To monitor and assess student performance, learning preferences, and engagement levels, AI-enabled adaptive Learning depends on strong data analytics. With the use of this data-driven approach, the system can decide which teaching tactics are best for each learner. Personalized material: The system of adaptive learning adjusts the distribution of material according to the speed, learning style, and level of competence of the student. This promotes a more successful and interesting learning environment by guaranteeing that students are given content that challenges them suitably and is in line with their existing knowledge. Real-Time Feedback: Learning effectively requires receiving input right away. With real-time feedback on student progress via AI-enabled adaptive Learning, teachers can quickly spot and fill up knowledge gaps. This feedback loop fosters a sense of success and improves learning. Benefits of AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning Personalized Learning Paths: Having the capacity to design unique learning pathways for every student is one of the biggest benefits of AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning. This guarantees that students receive materials and evaluations that are customized to meet their requirements and promote a greater comprehension of the subject matter. Enhanced Engagement: Interactive and multimedia components are included in adaptive learning systems to make learning more entertaining and engaging. Real-time feedback and personalized material are two further factors that boost student engagement and motivation. Effective Time Utilization: Students may go through familiar material more quickly and devote more time to difficult ideas when they follow personalized learning paths. This adaptability makes better use of the time allotted for education and facilitates more effective learning. Focused Intervention: AI-powered adaptive Education pinpoints students' areas of weakness and offers focused interventions to assist them in overcoming obstacles and strengthening their comprehension of challenging ideas. Academic performance is improved overall when learning gaps are proactively addressed. Data-Driven Decision-Making: The abundance of data produced by adaptive learning systems is useful to educators. By analyzing this data, teachers may get insights into trends in student performance and use that information to influence curriculum design and instructional tactics. Challenges Although AI-enabled adaptive Learning has great promise, issues including data privacy, teacher preparation, and the digital divide must be addressed to guarantee that all people have equal access to these tools. Conclusion Personalized and data-driven learning is made possible by AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning, which is a disruptive force in education. As technology develops, the use of AI in the classroom has the potential to help every student reach their greatest potential and get them ready for a world that is changing quickly. We can build a future where education is not just available to everyone but also customized to meet the individual requirements of every student by accepting these advancements responsibly and tackling the problems they present.  

CoachingSelect November 15, 2023

Top three methods to convert PDF to WORD

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Top three methods to convert PDF to WORD

PDF files are popular especially in the business world because they are easy to read, share or view pdf on any device. These PDFs are cross-platform, have high fidelity. No matter where they are opened on which device you can view them in the same manner. They are difficult to edit but a reliable pdf to word converter such as  itspdf.com makes the document more accessible and editable word document which is much better than rewriting the whole document. Converting PDF to WORD using MS Word It is the easiest approach to convert the pdf to Word since you will be later editing the file in this program. Here are a few steps involved in conversion- First of all, find the pdf that is to be converted. Open the folder containing the file but not the file itself. Right-click the pdf and in pop up menu click open with Click the Word app to open the pdf. If you don't see the option choose another app and then in the popup window click more apps. Scroll to find the MS Word option and click OK. The program will start opening the file and ask permission to convert pdf to Word. Click OK.  Clicking OK will allow Word to convert the selected pdf to Word file. It can take a few seconds or minutes to convert the file depending on the size and complexity of the file. The file will open in Word now you can save it in Word. Converting PDF to word using Google Docs If you do not have access to MS Word but still need the Word format of PDF you can use Google Docs for PDF to WORD Converter. Follow these steps-  Open the web browser and go to Google Docs Click the open file picker icon near the top of the page In the open file window click the upload tab Open the file you want to convert. Select a file from the device and navigate to docs. After a moment the pdf will display in the browser but it is still open in Google Drive. You need to select it in Google Docs. At the top of the screen, click open with an arrow and choose docs. When the pdf appears in Google Docs, click the file to download in the docx extension. The file will be saved to your download folder. Note: Google Docs can not convert images from your pdf so you will lose all images during the conversion process. Converting PDF to word using online tools It is a widely used method of converting pdf to Word. An online converter is a handy tool for converting pdf to Word in bulk or frequently in a single click. Most PDF converters are easy to use, free of cost and provide a  good conversion without losing data. PDF converters have higher accuracy, handle complex layouts and try to preserve the formatting in most cases. It saves most of your time and energy. Some famous PDF converters are Itspdf.com PDF2GO Nanonets PDF to text OCR to Edit AvePDF Conclusion All three methods of pdf to Word conversion are easy to use but the last one online converter is the best method as you can convert multiple files at once which saves you time. Pdf is editable and easy to view and share but when it comes to editing it needs to be converted into a Word file with free pdf to Word converter.

CoachingSelect November 09, 2023

A Guide for Mastering Micrograms to Milligrams Conversion

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A Guide for Mastering Micrograms to Milligrams Conversion

Introduction In the world of measurements, precision is key. Whether you're a scientist, pharmacist, healthcare professional, or simply someone handling substances that require meticulous dosage, understanding the conversion between micrograms (mcg) and milligrams (mg) is a fundamental skill. This article aims to simplify the process of converting micrograms to milligrams, providing you with a practical guide for precise measurement in various fields. The Microgram to Milligram Conversion Before we delve into the conversion process, it's essential to understand the relationship between micrograms and milligrams by https://mcgtomg.info/mg-to-mcg. The key conversion factor is that one milligram is equal to 1000 micrograms. This relationship is represented by the following formula: Milligrams (mg)= 1000 Micrograms (mcg) Milligrams (mg)= 1000 Micrograms (mcg)​ This formula demonstrates that to convert micrograms to milligrams, you simply need to divide the number of micrograms by 1000. Why Precision Matters Accurate measurement is paramount in various fields: Pharmaceuticals: Pharmacists and healthcare professionals must ensure precise dosages to prevent adverse reactions or therapeutic inefficacy. Scientific Research: In laboratories, especially when working with substances in microgram quantities, precision is crucial to maintaining the integrity of experiments and research. Medical Practices: Some medications, particularly in specialized medical fields, are administered in microgram quantities. Accurate conversion is vital for patient safety. Nutritional Labels: In food and supplement manufacturing, precise measurements are required for accurate nutritional labeling. Practical Examples Let's consider a few real-world examples to illustrate the microgram to milligram conversion: Example 1: Converting 2500 mcg of a medication to milligrams. Using the formula: Milligrams (mg)=2500 mcg1000=2.5 mg Milligrams (mg)= 1000 2500mcg​ =2.5mg Hence, 2500 micrograms of the medication are equivalent to 2.5 milligrams. Example 2: Converting 5000 mcg of a vitamin supplement to milligrams. Using the formula: Milligrams (mg)=5000 mcg1000=5 mg Milligrams (mg)= 1000 5000mcg​ =5mg Therefore, 5000 micrograms of the vitamin supplement correspond to 5 milligrams. Conversion in Practice To effectively apply the microgram to milligram conversion, remember these key points: Identify the Measurement: Clearly identify whether you are working with micrograms or milligrams. Use the Formula: Apply the formula:           Milligrams (mg) = Micrograms (mcg)1000           Milligrams (mg)=          1000          Micrograms (mcg) Simplify When Possible: If dealing with large quantities, simplify the conversion by moving the decimal point three places to the left. For example, 6000 mcg is equivalent to 6 mg. Double-Check Calculations: Especially in professional settings, double-check your conversions to avoid errors that could have serious consequences. Conclusion Understanding the conversion from micrograms to milligrams is essential for anyone working with precise measurements, whether in healthcare, scientific research, or other fields. It's a skill that ensures safety, accuracy, and quality. By mastering this conversion process, you contribute to the integrity of your work, ensuring that measurements are both precise and reliable. Remember that accuracy and precision are the cornerstones of many professions, and this fundamental skill is a step toward excellence in your field.  

CoachingSelect October 18, 2023

Top 7 Best Online Tools for Students in 2024

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Top 7 Best Online Tools for Students in 2024

Both students and teachers can profit from educational tools. They are transportable and offer practical means of getting access to educational materials. These resources support conventional education. They might represent an upcoming major trend in contemporary educational dynamics. In order to enhance learning, they have enticing aspects, including movies, audio, and graphics. Students have access to a variety of cutting-edge apps that can be used for research, taking notes, learning courses, and much more. AI has the ability to create immersive virtual learning environments, "smart content," and eradicate language barriers. AI fills the gap between teaching and learning, develops personalized lesson plans for every student, and does a lot more. Numerous creative businesses are utilizing AI technologies to achieve these results. The top 10 AI tools for students in 2024 are listed below: The Best 10 AI Tools For Students There are a ton of modern, powerful tools accessible. They improve instruction and learning processes both in-person and online. The correct tools are not a luxury; they are a necessity if you want to give your students the finest learning experience possible. This guide is your road map to both free and expensive tools that give students more authority. Start the academic year off well. Let's start now. 1. Summarizingtool.io One of the most significant and popular writing approaches is the summarizing strategy. It permits us to rapidly and effectively communicate a lengthy piece of information. Utilizing summarizingtool.io is made easier by using an effective text summarizer. By utilizing AI algorithms, it can condense and concentrate any kind of content. It encourages creativity and improves writing. In essence, it makes it easier for readers to understand a work's point and main idea. Any type of content can be condensed with it. By sending the content, you can get an accurate summary right away. You can use its summary generator to summarize your information without a premium subscription. You can use it to get an endless stream of summaries. 2. ProWritingAid For writing essays, research papers, and other sorts of content, ProWritingAid is a favored resource. Students can use this cloud-based service to edit and review articles. The program aids in online grammar and plagiarism checks. It may be integrated with a variety of apps and is also used as a writing tutor. It is one of the most important research instruments. Reading model essays is necessary for students to get writing ideas. A research paper, essay, and other sorts of content are tested for readability using this tool. Using a grammar checker can help essays and other academic writing flow better. It highlights sentences, punctuation, and tenses that are used incorrectly. A writing style feature for determining the proper sentence structure, recognizes passive voice, awkward adverb usage, and repeated sentences. 3. Jpgtotext.com By dragging or uploading your JPG image, use the JPG Image to Text Converter to instantly get an editable text or file. Using online OCR image to text can make all of your administrative tasks easier. Indexing the pertinent data and making it always available, helps improve your machine park. With the help of this image to text converter, you may save, link, understand, and update data. Data that is manually inputted is also susceptible to errors. Banks can use OCR to create a database of relevant but natural client information by simply scanning documents. It can also protect your data from serious hazards like fire, fraud, and theft. 4. Ivy Chatbot Ivy is a collection of AI chatbot technologies made exclusively for schools and universities. They provide support for a variety of university-related problems, including deadlines, costs, enrollment, and application forms. With the help of the data it has gathered, Ivy can create recruitment initiatives. The AI tool can provide essential information to students. It provides essential details on a variety of subjects, including loans, grants, scholarships, and tuition payments. It may be used across various departments because it can produce personalized chatbots for each one. The best machine-learning algorithms are available at Ivy. Facilitating knowledge of natural language and context, makes one more proactive and intelligent. Ivy always makes it easy and hassle-free to get in touch with her. So why do you type out your inquiries? Give Ivy a chance to help you directly and discover what she can achieve. 5. Zoom For online classes looking for video conferencing and meeting solutions, Zoom is the best substitute. The 40-minute time limit for Zoom's free basic accounts has been removed. For hybrid classes, office hours, and other requirements, Zoom offers secure video conferencing. For students who wish to learn more, Zoom offers HD audio and video calls. Zoom offers a variety of features, including real-time collaboration, annotation, one-click content sharing, and more. The ability to record classes and transcriptions is a fantastic tool. Because of this, they can carry the lesson with them and proceed at their own pace. Zoom offers group discussions, polls, multi-sharing, and video breakout rooms. Teachers can produce simple-to-follow movies by reusing previously recorded videos. Zoom offers hardware to improve the actual learning process. 6. Grammarly With the aid of the effective online tool Grammarly, you may write with assurance. It offers immediate feedback on your work, allowing you to check that it is exact, precise, and free of mistakes. Grammarly may assist students in a variety of ways, including helping them write more effectively overall and with higher quality. Students can find grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes with the aid of Grammarly. Better word selection and sentence construction are suggested by this tool. The premium version aids with text plagiarism analysis. Grammarly looks for punctuation mistakes, including misplaced modifiers, participles that are hanging off the end, and improper comma usage. It tests your writing for plagiarism, so you may make sure you are not unintentionally plagiarizing. 7. Google Docs A platform for creating, editing, and storing online documents in the cloud is called Google Docs. It is a component of the Google Drive app family and provides a number of features to aid users in creating, working together, and storing documents online. Students can collaborate on assignments with Google Docs. They work in real-time collaboration with many individuals on any internet-connected device. For instance, if a group of students are engaged in joint project work, through Google Docs, they can quickly generate and distribute a document that anybody can edit. Summary These are only a few illustrations of the AI technologies that are accessible to students. New tools are being created to aid students in their learning process as the field of educational technology continues to advance. Both within and outside the classroom, they enhance student collaboration. Both online and offline, they are simple and convenient to use. They are made to foster regularity and make learning fun.

CoachingSelect October 10, 2023

Best UPSC Coaching in Kochi

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Best UPSC Coaching in Kochi

Vedhik IAS Academy Kerala's Vedhik IAS Academy in Kochi offers top-notch preparation for the UPSC Civil Service Exam. The academy provides a number of things that set it apart from its rivals. The academy's knowledgeable instructors offer in-depth information and advice for exam preparation. The professors also provide each student their undivided attention, which enables them to have their questions answered and improves their learning.  The institution places a strong emphasis on interactive learning, which keeps the trainees interested. As a result, kids are guaranteed to comprehend the ideas and remember them for a long time. Each student receives individualised attention from the academy, ensuring that everyone's questions are answered. Each student performs better thanks to this individualised strategy.  The academy offers time management strategies that help students in efficiently managing their time. This method is essential since it enables students to finish their coursework on time and modify it frequently. The academy often administers practise exams to help students become familiar with the format of the examination. They may assess their preparedness and pinpoint their weak spots with the use of this as well. Vedhik IAS Academy consistently turns forth qualified applicants who pass the UPSC Civil Service Examination. The institute offers a variety of applicant success stories that encourage and inspire students to put in more effort towards their objective.   Manappuram Civil Service Academy Manappuram believes in giving each and every student individualised attention, in contrast to other coaching centres where you're simply another name in the throng. They adjust their teaching strategies in accordance with the knowledge that each student has unique strengths and shortcomings. With their committed faculty members at your side, you'll never feel lost or behind. Manappuram is aware of the importance of time management in passing the UPSC examinations. They instruct you on time management techniques that will allow you to complete all of the exam questions within the allotted time. But there's more! Manappuram is aware of the value of thorough study materials. Manappuram creates a collaborative learning environment that fosters teamwork and camaraderie. It's like a mehfil of knowledge, where everyone shares their insights and helps each other grow. Because in the race to become civil servants, there's no room for solo performances. Manappuram promotes an atmosphere conducive to collaboration and fraternity in the classroom. Similar to a mehfil of knowledge, everyone contributes their knowledge and supports one another's development. because there is no opportunity for solo performances in the competition to become public employees. Race2IAS The Race 2 IAS staff is extremely informed and skilled, and they have extensive classroom instruction experience. They give the students priceless insights because they are knowledgeable about the most recent developments in the field. The growth and learning of each individual student are the main goals of Race 2 IAS. Students may obtain the direction and support they require thanks to a group of committed mentors and counsellors who are on call 24 hours a day.Courses available: For the UPSC preliminary and main examinations as well as optional topics, there is complete tutoring available at the Race 2 IAS coaching centre in Kochi, Kerala. Different time management strategies are taught to students by the teachers in order to help them do better on exams.  The correct coaching centre might make all the difference in your ability to pass the UPSC test. In Kochi, Kerala, Race 2 IAS offers knowledgeable instructors, committed student assistance, and a successful teaching methodology. Race 2 IAS has you covered with prelims, mains, and optional topic courses. Elegant IAS Academy They have mastered the blending of curriculum and teaching technique at Elegant IAS Coaching. Their extensive learning materials go beyond the old, stale texts. They provide you state-of-the-art materials that cover every topic on the UPSC curriculum. They also often administer mock exams to check your readiness since, let's face it, practise makes perfect. With state-of-the-art tools, Elegant IAS Coaching goes above and beyond, making you wonder if you've stumbled onto a sci-fi movie. They have a knack for holding your interest, whether it is through interactive online lessons or interesting movies. With state-of-the-art tools, Elegant IAS Coaching goes above and beyond, making you wonder if you've stumbled onto a sci-fi movie.  At Elegant IAS Coaching, they go all out with cutting-edge resources that will leave you wondering if you've stumbled into a sci-fi movie. From interactive online modules to engaging videos, they know how to keep your attention hooked. Ekam IAS Those studying for the UPSC examinations can choose from a variety of courses offered by the Ekam IAS institute. These programmes are intended to cover every facet of preparation, from the fundamentals to the most cutting-edge ideas. The knowledgeable and committed instructors at Ekam IAS Academy are one of the key factors contributing to its reputation as the finest UPSC coaching facility in Kerala. The instructors were carefully chosen from Delhi, the nation's capital, which has a long tradition of turning out effective IAS officials. Students at Ekam are prepared for the next competitive tests thanks to their knowledge and leadership. Along with their expertise, the faculty gives each student individualised attention to make sure they comprehend the material completely. Hostel accommodations are offered by Ekam for students travelling from outside the city. For students who do not want to spend a lot of time travelling, it is also conveniently positioned near to the academy. Any coaching center's student success stories are what define its genuine success. Students at the Ekam IAS Academy have not only aced the UPSC test on their first try, but also achieved high rankings. The institution can be proud of a strong track record of providing qualified applicants.

CoachingSelect October 08, 2023

How to ace IB Mathematics and Physics Higher Level Courses

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How to ace IB Mathematics and Physics Higher Level Courses

At our academy IB Elite Tutor, our team constantly think about new tricks on how to help our IB Maths & Physics students. For Maths IBO offers four different courses. IB Maths AA HL, IB Maths AA SL, IB Maths AI HL, IB Maths AI SL while there are only two courses for Physics, HL and SL. Achieving a 7 in IB Mathematics and Physics Higher Level courses can be challenging, but with dedication, effective study strategies, and proper planning, it's definitely possible. Here are some tips by our tutors to help you reach that goal: 1. Understand the IB Assessment Criteria- Familiarize yourself with the specific assessment criteria for Mathematics and Physics HL. These criteria include aspects like knowledge and understanding, application, analysis, and evaluation. Make sure you know what is expected in each criterion. 2. Stay Organized- Keep a well-organized notebook for each subject. Maintain a clear record of class notes, assignments, and important concepts. This will make it easier to review and study effectively. 3. Master the Basics- Ensure you have a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of both subjects. If you struggle with basics, it will be challenging to excel in the higher-level content. Our IB Maths Tutor always focuses on basics 4. Regular Practice- Regular practice is key to success. Solve problems, work through exercises, and do past papers regularly. Consistency is crucial. 5. Use Additional Resources- Don't rely solely on your class materials. Use textbooks, online resources, and study guides to supplement your understanding. 6. Seek Help When Needed- If you don't understand a concept, don't hesitate to seek help from your teacher or a tutor. It's important to address misunderstandings promptly. 7. Study Groups- Form or join study groups with classmates who are equally committed to achieving a high score. Discussing concepts with others can help solidify your understanding. 8. Time Management- Create a study schedule that allocates sufficient time to each subject. Balance your study time between Mathematics and Physics to avoid neglecting one in favour of the other. 9. Practice Past Papers- IB past papers are invaluable for understanding the exam format and types of questions. Try to complete as many as possible under timed conditions. You can take help with our IB Physics Tutor to solve past papers. 10. Review and Reflect- Regularly review your notes and mistakes from practice papers. Identify areas where you need improvement and focus on them. 11. Stay Healthy- Don't neglect your physical and mental health. A well-balanced diet, exercise, and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining focus and concentration during your studies. 12. Manage Stress- IB courses can be stressful, but excessive stress can hinder your performance. Develop stress-management techniques, such as mindfulness or relaxation exercises. 13. Stay Informed- Keep up-to-date with changes in the IB curriculum or exam format. Make sure you are using the most recent study materials. 14. Stay Motivated- Remember why you chose to pursue these challenging courses. Visualize your goal of achieving a 7 to keep yourself motivated during difficult times. 15. Practice Exams with Timed Conditions- As the exams approach, simulate exam conditions as closely as possible while taking practice tests. This will help you get used to the time constraints and pressure of the actual exams. 16. Stay Positive and Persistent- It's normal to face difficulties along the way, but maintain a positive attitude and keep working toward your goal. Remember that achieving a 7 in IB Mathematics and Physics HL requires consistent effort over time. Stay committed to your studies, and don't be discouraged by setbacks. With determination and the right strategies, you can reach your goal. IB Elite Tutor has been established in 2010 to help & support IB students. Please visit https://ibelitetutor.com for more such posts. 

CoachingSelect September 12, 2023

Ttsreader Reviews and Alternatives

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Ttsreader Reviews and Alternatives

Whether you're a busy student trying to study on the move or someone with visual impairments searching for accessible options, online text-to-speech technology has emerged as a powerful tool. Among the numerous TTS software available, Ttsreader stands out for its user-friendly interface and robust features. This article aims to delve into Ttsreader reviews, examining its features and limitations and presenting alternatives for those who require a better-suited option. What isTtsreader and its Features? This is a robust online text-to-voice solution that caters to many users. Whether you're a student striving for improved comprehension, a busy professional seeking streamlined content consumption, or someone facing visual impairments, Ttsreader offers valuable features and advantages. Features User-Friendly Interface: This has an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to paste or upload text. The straightforward controls ensure that users of various technical backgrounds may easily traverse the site. Language Support: Language support is one of Ttsreader's distinguishing characteristics. This multilingual capability makes it a valuable tool for language learners and instructors. Customization Options: This provides many customization choices, allowing users to customize the reading experience to their tastes. To get a personalized experience, users may alter the speech beat, pitch, and loudness and select among numerous voices. High-Quality Audio Output: The quality of this tool’s text-to-speech voices is critical to a pleasurable reading experience. Ttsreader, thankfully, succeeds on this front, with natural and clear audio output that is pleasant on the hearing. Text Highlighting: Ttsreader includes a text highlighting function that graphically highlights each word as it is spoken. This additional visual component can benefit language learners and those with learning difficulties. Integration and Accessibility: Ttsreader's integration and accessibility are enhanced through its interface with numerous platforms. Users may install browser extensions or link this with popular programs like Google Drive and Pocket, allowing seamless use across several devices and applications. Limitations The free version has a limited range of text-to-speech voices. Some advanced features are only accessible in the premium edition. Specific languages may not entirely imitate human-like tones and emotions. In complicated or domain-specific phrases, pronunciation errors might arise. Alternatives to Ttsreader for Text-to-Speech Online Tool In search of options other than this TTS tool? We have got you covered. Whether you desire something with extra features or are simply eager to experiment with something different, explore our top alternatives to TTSReader listed below. On4t Text-To-Speech On4t text-to-voice is a flexible software that accommodates 140 languages and offers a diverse range of 500 human text-to-speech voices in different accents. Its offline functionality allows users to conveniently access content without an internet connection, making it suitable for on-the-go usage. The user-friendly interface and dependable performance of the https://on4t.com/text-to-speech online tool guarantee effortless integration, establishing it as a trusted option for individuals needing a prompt and effective reading solution across different devices and applications. Natural Reader Natural Reader is highly regarded as an application for converting text-to-audio conversion, known for its easy-to-use interface and extensive language support. Its advanced technology produces speech that is both clear and natural-sounding, greatly enhancing the reading experience for users of all age groups. Its seamless integration across different platforms further solidifies its status as a top choice among users seeking a reliable solution for online text-to-speech needs. Additionally, the premium version provides extra features such as OCR technology, which enables reading text from images. TextAloud TextAloud is a powerful desktop software that converts text to audio effortlessly. It supports various document formats and offers advanced customization options, allowing users to tailor their reading experience according to their preferences. While it may not have offline functionality, TextAloud compensates with its remarkable batch file conversion capability and extensive features, making it an ideal tool for efficient content consumption and language acquisition. Balabolka Balabolka is a highly versatile text-to-voice generator for Windows users with extensive features. It can support various file formats and allows users to customize their voice, pitch, and reading speed according to their preferences. Its batch file conversion feature makes it ideal for efficiently processing numerous documents simultaneously. Speechify Designed to cater to individuals constantly on the move, this Ai voice generator is an innovative online text-to-speech app driven by artificial intelligence. It effortlessly converts text from web pages, documents, and PDFs into natural-sounding speech, making it an invaluable companion for busy users. With its ability to work offline and support multiple platforms, Speechify revolutionizes content consumption and facilitates on-the-go learning experiences. Final Words On4t text-to-speech online tool stands out as the ultimate replacement for TTsreader. Its user interface is unmatched, offering a wide range of language choices and precise pronunciation that surpasses this in every way. Moreover, personalizing text-to-speech voices and controlling reading speed add a unique touch to your reading journey. Whether you seek educational or recreational benefits, the On4t Ai voice generator guarantees a flawless and pleasurable text-to-voice experience. Keep quality high when it comes to online TTS technology. Give On4t a try today and witness its transformative impact on your reading encounters.  

CoachingSelect August 03, 2023

mL to mg Conversion and Exploring Different Substances and Solutions

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mL to mg Conversion and Exploring Different Substances and Solutions

For more education tools and knowledge, please visit CoachingSelect. Here we go with our conversion tool.  Introduction: Converting between millilitres (mL) and milligrams (mg) is a common task in various scientific disciplines and everyday life. The conversion process is crucial for accurately measuring and administering substances, especially in fields such as medicine, chemistry, and pharmacy. Understanding the conversion factors and applying them correctly is essential to ensure precise dosing and avoid potential errors. In this article, we will delve into the conversion between mL and mg, exploring different substances and solutions commonly encountered in scientific and practical contexts. Understanding the Basics: Before we dive into specific examples, it's important to establish a foundational understanding of mL and mg. Milliliters (mL) measure volume by ml to mg calculator representing a unit of capacity or liquid volume, while milligrams (mg) measure mass, representing a unit of weight or quantity of a substance. To convert between mL and mg, one must consider the density of the substance or solution in question. Converting Liquids: Water: Water has a density of approximately 1 gram per millilitre (g/mL). Therefore, 1 mL of water is equal to 1,000 mg (1 g). Common Solvents: Many common solvents, such as ethanol, acetone, or methanol, have densities close to 1 g/mL. Consequently, converting mL to mg is a straightforward process, as 1 mL of these solvents is approximately equal to 1,000 mg. Converting Solutions: Converting mL to mg in solutions requires additional consideration, as it involves accounting for the concentration or strength of the solution. This is particularly important when dealing with pharmaceuticals, chemicals, or solutions with varying compositions. Medications: Pharmaceutical solutions often list the concentration in milligrams per milliliter (mg/mL). To convert mL to mg, simply multiply the volume (in mL) by the concentration (in mg/mL). For example, if a medication has a concentration of 10 mg/mL, 5 mL of the solution would contain 50 mg of the active ingredient. Chemical Solutions: In chemistry, solutions may have different concentrations or molarities. To convert mL to mg in these cases, additional information about the specific substance and its molar mass is required. By knowing the molar mass (in grams per mole) and the molarity (in moles per liter) of the solution, one can determine the conversion factor to convert between mL and mg. Dilutions: Diluting a solution involves adding a solvent to reduce the concentration of the solute. In such cases, the mL to mg conversion depends on the dilution ratio. For example, if a solution is diluted by adding 10 mL of water to 10 mL of the original solution, the final concentration would be half. Thus, if the original solution had a concentration of 20 mg/mL, the diluted solution would have a concentration of 10 mg/mL. Conclusion: Converting between milliliters (mL) and milligrams (mg) is an essential skill in scientific fields and practical applications. By understanding the density of substances, concentration of solutions, and the molar mass of specific compounds, one can accurately convert mL to mg and vice versa. Precise conversions are crucial for proper dosing, formulation of solutions, and maintaining accuracy in various scientific experiments. Developing proficiency in mL to mg conversions empowers individuals in fields such as medicine, chemistry, and pharmacy to handle substances with precision, ensuring optimal results and minimizing the risk of errors.  

CoachingSelect July 12, 2023

Master Java with Best Java Training Courses Certification Program

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Master Java with Best Java Training Courses Certification Program

Introduction: In today's technology-driven world, Java remains one of the most widely used programming languages. It's known for its versatility, platform independence, and extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Recognizing the significance of Java in the IT industry, KVCH offers the best Java training courses and certification programs. With a comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, and a commitment to excellence, KVCH is the go-to destination for individuals looking to master Java and enhance their career prospects. In this blog post, we will delve into the key features of KVCH's Java training program and highlight why it is the ideal choice for aspiring Java developers. For more information about the training courses and institutions, please visit CoachingSelect. Comprehensive Java Training Courses: At KVCH, Java training courses are designed to cater to the learning needs of individuals at various skill levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer looking to enhance your Java skills, KVCH has the perfect course for you. The training curriculum covers all the essential aspects of best Java programming, starting from the fundamentals to advanced topics like Java EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, and more. The courses are structured to provide a solid understanding of Java concepts, syntax, object-oriented programming principles, and best practices. The Java training courses offered by KVCH are carefully designed to cater to individuals with diverse skill levels and learning goals. Whether you are taking your first steps into the world of programming or seeking to advance your existing Java skills, KVCH has a course tailored to your needs. The training curriculum encompasses all crucial aspects of Java programming, beginning with the fundamentals and gradually progressing to more advanced topics such as Java EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, and beyond. Participants can expect to develop a strong foundation in Java, gaining proficiency in essential concepts, syntax, and object-oriented programming principles. The courses also emphasize industry best practices, equipping learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to write clean, efficient, and maintainable Java code. With KVCH's comprehensive Java training courses, individuals can confidently embark on their journey to becoming proficient Java developers. Experienced Trainers: One of the key strengths of KVCH's Java training program is its team of experienced trainers. These trainers bring a wealth of industry experience and expertise to the table. They have a deep understanding of Java and its practical applications in real-world scenarios. Their guidance and mentorship play a vital role in helping participants grasp complex Java concepts and gain hands-on experience. The trainers at KVCH are not just instructors but mentors committed to their student's success. A significant advantage of KVCH's Java training program lies in its team of highly experienced trainers. These trainers possess extensive industry knowledge and expertise, accumulated through years of working with Java in real-world projects. Their deep understanding of Java programming enables them to deliver comprehensive and practical training to participants. More than just instructors, KVCH's trainers serve as mentors, providing valuable guidance and support to help participants navigate the complexities of Java programming. They create a nurturing and interactive learning environment where participants can freely ask questions, seek clarifications, and engage in discussions. The trainers' commitment to their student's success is evident in their dedication to imparting not only technical knowledge but also the practical skills and insights needed to excel in the field of Java development. With the guidance and mentorship of KVCH's experienced trainers, participants can gain a deeper understanding of Java and build the confidence to apply their skills in real-world scenarios. Hands-on Learning: KVCH believes in a practical approach to learning Java. The training courses incorporate hands-on exercises, coding assignments, and real-world projects to ensure participants gain valuable experience. By working on projects that mimic real industry scenarios, participants get a taste of what it's like to develop Java applications in a professional setting. This hands-on learning approach not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also hones participants' problem-solving skills and boosts their confidence. At KVCH, the focus is on practical learning when it comes to Java training. The training courses are designed to provide participants with hands-on experience through various exercises, coding assignments, and real-world projects. By actively engaging in practical activities, participants can apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and gain valuable experience. The projects assigned during the training mimic real industry scenarios, allowing participants to develop Java applications just as they would in a professional environment. This approach reinforces the theoretical concepts learned and enhances participants' problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities. Through hands-on learning, participants gain the confidence to tackle real-world Java development challenges and become proficient Java programmers. KVCH's emphasis on practicality ensures that participants are well-prepared to meet the demands of the industry and excel in their Java careers. Flexible Training Programs: KVCH understands that individuals have diverse learning preferences and commitments. To accommodate different needs, KVCH offers flexible training programs. Participants can choose from full-time, part-time, or weekend batches based on their availability. This flexibility allows working professionals and students to balance their learning with other responsibilities. Moreover, KVCH provides both online and in-person training options, giving participants the freedom to choose the mode of learning that suits them best. Java Certification Course: Upon successful completion of the Java training program, participants receive a certification from KVCH, which is recognized by the industry. This certification validates their expertise in Java programming and serves as a testament to their skills and knowledge. Employers value certifications from reputable training providers like KVCH as they demonstrate a candidate's commitment to professional growth and continuous learning. Job Placement Assistance: KVCH goes beyond just training by offering comprehensive job placement assistance to its participants. The training program includes career development sessions, resume-building workshops, and mock interviews to prepare participants for job opportunities. KVCH has established connections with numerous industry partners, enabling participants to explore job openings and internships in renowned companies. With KVCH's support, participants have a competitive edge in the job market and can kickstart their careers as Java developers. Conclusion: Mastering Java is a gateway to exciting career opportunities in the ever-expanding IT industry. KVCH's Java training courses and certification program provide a solid foundation in Java programming and equip individuals with the skills required to succeed in their Java careers. With a comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, hands-on learning, flexible training programs, and job placement assistance, KVCH ensures that participants receive the best Java training experience. Invest in your professional growth today and unlock the doors to a rewarding Java development journey with KVCH.        

CoachingSelect June 26, 2023

Unleashing the Power of Learning with the Ultimate E Learning Apps

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Unleashing the Power of Learning with the Ultimate E Learning Apps

In today's lightning-fast digital world, learning has broken free from the old-school confines of classrooms. Thanks to technology, e-learning apps have revolutionized the way we acquire knowledge. Every e-learning app development company strives to provide a handy and accessible platform for folks of all ages to learn new skills, boost expertise, and broaden horizons. In this feature, we'll explore the crème de la crème of e-learning apps, the top 10 trailblazers in this educational revolution. Grasping E-Learning Before we dive into the world of e-learning apps, let's first get a grip on how they work and the juicy features they offer. E-learning apps harness digital platforms to serve up educational content, interactive lessons, assessments, and personalized learning experiences. These apps often sprinkle in multimedia elements like videos, animations, and gamified techniques to make learning pop and sizzle. The Lowdown on E-Learning App Relevance The importance of e-learning apps in the realm of training and education cannot be overstated. They provide a flexible learning environment that bends to individual preferences, schedules, and learning styles. Whether you're a pro looking to level up your skills, a student turbocharging classroom learning, or a passion-driven explorer, e-learning apps offer a treasure trove of opportunities to enrich knowledge and snag fresh skills. The Top 10 E-Learning Apps Coursera As a leading e-learning platform, Coursera offers an extensive selection of online courses from renowned universities and institutions across the globe. It covers a wide range of subjects, including computer science, business, arts, and humanities. With courses available in multiple languages, Coursera opens its doors to a diverse and global audience. Udemy When it comes to e-learning marketplaces, Udemy takes center stage. This popular platform plays host to an eclectic collection of courses created by instructors from around the world. From technical skills like programming and web development to personal growth, music, and photography, Udemy's catalog caters to a wide range of interests. What's more, Udemy courses are accessible in various languages, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility. Khan Academy Making education accessible to all, Khan Academy is a non-profit e-learning platform that offers free educational resources in the form of video lectures, practice exercises, and quizzes. It focuses primarily on academic subjects such as math, science, history, and economics. With content available in multiple languages, Khan Academy breaks down language barriers and empowers learners globally. Duolingo When it comes to language learning, Duolingo stands tall as a renowned app. This widely recognized platform offers interactive lessons for languages such as Spanish, French, German, and many more. Duolingo spices up the language learning journey with gamification elements, making it engaging, enjoyable, and addictive. No wonder learners flock to Duolingo, which supports multiple languages for a truly immersive experience. LinkedIn Learning Formerly known as Lynda.com, LinkedIn Learning is an e-learning platform that boasts an extensive library of courses focused on professional development. It covers an array of topics, including business, technology, marketing, and creative skills. With courses available in multiple languages, LinkedIn Learning equips professionals worldwide with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in their careers. Udacity When it comes to technology and programming, Udacity takes the crown. This e-learning platform specializes in offering courses tailored to the tech industry. From nanodegree programs to individual courses developed in collaboration with industry experts, Udacity empowers learners with the skills that matter in the tech world. Codecademy Unlocking the world of coding and programming, Codecademy is an interactive e-learning platform that puts learners in the driver's seat. It offers courses in various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and more. With its hands-on approach, Codecademy allows learners to practice coding while they learn, ensuring a comprehensive and immersive experience. Rosetta Stone Renowned for its language-learning software, Rosetta Stone provides immersive language courses suitable for learners of all levels. With languages like Spanish, French, Chinese, and Japanese on its menu, Rosetta Stone embraces a dynamic immersion method to facilitate language acquisition. Say goodbye to boring textbooks and hello to an engaging language-learning journey. edX As a massive open online course (MOOC) platform, edX partners with prestigious universities and institutions to offer a wide range of courses. From computer science to engineering, humanities to social sciences, edX covers a diverse array of subjects. With courses available in multiple languages, edX promotes inclusivity and fosters a global learning community. Memrise If vocabulary building and memorization techniques are your cup of tea, Memrise has got you covered. This language-learning app offers courses in various languages, utilizing mnemonic devices and spaced repetition to enhance language retention. With user-generated content, Memrise creates a vibrant community of learners who support and motivate each other.   Cracking the Code: Developing a Competing App To craft an e-learning app that stands toe-to-toe with the industry giants, keep these key factors front and center: User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface is the bedrock of a successful e-learning app. It should be a breeze to navigate, visually pleasing, and intuitive. Users should be able to access content effortlessly, track progress, and customize their learning experience. Steer clear of cluttered layouts and embrace simplicity, ensuring users can effortlessly find what they're seeking. Interactive and Engaging Content: Gone are the days of passive learning. Modern learners yearn for interactivity and engagement. Sprinkle your app with multimedia elements like videos, animations, quizzes, and interactive exercises to make the learning experience immersive and delightful. Gamification techniques, like badges, levels, and leaderboards, can also stoke the fires of motivation and keep users hooked. Personalization: One size doesn't fit all when it comes to learning. Implement personalization features that allow users to tailor their learning paths to suit their interests, skill levels, and goals. Adaptive assessments can dynamically adjust question difficulty based on the user's performance, delivering a personalized and optimized learning experience. Additionally, provide course or topic recommendations based on users' past activities and interests. Collaboration and Community: Learning thrives in the soil of collaboration and interaction. Integrate features that foster collaboration, such as discussion forums, live chat, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Users should be able to connect with fellow learners, share knowledge, pose questions, and receive feedback. Cultivating a sense of community within the app can fire up user engagement and boost loyalty. Seamless Mobile Experience: Mobile devices reign supreme when it comes to accessing content and learning on the fly. Ensure your app is primed for mobile devices, boasting responsive design and buttery-smooth performance across various screen sizes and operating systems. Consider developing native apps for iOS and Android platforms to deliver a tailored experience for each platform. The Future of E-Learning Apps As technology continues its relentless march, the future of e-learning apps teems with potential. With artificial intelligence and virtual reality taking center stage, e-learning apps will serve up increasingly immersive and personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning algorithms will tailor content to individual learning styles and abilities, revolutionizing how we acquire knowledge. Moreover, mobile learning will skyrocket, democratizing education for individuals worldwide, regardless of their geographical location or socioeconomic background. In a Nutshell E-learning apps have ushered in a new era of education, empowering individuals to learn at their own pace and on their own terms. The top 10 e-learning apps highlighted in this article have made indelible marks on the digital learning landscape, covering a wide range of subjects and catering to diverse interests. As we gaze into the future, the potential of e-learning apps to transform education and empower lifelong learners knows no bounds. Embrace the power of e-learning, embarking on a journey of ceaseless growth and self-improvement.  

CoachingSelect June 13, 2023

Useful AI tools for EdTech

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Useful AI tools for EdTech

Some of the applications of machine learning & artificial intelligence in the EdTech industry are listed here. For more information about such tools, you can visit CoachingSelect blogs.  1. A Step Towards Predictive Analysis There was once a time when "old school" teachers had biases regarding a student's future. This did, in some cases, lower the morale of young people who began to feel a little inferior to others. Here, "proof-eccentric" data is used in place of favoritism in the predictive analysis. Predictive analysis, which makes use of the art of machine learning in EdTech, takes the lead by examining both historical and current data in order to forecast future outcomes. In order to predict future events or those that are otherwise unknown, predictive analytics uses a variety of statistical techniques from data mining, predictive modeling, and machine learning. 2. Process Efficiency is not a Far-Sighted Dream Teachers need a better system that takes care of everything and allows them to concentrate on a more important goal, namely spreading their knowledge to the general public. The days when teachers struggled to keep separate logs for each of their students are long gone. One of the main advantages of machine learning in education is that machines have taken over the workload by methodically organizing content and managing the daily curriculum of the teachers. The outcome is clear: Students perform incredibly better and teachers effectively teach. The gap between students and teachers is another area of education where machine learning is crucial.  The automated system will make appointments for students based on their regular schedules and those of the teachers, so they won't have to chase them down. Example: A web platform called Netex Learning uses machine learning to enable tutors to create their own daily lesson plans. The best part is that teachers already have the power to structure their lesson plans around content that includes audio, video, custom assignments, and discussion forums. 3. Revolutionizing Learning with Smart Tutors The touch of application and real-world implications have always been restrained in traditional lectures. There has always been room for improvement, and machine learning technology introduces just that. The much-needed trend known as "smart tutors" is slowly but surely leaving its mark on the educational landscape. In addition to regular assessment quizzes, the lectures are being converted into video tutorials, flashcards, smart guides, and educational apps. The one thing that stands out is that students and teachers have constant access to online learning resources. Virtual tutors are yet another form that the smart tutor system is taking. This may be the best strategy for positioning your educational institution as an actual "edtech" organisation that has embraced machine learning. Let’s take a look at the BEST AI tools for EdTech innovation on board: Gradescope Students can evaluate each other while giving feedback using the Gradescope AI tool, which speeds up tasks that would otherwise take a long time. Gradescope uses a combination of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to make grading simpler and more efficient. Teachers can concentrate on the more important tasks by outsourcing these ones. The teacher can use Gradescope to grade paper-based tests, online homework, and projects all in one location. Nuance’s Dragon Speech Recognition Students and faculty can use Nuance's speech recognition software, which is based in Burlington, Massachusetts. For students who struggle to write or type, the company's Dragon Speech Recognition product can transcribe up to 160 words per minute. For students who need accessibility features, the tool also supports verbal commands to navigate documents. Many additional features are available with Dragon, including the ability to transcribe worksheets, reading lists, lesson plans, syllabi, and more at a speed that is three times faster than typing. While doing so, it achieves 99% accuracy. Ivy Chatbot Ivy is a collection of chatbot AI tools that were created especially for colleges and universities. They help with a variety of aspects of the university process, including deadlines, tuition costs, enrollment, and application forms. Ivy also has the ability to plan recruitment campaigns using the data gathered. The AI tool can offer students the information they desperately need, including crucial specifics on loans, scholarships, grants, tuition payments, and more. Because it can create customised chatbots for each department, it can be utilized across all of them. Carnegie Learning’s Platforms Carnegie Learning, a leading provider of curriculum and educational technology, uses AI and machine learning in its learning platforms for college- and high-school-aged students. For the subjects of math, literacy, or foreign languages, these platforms provide a variety of original solutions. The supplier is the recipient of numerous accolades for education, including "Best Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning App" at the Tech Edvocate Awards. Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University created one of its products, the MATHia software. Additionally, it provides Fast ForWord, a reading and language programme that aids in the development of cognitive skills in students. Knewton’s Alta It is a comprehensive courseware solution that combines openly available content with adaptive learning technology to create a more individualised learning environment for each student. Each Alta product includes all of the text, video, examples, and assessments required to complete a course. Additionally, it is offered in a variety of courses, including those in the subjects of math, statistics, economics, and chemistry. The following are some of Knewton's Alta's key characteristics: • Technology for adaptive learning • Personalised learning opportunities The way forward of AL in EDTECH The incredible combination of AL and ML has elevated and advanced the entire ed-tech sector. People are switching to automated platforms supported by next-generation technologies because traditional approaches to managing educational operations are no longer effective. So there is still much to be done in both machine learning and education. To get everyone on board and appreciate your efforts, all your education department needs to do is comprehend the demands of the moment. So, quit the traditional methods of education and embrace applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning. You can easily locate companies in the digital ecosystem that have experience creating machine learning tools and applications. Now that you have a clear understanding of how machine learning is altering the educational landscape, the first step entails looking up machine learning-equipped companies that can assist you in developing a practical AI & ML model.

Tanushri May 28, 2023

Top 5 Essential File Converters for Students

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Top 5 Essential File Converters for Students

When it comes to batch file transformation, most converters require subscription plans. Luckily, you can get this online converter that lets you make single or batch files conversions for free of cost without even compromising over the formatting and quality. Apart from that, in this context we are going to reveal a few full-fledged file conversion utilities that let students as well as faculty members attain the compatible or supported files after conversion. To know more about such tools, please visit blog section at CoachingSelect.  1. CloudConvert: CloudConvert is one of the best conversion sources that entertains you with a wide variety of files including audio, video, archives, etc. The most apparent reason for discussing this program is that it supports over 200 file formats and is compatible with third-party applications like Amazon S3. Converting, optimizing, merging, and creative archives is pretty simple with this online converter. In addition to that, this free image converter lets you proceed with additional settings for free of cost. At this web-based program, you can import files from your PC storage or cloud storage.  Why Use? Fast & full-fledged online converter for free Functions with different settings for output formats Offers integrations with third-party applications Make conversions directly from the cloud-services Why Don’t? Takes processing times for complicated files 2. Doxillion Document Converter Software: NCH software is loaded with different numbers of media file converters that lets you process conversions for different files: documents, archives, music, video, and more. If you want to make document conversion, you ought to use Doxillion that supports nearly all formats such as PDF, Mobi, Wps, HTML, etc. With the assistance of this file transformation program, you could import and export files with a single go. This program supports batch files conversion, text to images transformation, merging multiple files at once into a single file. Why Use? Make conversions for text files without any formatting distraction Transform files in a single go Supports nearly all formats Batch conversions Why Don’t? Proceed with average files transformation speed 3. Doc Converter Pro: As the name reveals that this source offers the best document converter that lets you make super-fast conversions for both single or multiple files. This legitimate utility works for making conversions for different formats such as doc, pdf, html, etc. You could use its special templates in order to proceed with even more fast conversions. You can make adjustments for them corresponding to your requirements. You can make a selection for the file format, input as well as output file options, conversion engine, and add notes. Despite that all, this document converter lets you make transformation directly from MS word with the assistance of the toolbar that is installed in the program. Why Use? Converter for batch files conversion Lets you to make conversions directly from the browser and Microsoft Word Packed with different conversion templates Why Don’t? There’s no encryption services 4. PDF Candy: If you want to transform your PDF documents into Word, Excel tables, images or HTML files, then PDF Candy is the ultimate online converter for you. In addition to that, this online source entertains you with different options for turning images in BMP, PNG, TIFF along with RTF, TXT, XLS files into Adobe PDF format. You could now choose the desired option in an instant from the main page or use the search bar. Once the pdf document is converted, this program offers you a full-fledged PDF editor for certain editing concerns. This web-based application lets you resize pages, trim, add brand names and page numbers without any hassle. Also, you could now easily extract text or images from the existing documents by using this online OCR tool as well. Why Use? Quick access provided with innumerable features Loaded with basic editing options Supports nearly all file types Why Don’t? If internet connection fails, files may get damaged 5. ScanWritr: You can now proceed with automatic conversion of your documents directly using your browser with the assistance of ScanWritr. The workflow is simple and easy to navigate, even you don’t have to download or install any additional program to process the file's transformation. It is referred to as a document scanner and converter that lets you work with popular document formats such as PDF, MS Office, Apple keynote, LibreOffice, Apple pages, and more. This file converter is also packed with different features regarding editing and file management. Why Use? Entertains you with an advanced functionality Open-source program with significant conversion Packed with editing features Loaded with annotation as well as signature tools Why Don’t? Daunting interface Students should have to proceed with online converter sources that do not involve huge manual intervention to make file conversion.

Arun Garg May 25, 2023

How to Do Fraction Arithmetic

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How to Do Fraction Arithmetic

To find the best online mathematics tutor, you can visit CoachingSelect.  What Is Fraction? Fraction represents part of a whole. This gives you a strong idea of maintaining accuracy when dealing with complicated calculations.  Types of the Fractions: There are three types of the fraction, Proper, Improper and the Mixed fraction. When you are using the fraction calculator it is necessary to identify which types of the fraction you are dealing with and how you can find its LCM and the HCF. Proper Fraction: In the proper fraction the numerator is less than the denominator, and you normally deal with the proper in the business and trade. Numerator < Denominator Examples:  ⅜, ⅖,3/9, 5/9,6/18,12/13 etc  You can add and subtract two like proper fractions, but it is necessary to take the Least common multiple of the proper fractions. Improper Fraction: In the improper fraction the numerator is larger than the denominator, and you can spot the improper fractions by learning this definition. You can use the free online Fraction Calculator to find the solution of the improper fraction. Numerator > Denominator Examples: 8/3, 5/2,7/3, 9/2,21/7,15/5 etc  For division, you need to reverse the fraction, then you can multiply the improper fractions.The division of the improper fraction is a little difficult for the students to learn and teach. The Mixed Fraction: A mixed fraction is a combination of the natural number and a fraction, it is also described as the whole fraction. You need to change the mixed fraction into the proper and or the improper fraction before solving the mixed fraction. Examples: Like  2 ⅓, 4 ⅓, 7 3/9, 8 ⅝ You can convert the mixed fractions into simple fraction by follwin method: Method to break the Mixed Fractions: We are presenting the method of breaking 5[(7/9)], it is simple to break down the mixed fraction into the simpler fraction: Let’s see: First multiply the 5 by the 9, and the answer would be 5(9)=45 Now add the 7 into the 45, the answer would be 45+7 = 52 Then the answer of the mixed fraction  5[(7/9)]= 52/9 The new fraction is the 52/9,which is improper in nature as the numerator is larger than the denominator. Now you can solve the improper fraction 52/9 as the other common fraction. The fraction calculator is used to find the answer of the mixed fraction as it is easy to break the mixed fraction into the simpler fraction.It is essential to break the mixed fraction into the simpler fraction as you can’t solve the mixed fraction directly. It is quite important to recognize the various types of the fraction to implement the arithmetic operations on the fractions. Operations on Fractions: Following are four major operations that fraction calculator assists you to apply on fractions:   1. Addition: First, calculate the least common denominator (LCM) of all the fractions Now divide the denominator of each fraction with LCM, and multiply the resulting number with the numerator of the same fraction Write the final number above LCM and repeat the process until all fractions are done Now add all the numerators and and divide the number by LCM  This is how you get the reduced form  Example: Add 1/3 and 5/8 Solution: 13+58 The method of taking the Least common multiple or LCM of a fractions 13+58, as it is necessary to add to unlike fractions as the LCM of the denominators 8 and 3 is 24. =8+1524 =2324 Which is the required reduced form of the fraction.   2. Subtraction: Subtraction of fractions is just opposite to that of the addition.  Repeat step 1 to step 3 as done for addition Now minus all the numerators and and divide the number by LCM  This is how you get the reduced form  Example: Subtract 3/7 and 6/8 Solution: =37-68 =24-4256 =-1856 =-928   3. Multiplication: Multiplication of fractions can instantly be done by using the fraction calculator. Do not just think if we come to manual calculations, the process is going to be somehow complex. It is still very simple to understand! Multiply the numerators of al fractions Likewise, find the product of denominators as well Reduce to the most simplified form Example: Multiply 3/5, 6/3, and 2/6 Solution: Here we have: =35*63*26 =3*6*25*3*6 =36/90 =18/45   4. Division: Like addition and subtraction, multiplication and division are opposite to one another. All you need to remember is the following rule: Keep:  Keep the first fraction as it is Change: Change the first division sign to product sign Flip: Now flip the next fraction by interchanging its numerator and denominator  Repeat the step until and unless you are done with the last fraction Example: Divide 5/6 and 6/9 Solution: =5669 =5696 =45/36 =5/4 Wrapping It Up: So now we are pretty sure that you have learned fraction arithmetic. In case of any difficulty, try reading the post once again and you will get a firm grip over the concept for sure. In case of any hurdle, you may be subject to the free online fraction calculator.  We wish you a very best of luck for your upcoming examination.   

Arun Garg April 14, 2023

How to Excel in Board Exam

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How to Excel in Board Exam

Students frequently experience shivers and cold feet before exams. Including the parents as well as the students. Student experience nightmares and are on the verge of a nervous breakdown when they think about exams. But how people respond to exams also affects their perception and way of thinking. Each student should adhere to specific guidelines in order to succeed in their board exams because doing so will help mould their future selves as well as their professional futures. Understand the syllabus: It's critical to be familiar with the syllabus of the subjects you plan to take. Your preparation will be easier to plan and prioritise as a result. Make a study plan: Set a timetable and follow it. Set aside enough time for each subject and time for revisions. Use NCERT textbooks: These are the foundational texts for the CBSE curriculum and will give you all the knowledge you need for the exams. Solve previous year's papers to get a sense of the kinds of questions that will be asked and the difficulty level of the exams. When preparing for the exams, we should read through and complete at least the last 10 years' worth of question papers. This will give us a sense of the types of questions that will be asked and how we should approach answering them. Take breaks: Don't put too much pressure on yourself by studying nonstop. Take breaks, work out, meditate, and do other things to keep yourself energised. Trying and Eliminating Anxiety: This is one of the main things that keeps someone from performing well on their exams. It subtly manipulates people's minds, making it difficult for them to fully concentrate on the important task at hand. Deep breathing exercises are necessary to improve mental performance. Ask for assistance if necessary: Ask your teachers or seniors for assistance if you need it with a particular subject. Never be afraid to solicit help. Get enough sleep: Get enough sleep the night before the exams to improve your performance. It is imperative to arrive early: When taking exams, you must arrive early and well in advance of the scheduled time. Along with being present at the location well in advance of other people, it will help you become accustomed to the location and environment. Pointers for Acing the CBSE Board Exams 2023 Carefully read the questions before responding: Before responding to a question, make sure you understand what is being asked. Reading questions carefully is important because they contain clear instructions. To help us understand what is being asked of us, we should also break the questions down into manageable parts. It will also aid in analysing the best way to approach and respond to each question. Manage your time effectively: Don't spend too much time on a single question during the exams; instead, spread out your time among the questions. Divide the Time: Each question that needs to be answered must be given an equal amount of time. Equal time distribution makes it easier to concentrate on the crucial inquiries and respond to them as instructed. Try the simple ones first: When taking an exam, we should always start with the simple questions. It will aid in our overall performance and give us the assurance to respond to any challenging questions that might be included in the test. Maintain order and neatness: Give neat, well-organized presentations of your responses. Additionally, it will increase your presentation's chances of winning praise. Focus on Yourself: During the exam, you should focus solely on what you are doing and not on anyone else. Our attention will be taken away from the task at hand because we will always seem to be imitating the other person. Double-check your answers: After finishing the paper, go back and review your answers to make sure you didn't miss any. Some important updates on CBSE Board Exams 2023 Dates for the Board Exams: The months of February and March will be used for the 2023 CBSE Board Exams. In order to perform to the best of their abilities, students should start preparing far in advance. Class 12 Board Exam Syllabus for 2023: Both theory and practical exams will be part of the CBSE Class 12 Board Exam in 2023. Students must complete their coursework completely, comprehend the format of the exams, and have a plan in place for how they intend to approach them. Updates for the 2023 CBSE Class 12 Board Exam: The CBSE regularly publishes new updates to enhance the exam procedure. By frequently visiting the CBSE website, students can keep up with the most recent advice. Competitive Exams After Class 12: Students can think about taking competitive exams like JEE Main, NEET, and others after completing their 12th grade board exams in an effort to get into the best engineering and medical schools in the nation. For students, board exams can be a stressful time, but with the right preparation and a positive outlook, they can be a successful experience. Students should keep up with current events, set effective time limits, and have confidence in themselves. I wish every student luck on their upcoming CBSE board exams in 2023. The aforementioned advice should be kept in mind as one studies for the board exams and, if adhered to religiously, will guarantee success. How a person handles everything varies depending on the individual. Where there is a will, there is a way, as they say.

CoachingSelect February 17, 2023

How Preparing for IELTS can help you to study and work abroad

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How Preparing for IELTS can help you to study and work abroad

Nonetheless, navigating the intricacies of studying or working abroad can be challenging, particularly with regard to satisfying language requirements. This is precisely where the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) can prove beneficial. As a widely acknowledged English language examination, the IELTS evaluates an individual's proficiency in communicating in English. It enjoys broad acceptance from universities, employers, and governments worldwide. The focus of this article is to explore how undertaking preparation for the IELTS can aid in pursuing educational and professional opportunities overseas, with specific emphasis on courses available in Australia and the UK. Courses in Australia: In 2021, Australian universities welcomed more than 700,000 international students, attesting to the country's attractiveness as a study destination. To enroll in a course of study, international students must meet English language proficiency standards. Generally, an overall IELTS score of 6.5 or higher, with no band score falling below 6.0, is mandated by most universities. However, some institutions may impose higher score requirements based on the level of study or specific top course in Australia. If you're aiming to study in Australia, preparing for the IELTS exam can aid in meeting the required English language proficiency levels. IELTS evaluates one's abilities in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, which are essential for succeeding in academic and professional contexts within Australia. By dedicating time to IELTS preparation, you can enhance your English language proficiency, establish better study routines, and hone your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. In addition to meeting language requirements, preparing for the IELTS can also facilitate your adaptation to the academic culture in Australia. The examination assesses academic and real-life scenarios, enabling you to refine the language and communication skills needed to thrive in an Australian classroom. By excelling in the IELTS, you'll be well-positioned to actively engage in class discussions, confidently deliver presentations, and proficiently compose academic papers in English. Courses in UK: The United Kingdom also stands out as a favored destination for international students, with over 550,000 foreign students enrolled in UK universities in 2021. To pursue studies in the UK, international students must fulfill English language proficiency requirements. Typically, most universities in the UK demand a minimum overall IELTS score of 6.0, with no band score below 5.5. Nevertheless, specific institutions may mandate higher scores based on the level of study or specific top course in the UK. Getting ready for the IELTS exam can assist you in fulfilling the English language requirement for studying in the UK. IELTS evaluates your English language proficiency in real-life circumstances, enabling you to communicate effectively in academic, social, and professional contexts. By dedicating time to IELTS preparation, you can enhance your abilities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and establish the confidence to express yourself fluently in English. Apart from meeting the language requirements, preparing for the IELTS can also aid in your adjustment to the academic culture in the UK, and can even help you study in best mba colleges in USA. The exam encompasses academic and real-life situations, enabling you to hone the language and communication skills necessary for success in a British classroom. By excelling in the IELTS, you'll be better equipped to engage in class discussions, deliver compelling presentations, and proficiently write academic papers in English. Conclusion: Investing time and effort in IELTS preparation can have a significant impact on your future prospects. It enables you to satisfy the English language requirement for pursuing academic and career opportunities abroad, enhance your academic and professional skills, and broaden your scope for personal and professional growth. Regardless of whether you are planning to study in Australia or the UK, preparing for the IELTS can provide the impetus you need to excel in your academic and professional pursuits.

CoachingSelect February 16, 2023

What are the secrets of engineering toppers and what makes students college toppers

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What are the secrets of engineering toppers and what makes students college toppers

INTRODUCTIONS A good engineer is someone who has the knowledge, skills, and experience to solve complex problems in a variety of fields. They are able to apply their technical expertise to design, develop, and maintain systems and products that meet the needs of their clients or employers. Good engineers are also able to work well in teams, communicate effectively, and think critically and creatively. They are able to apply their knowledge to solve problems in a logical and systematic way, and they are always looking for ways to improve processes and increase efficiency. Overall, a good engineer is someone who is dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled in their field. What importance does a good college play a become a good engineer? Attending a good B Tech colleges can provide you with the education and skills you need to become a good engineer. A good college will have strong engineering programs that are taught by experienced and knowledgeable faculty members. These programs will provide you with a solid foundation in the principles of engineering, as well as hands-on experience through internships and other practical learning opportunities. A good college will also provide you with access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, which can be critical for developing the skills and expertise you need to succeed in the field of engineering. Additionally, a good college will offer support services and extracurricular activities that can help you develop important skills, such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, which are essential for success in engineering. Key factor of the best college There are many factors that can make a college the best for you. Some of the key factors to consider when choosing a college for B Tech include the quality of the academic programs, the reputation of the college, the availability of financial aid, the location of the college, and the extracurricular activities and opportunities available. Other important factors to consider include the campus environment and the support services offered to students. Ultimately, the best college for you will depend on your individual needs and goals. Conclusion. There are many factors that can make a college the best for you. Some of the key factors to consider when choosing a college include the quality of the academic programs, the reputation of the college, the availability of financial aid, the location of the college, and the extracurricular activities and opportunities available. Other important factors to consider include the campus environment and the support services offered to students. Ultimately, the best college for you will depend on your individual needs and goals.  

CoachingSelect December 13, 2022

Why Most People Will Never Be Great at Engineering Check Out The Top 10 Reasons

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Why Most People Will Never Be Great at Engineering Check Out The Top 10 Reasons

Introduction It's no secret that engineering is a difficult field. It takes years of hard work and practice to become a great engineer. But for most people, that's simply not possible. Here are the top reasons why most people will never be great at engineering. #1: Lack Of Math Skills Engineering is a math-heavy field, and if you don't have the math skills you need to succeed, it's going to be extremely difficult to make it in this industry and get more difficult to achieve the best B.Tech colleges.   #2: Lack Of Creativity In order to be a successful engineer, you need to be creative and think outside the box. Most people simply don't have the creativity needed to thrive in this field.   #3: Lack Of Discipline Engineering is a very demanding field, and if you're not willing to put in the hard work, you're not going to make it far. Discipline is key to becoming a great engineer.   #4: Poor Work Ethic A successful career in engineering demands so many things. For example, it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. If you're not willing or able to put in the effort, you'll never be successful in this field.   #5: Lack Of Interest In The Subject It's no secret that most people are just not interested in engineering. It's a subject that's often seen as dry and boring, and frankly, a lot of people would rather not deal with it. But the thing is, engineering is one of the most important subjects out there. It's what helps us build the world we live in, and it's responsible for some of the most incredible feats of human achievement. So if you're not interested in engineering, that's totally fine. But don't let that stop you from achieving greatness in this field. There are plenty of other things you can be great at—just because you're not good at engineering doesn't mean you're not cut out for it. Like if you take computer science engineering courses but you don't have an interest in this subject you will find zero advantage in it.   #6: Difficulty Understanding The Concepts It's no secret that engineering is a difficult field. But what a lot of people don't realize is that it's not just a matter of understanding the concepts—you also have to be able to apply them in the real world. And this is where a lot of people fall short. They might be able to understand the theory behind engineering, but when it comes to actually build things and solving problems, they're lost. It's one thing to know the answer to a problem; it's another thing entirely to be able to apply that answer in a practical way. This is something that demands a lot of practice, patience, consistency, and perseverance. And most people just don't have the patience or the perseverance to stick with it.   #7: Limited Thinking You might be wondering why most people will never be great at engineering. Well, it has a lot to do with creativity. In order to be a great engineer, you need to be creative. You need to be able to come up with new solutions to problems and see things in a different way. Most people simply don't have that kind of creativity. Sure, they might be able to follow instructions and do the math, but when it comes to thinking outside the box, they're not so good. And that's what separates the great engineers from the rest of the pack.   #8: Weak Problem-Solving Skills You're probably not surprised to hear that problem-solving skills are essential in engineering. After all, when you are an engineer, your main job remains that only- solving problems. But the truth is, most people don't have strong problem-solving skills. They might be able to solve easy problems or problems that they've seen before. But when it comes to solving new problems, they're at a loss. And this is a problem in engineering. In order to be successful, you need to be able to come up with new solutions to problems that you've never seen before. You need to be able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. Most people just don't have the ability to do this. They get stuck on the first step, and they can't move on from there.   #9: Lack Of Passion For The Field You might be wondering why most people will never be great at engineering. And the answer is simple: lack of passion for the field. It's not that people are incapable of learning engineering concepts because they're definitely not. It's just that a lot of people don't have the desire to put in the hard work necessary to become an expert in this field. And it's no wonder why. When you study in the Engineering college in Punjab is one of the most challenging disciplines out there. It requires a lot of time and dedication to learn all the theories and concepts. And even then, you're always learning new things and expanding your knowledge base. So if you're not passionate about engineering, it's going to be very difficult to become great at it. You need to be excited about learning and constantly push yourself to get better. Without that passion, you'll eventually give up and find another career path.   #10: Fear Of Failure People often give up before they even start because they're afraid of failure. But here's the thing: failure is a part of the learning process. You can't become great at anything without embracing failure. And that's where engineering falls short for most people. It's not because they're incapable of learning, it's because they're not willing to put in the hard work it takes to be great. They're happy with mediocrity, and that's why they'll never be great at engineering. But you're not like that. When you are aware of the fact that failures are the stepping stones to success, you don’t fear them. Instead, you stay strong and keep moving forward. And that's why you'll be a great engineer someday.   Conclusion   You might not be able to change the fact that you're not cut out for engineering, but that doesn't mean you can't still be great at something else. There are plenty of other career options out there, so don't give up. Who knows – maybe you'll find your true calling in something else entirely.      

Indo Global Colleges November 22, 2022

Why do students prefer to study in Canada

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Why do students prefer to study in Canada

Indian students studying abroad is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the number of Indian students studying abroad has steadily increased over the last few years. According to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), 2,61,406 Indian students travelled abroad in 2020, with an additional 71,769 doing so in 2021. Despite the fact that they frequently travel to various locations around the world for their studies, students have been increasingly choosing Canada as a study destination in recent years. What are the main factors in a situation like this that make Canada one of the best study destinations in the world? EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES THAT ARE FLEXIBLE AND EXCELLENT The country offers a variety of benefits to international students studying within its borders. To begin, Canadian colleges and universities offer several highly sought-after specialty programmes in business, engineering, healthcare, and information technology. One of the main draws for students studying here is the availability of co-op courses, which allow international students to pursue degrees with alternating periods of work and study and provide students with practical and theoretical knowledge. CULTURE OF WARMTH Canada's allure is enhanced by its multiculturalism and beautiful scenery. Furthermore, unlike many other countries, Canada is known for its friendly culture. Canada is a popular choice for international students because of all of these benefits and a high standard of living. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORK Because of its unique legislation, Canada allows all international students to work up to 20 hours per week during their semesters and full-time during their summer and winter breaks. You won't need a separate work permit to work on campus or as an intern at any business because your study permit will cover your search for a part-time job. AFFORDABILITY When compared to institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom, tuition in Canada is slightly less expensive. When the return on investment is considered, it is a very wise choice for Indian students. You can also apply for a variety of Canadian scholarships to help you pay for your education. FAVOURS IMMIGRANTS According to data from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), 97.5 percent of international graduates who applied for permanent residency in Canada were granted. As a result, they were granted legal status in the country to stay and work from January to October 2021. This makes for an appealing proposition for students who want to relocate through higher education. The Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PWPP) in Canada allows students to stay and work in the country for up to three years after graduation. You could work abroad for a while before applying for permanent residency. It is always best to contact a destination specialist to arm students with the necessary knowledge if they become overwhelmed and require assistance during their study abroad experience.

CoachingSelect November 05, 2022

Top 7 Best Laptop For MBA Students

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Top 7 Best Laptop For MBA Students

We have just compiled a list of the best laptops for MBA students, and after you have gone through the whole list, you won't need to do any further research anyplace else. An MBA laptop needs to be capable of networking, multitasking, working quickly, and sometimes crunching large information and models, all while being cost-effective. When beginning work on a Master of Business Administration degree at any university, it is in your best interest, to begin with, a device that makes your homework easy and maintains the availability of your resources. To know more about MBA and Best MBA Coaching, please visit CoachingSelect.  It is essential to have a solid understanding of the business needs to make the selection process more manageable. The following is a list of the finest laptops available for Master of Business Administration students, and it will be of use to all MBA and business students. What is the Best Laptop For MBA Students in 2022? The following is a list of the best laptops for MBA students, and it will be of use to all MBA and business students: ASUS ZenBook 15 - Best Laptop For MBA students Dell XPS 15 - Budget Laptop For MBA Students Acer Aspire 5 Slim - Best Laptop For MBAs Lenovo Idea Pad Flex 5 - Best Laptop For MBA Degree Students Dell G5 - Affordable Laptop For MBA Students Microsoft Surface Pro 7 – 2-in-1 laptop - Cheap Laptop For MBA Students HP ENVY 17 - Best Laptop For MBA Students 1. ASUS ZenBook 15 -  Best laptop for MBA students After months of discussion, Asus has come up with a fantastic idea, one that is enough to defeat every competitor who is working toward the goal of becoming an innovator in the laptop industry. However, Asus's goal is to become an innovator in the laptop industry, and to achieve this goal, the company has made significant efforts to introduce new features that are not currently available on any laptop anywhere in the world. The name given to this concept is the Innovative ScreenPad. The 10th Generation Intel Core i7-10510U included in the Asus Zenbook 15 is the component responsible for the system's lightning-fast performance.This particular CPU has a base frequency of 3.4 GHz, while its peak frequency may reach 4.9 GHz. We can say that this is the best laptop for MBA students. However, this is not the end of the story; to provide a more fluid reaction from this laptop, Asus adds 16 GB of DDR3 RAM, and the drivers that Asus loaded on the laptop improve the performance of this memory. This 1TB PCIe SSD serves as the storage capacity in the Asus Zenbook 15, and since it has been optimized with Asus's drivers. It does not take a lot of battery power and is also responsible for the speedy loading of content. Pros: Easy to use Affordable with many features Beautiful design Battery timing is best Cons: None Technical Specification: Display 15.6 inches Screen Resolutions 1920 x 1080 Storage 1 TB RAM 16 GB   2. Dell XPS 15 - Budget Laptop for MBA Students The most lightweight and portable laptop is the Dell XPS 15 9500. You, as a student, are going to be searching for a gadget that you can effortlessly take with you regularly. Because you are a student, you will need a centered display, which is something that is provided by this laptop without any problems. The people who are getting their MBAs may want to consider purchasing this kind of laptop. However, the Intel i7 core processor in this laptop has a clock speed of 2.6 gigahertz, and the laptop has a total clock speed of 2.6 GHz. It has a storage capacity of 512 GB SSD and a RAM of 16 GB as standard. The resolution of the screen is 1920 pixels by 1200 pixels. That is why this is the best laptop for MBA students in 2022. In addition to that, it has a Hexa-core CPU. It is a comprehensive processor that delivers the highest possible performance. It has a Geforce GTX 1650 Ti graphic card, which is an option that gamers may find appealing. The device's 16 gigabytes of random access memory (RAM) is the finest feature since it provides a sufficient amount of storage for students. Additionally, it has an anti-glare display, making it an excellent option for purchasing something to keep your eyes safe. Pros: Amazing and fast processor Overall best performance Great battery timing Good display Cons: None Technical Specification: Display 15 inches Screen Resolutions 3840 x 2400 Storage 512 GB RAM 16 GB   3. Acer Aspire 5 Slim - Best Laptop For MBAs Here is another best laptop for MBA students. Acer did a great job in engineering this laptop. They equipped it with almost everything that every laptoen-8gb-256gb-ssd-intel-uhd-grp ought to have, and they loaded it with a bulk of features. I may be wrong if I say that this is the Macbook with Windows 10, but it's still one of the best-selling laptops on Amazon. This Acer laptop has been upgraded with a 10th Generation Intel Core i5-10210U CPU, which is more compatible than the i5 processor that is included in Apple's Macbook Air. However, this processor enables you to multitask without experiencing any latency at all. The memory in this device is DDR4, and when combined with the i5 CPU, it provides a boost to the overall performance of the Acer Spire 5 Slim. However, the size of the DDR4 RAM in this device is 8 gigabytes. To study MBA, storage capacity is not a big deal, so Acer put 256GB PCIe NVMe SSD which is enough for any student, which is connected with only a single cord to the board and does not consume battery power. Acer Aspire 5 Slim was designed specifically for programmers, businessmen, video editor users, and ethical hacking. Pros: Budget-friendly Amazing look Fingerprint unlock Cons: None Technical Specification: Display 15.6  inches Screen Resolutions 3840 x 2400 Storage 256 GB RAM 8 GB 4. Lenovo Idea Pad Flex 5 - Best Laptop for MBA Degree Students The Lenovo Idea Pad Flex 5 is a convertible laptop that has a display that is 14 inches in size. It is an alternative that provides flexibility. It has 16 GB of DDR4 memory and 256 GB of solid-state storage built in. The laptop has a 360-degree flex hinge that makes it comfortable to use and is equipped with an Intel i5 Core CPU that offers the highest possible level of performance. In addition, it has a fingerprint reader and a privacy shutter for use with a camera. it provides a connection through Wi-Fi 6 as well as a variety of connectors for connectivity. The CPU in this laptop is of the 10th generation, which is the finest for achieving the fastest possible performance. It is recommended for usage in professional settings. However, it provides a higher level of discretion thanks to the built-in fingerprint sensor. Students would benefit much from having this flexible laptop. It comes with remarkable gear that is meant to last thanks to its solid construction. Moreover, it has a quality finish that is very pleasant to the touch. We can say that this is the best laptop for MBA students. Pros: Touch screen Great battery time Beautiful design Cons: None Technical Specification: Display 14  inches Screen Resolutions 1920 x 1080 Storage 256 GB RAM 16 GB 5. Dell G5 - Affordable Laptop For MBA Students Seriously, I don't think it's a good idea to play video games while you're supposed to be studying for your MBA. If you're in a position where you have a lot of free time on the weekends and you don't want to spend a lot of money on a desktop computer just so you can play video games, then this gaming laptop is perfect for you. This particular laptop for MBA students, which is known as the Dell G5, is one of my favorites for several reasons, including the reasonable price at which it can be purchased, the versatility of its features, and its overall capability. The CPU that powers the Dell G5 is an 8th Generation Intel Core i5 Core i5-8300H. There is no doubt that this processor will provide you with excellent performance when it comes to multitasking, such as taking notes, but it is also responsible for supporting demanding games. Because of the incredible speed of this CPU, the maximum frequency that it can turbo to is 4.0 GHz. Pros: Outstanding storage Best overall performance Very affordable Cons: None Technical Specification: Display 15.6 inches Screen Resolutions 1920 x 1080 Storage 1 TB RAM 8GB 6. Microsoft Surface Pro 7 – 2-in-1 laptop - Cheap Laptop For MBA Students The Microsoft Surface Pro 7 may be used as either a tablet or a laptop. Both a keyboard and a touch screen are included with this laptop. In addition to this, it has an Intel 10 Core CPU, which offers the highest possible speed and performance. MBA students and those who work in graphic design will find that its 8 GB RAM and 128 GB storage SSD are more than enough for their needs. It may be purchased in a matte black finish, which lends it an air of sophistication. It is not bulky and can be carried easily. However, it has a very thin surface. The finest feature is that it has a battery life that may last for up to 10 hours continuously. The Surface Pro 7 can instantly transform into a tablet, on which you can carry out all of the functions normally reserved for a laptop. It provides Windows 10, which provides users with a pleasant experience overall. The management students may take it with them wherever and at any time since it is so convenient to carry. In addition to that, it has a USB C port that provides functionality that is on par with that of a personal computer. The fact that it is long-lasting and has a strong framework are two of its finest features. Pros: Support USB 3 Best Performance Great battery life Cons: None Technical Specification: Display 12.3  inches Screen Resolutions 2736 x 1824 Storage 128 GB RAM 8 GB 7. HP ENVY 17 - Best Laptop For MBA Students Because of its one-of-a-kind combination of features, the HP ENVY 17 is the most suitable laptop for Master of Business Administration programs. You will be able to get a device with Windows 10, an Intel Core i7 CPU, 32GB of memory, and a 1TB  SSD storage device for a price that is lower than what you would spend for the majority of the best smartphones now available on the market. Moreover, you also have the option of purchasing a touch screen with full high-definition resolution (FHD), which may be used for working with spreadsheets and films. That is why this is the best laptop for MBA students in 2022. Pros: best storage space Light in weight Sleek design Cons: None Technical Specification: Display 17.3  inches Screen Resolutions 2736 x 1824 Storage 1 TB RAM 32GB Buying Guide For Best Laptop For MBA Students It is not recommended but rather required for MBA students to have their laptops. You will need a laptop that can manage large loads without slowing down if you are going to be attending lessons of any kind, whether they be in person or online. You will also want a device that is mobile enough for you to bring with you to class and meetings, as well as one that has all of the functions that are necessary for you to remain organized and on top of your work. There are a few important things to keep in mind when looking for the best laptop for MBA students: Performance Design Battery life Display Keyboard Size and weight Camera and microphone   Related Best Laptops in India Best Laptops for Digital Marketing Best Laptop Brands in the World Final Verdict: In this article, we have told you about the best laptop for MBA students. When you're in the market for a new laptop, there are some things you should think about. However, if you are pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree, there are a few essential qualities that have to be at the very top of your priority list. We have put together a list of the greatest laptops for MBA students, taking into consideration important aspects such as performance, mobility, and cost.  

Arun Garg October 20, 2022

RRB Group D Result 2022 Release Date Zone Wise PDF Download Link

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RRB Group D Result 2022 Release Date Zone Wise PDF Download Link

RRB Group D Result 2022 Date, Zone Wise PDF Download RRB Group D Result 2022 will be released for 1,03,769 vacancies in December 2022 (Expected) on its official website. A direct link to download RRB Group D Result 2022 is provided in the article. RRB Group D Result 2022 The Railway recruitment board has specified a certain selection procedure and the Exam for Railway Group D 2022 consists of 3 stages. The 1st stage of the exam is Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by RRB Group D PET & Document Verification / Medical. The candidates qualifying in each stage will be called for final selection. RRC Group D Result for each stage will be released separately by the recruitment board. All the updates regarding RRB Group D Result 2022 will be provided in this article.    Exam Conducting Body Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Exam Name RRB Group D Exam 2022 (RRC 01/2019) Category Sarkari Result Status To be released Total No. of Applicants 1,15,67,248 RRB Group D Answer Key  14th October 2022 RRB Group D Result 2022 December 2022 (Expected) RRC Group D Exam Date  Phase 1- 17th to 25th August 2022 Phase 2- 26th August to 08th September 2022 Phase 3- 08th September to 19th September 2022 Phase 4- 19th September to 07th October 2022 Phase 5- 6th to 11th October 2022 Official website www.rrbcdg.gov.in RRB Group D Result 2022 Latest News RRB Group D 2022 CBT exam has been scheduled from 17th August to 11th October 2022 in five phases. Over 1.1 crore candidates are appearing for the exam that is conducted to fill 1,03,769 vacancies. All the candidates who have applied for this exam are now looking for the Group D result. RRB Group D result 2022 is expected to be released in November/December 2022. After the completion of the RRB Group D CBT exam, RRB has released the result for the Railway Group D CBT Exam. RRB Group D Result 2022 Release Date The RRB Group D’s result date has not been announced by the Railway Board yet, but the Railway Board is going to announce the RRB Railway Group D Result 2022 date very soon. For your information, the RRB Group D answer key will be released by the Railway Board on the official website. Railway Group D Result 2022 Download Link RRB Group D Result Direct Link Click RRB Group D Result Official Website  Click

CoachingSelect October 19, 2022

Helping kids succeed at distance learning in the age of COVID19

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Helping kids succeed at distance learning in the age of COVID19

To be successful, distance learning requires the participation of many people, including instructors, students, and parents. The success of our children in remote education depends on our giving them our attention and comfort. One way to ease their minds is by giving them access to excellent study materials or IB resources like those offered by the website Tribe Topper, which is regarded as one of the finest IB has to offer. There are important things that adults may do to assist children as they learn to use distance learning effectively.   Supervision Keep a watch on your kids when they are completing their online studies. Younger students require a specialized timepiece since they aren't yet at the stage when they need to log in and out of courses, remember passwords, and adjust the camera to point directly at them rather than at their cat or dog. If they want help with technology or online education, their parents must be there to provide it. Young children do not need supervision until high school, but parents should keep an eye on them. It would be best if you didn't treat them with kid-like carelessness and leniency. When the children are grown, the mood of the parents often improves. Teenagers are old enough to grasp their responsibilities and are computer literate. However, it would be best if you kept an eye on them since they are terrible at keeping track of time. They may need additional encouragement to do things like get up early enough to log in for an online class. Teens can take a break from their screens if they feel too sleepy to pay attention in class. Parents must monitor their actions to prevent kids from being careless.   Keep a schedule. Juniors and teenagers can benefit from sticking to a routine that allows them to balance their time effectively between schoolwork and extracurricular activities. The best way to help kids of all ages manage their time is to set reasonable goals and clear expectations. They must schedule their studies, work, and food breaks accordingly. Take a little pause to eat some snacks and unwind to some music in the middle of your online lessons. Plan so that all of your top concerns can be met relatively quickly. Teachers may do their part in making the classroom a welcoming place by starting each day with a message to students. Teachers would greatly favor their pupils if they put up daily study schedules first thing in the morning. It's important to remember that the structure we study online will vary from the one we use in a traditional classroom. So that students don't miss out on anything, professors should give recordings of courses and be open to alternative scheduling arrangements.   Make it an enjoyable experience. In the same way that setting aside time to study is crucial, so too can engaging in fun activities that facilitate learning. A parent's assistance during homework time may turn it from a dreaded chore into a fun and productive time for their child to learn. Pretend play is a popular activity for children of preschool age and younger. Parents may adapt the games to make education more enjoyable. The older ones are at the stage of life when they want to intellectually be just like their peers. As a result, instruct students to poll their social circles on how they use their spare time and what kinds of things attract them. The students are encouraged to fill their leisure time with their peers. This motivates individuals to push themselves and compete with others. Our adolescent children have new opportunities for learning and application. As a result, they can put their theoretical understanding into practice. For example, holding an online group conversation about the current issue, giving their perspectives on specific choices, doing critical thinking about the challenges, etc., can help students think and explore their learning.   It's okay to seek assistance. You should seek help if your child is having difficulty in online learning. Teachers are always there to lend an ear, and sites like Tribe Topper provide comprehensive but user-friendly materials to help students pass the rigorous IB program with relative ease.

Max Alan September 20, 2022

Common myths about Studying abroad

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Common myths about Studying abroad

Studying Abroad is Expensive: General misconception: The general impression is that studying abroad could be unimaginably expensive, which might leave you drowning in an ocean of debt. Cost Vary as per Course: Although costs may vary depending on the type of university, courses, and the duration of the courses, it often deters students from pursuing their higher studies internationally. Scholarship: there are many universities that offer scholarships and financial aid, especially to foreign students in order to encourage them to study abroad. They also offer cheap accommodation in the form of shared dorms and other facilities within the campus, which can also help save money. Students just need to contact the relevant universities to inquire about the scholarship and financial aid programs before applying. So the answer to the question whether overseas education is an affordable option or not rests on you. The Language Barrier: That’s incorrect because any course can be taught through a global perspective. It was seen more in the past that most of the study abroad programs were related to humanities or languages; however, in recent times there has been an increase in the number of students opting for social sciences, engineering, math, sciences and business. Students feel the need to learn the native language of the country in which they want to study, and this may also be seen as a hurdle to studying abroad, since learning a new language is time-consuming. However, there are many international universities that offer their courses in English. Additionally, you can always inquire about the language prerequisites before applying, so that before the beginning of your course, you can learn the basics of the language with the help of audiobooks and language classes. You can also view this as a great opportunity to learn a new language. If you are not attuned to listening to foreign accents, you may find it initially difficult to comprehend what’s being said. But this is an easy problem to overcome. Take this as an opportunity for a new language or different English in a foreign country is an immense opportunity to enhance your linguistic proficiency. The most effective and fastest way to language learning is to acquire it in a natural context. Making Friends and Acquaintances Will Be Hard: Even before you realise, you’ll be part of your clique. Universities abroad recognize the need to make their international students feel at home. Schools make conscious attempts to promote healthy cultural exchange. This experience will be the cornerstone of your education, by influencing your personality and instilling in you a greater understanding of people outside your boundaries. You begin to appreciate the differences and diversity while harbouring a spirit of camaraderie. This myth about studying abroad is often one of the big reasons why people prefer to complete their studies nearer to their homes. While it may be easier for certain people to easily make friends wherever they go, there are still students that find it difficult to approach other people. Students get a chance to make new friends and acquaintances during orientations and team-building programs. Some universities also host a variety of programs that aim at connecting international students from all over the world, to make them feel more comfortable. Many universities have clubs, societies, and events for like-minded students to interact with other students and seniors. Studying Abroad is Safety issues: While some countries are safer than other countries, many international universities have a zero-tolerance policy toward harassment and bullying. These universities also have safety measures around their campus and also provide useful information that will help them in traveling safely or acquiring appropriate accommodation. With so many incidents happening all over the world, it’s quite certain that some parents become skeptical in sending their children abroad for education, but doing so doesn’t help either. Students should be open to fear, or for that matter, anything to face since they will be on their own in a foreign city. Many universities and colleges abroad conduct programs or crash courses for students on how to get around in a foreign city or town. You can either follow them or follow your heart, the choice is yours. Desired Major: This myth about studying abroad is often a result of misunderstanding and lack of research. Students can always enquire with the relevant foreign universities or seek educational consultants regarding the degrees and courses offered internationally, in order to gain more clarity about the choice of programs that are available. Sometimes there is an underlying confusion, names of the major and programs may differ, hence it is always better to check the syllabus before assuming that your desired program is not available. Studying Abroad May Lead to Delay in Graduation: courses taken at a foreign university can be cross-credited easily into your existing qualification, meaning you will graduate at the same time as you would have originally. Students also get the opportunity to study in advanced classes which may boost up their GPA, which may not be available in your local universities.  If you plan ahead and ensure that you fulfill all your credits on time, your graduation will not be delayed. In fact, recent findings show that graduation rates for those who studied abroad are 17.8% higher than those who didn’t.   Employers Don’t Value an International Degree: After globalization, students having international degrees are preferred by most businesses and employers. They want students who have professional degrees from recognized foreign universities because it adds more value to their company. Listing on your CV that you have spent time abroad shows employers that you can take risks, are independent, and can work with people from different backgrounds and cultures This is absolutely incorrect and we all know it! Employers are increasingly looking for individuals who can speak another language and work in a cross cultural environment. Simply mentioning your overseas education experience in your resume is not going to help you much; you will have to find ways to show the employer what you learned through your experience and the various skills you developed during the course duration. High GPAs Can Study Abroad: The myth that only students with high GPAs can study abroad has discouraged many students from pursuing their higher studies in foreign universities. though many international universities require students to have high GPAs to apply for their programs, there are still universities that have lower GPA requirements for students. This requirement may change from university to university. GPA is not the only deciding factor for some universities when it comes to accepting students. Certain universities also accept students on the basis of their GMAT or GRE scores and work/practical experience. Europe is the only destination: Students can choose to go to any country across the globe. As per the Open Doors Report, it was found that four of the top ten destinations featured are outside of Europe, which are: Australia, Costa Rica, China, and Argentina. Canada saw a massive surge in the number of international students owing to many reasons. Ireland is another destination that has been drawing a significant number of international students, and the figures are increasing since the ‘2 year stay back option for postgraduates’ was rolled out. Indian Students Get Neglected: Not True at All, Colleges Strive Towards Building an Inclusive Environment.  To a great extent, the media is responsible for creating a misunderstanding about Indians. At colleges, professors are more like mentors than teachers; very approachable and eager to help students resolve issues related to academics or otherwise. The education culture in foreign universities is based on the ideology of unhindered learning and creating a conducive educational ambiance. The school is familiar with our cultural uniqueness, and they are more than welcoming. You will be surprised at how wonderfully and spontaneously local students accept you and offer their assistance.  

CoachingSelect August 23, 2022

10 Best Education Blogs

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10 Best Education Blogs

eLearning Industry: Both students and teachers will find it helpful. It provides the best articles, concepts, resources, and software on a virtual platform. If you are looking for an informative and knowledge-sharing hub, read it with millions of eLearning professionals. Different learners on the same platform worldwide can connect and share their knowledge and resources with others. Discovery Education: This blog created many digital textbooks for students and motivated the teachers to make the teaching-learning process enriched. It also helps in inspiring students by providing them with flexible and quality education. It offers online content for all sectors, including rural, urban, and suburban. Primary Education Blog: It’s a U.K.-based blog that is highly trustworthy by all the global teaching communities. Students get accessibility to the teacher-created content. It helps in inspiring and motivating the teachers towards effective teaching. Its evaluation resources enrich learning effectively. The Chalk Blog | Learners Edge: It is an informative blog that motivates teachers to enhance their quality and performance in teaching. Moreover, the Chalk Blog enlists the courses and disseminates information shared by the teachers, which might help you a lot. Inside Higher Ed: This is a great source of content for anyone in higher education, including those looking for jobs. They have sections including Admissions, Books, Technology, Career Advice, and Diversity. They also offer a number of webinars and research in the higher ed space. Their most recent study was on Federal Accountability and Financial Pressure which surveyed college and university presidents. The Learning Network : This blog is under the New York Times umbrella. Their main audiences are teachers, students, and parents that want to use the NYTs content as inspiration for teaching materials. Teachers can use the section "Text to text" as lesson plans in areas such as American History, Civics, Current Events, and Social Studies. Edutopia: Edutopia is part of The George Lucas Educational Foundation. The blog's focus is on k-12 educators and students. It's two main purposes are to produce content that improves learning and engages students and to "collaborate with researchers, teachers, and curriculum experts" to advance the field of project-based learning. Edudemic: This blog is all about technology in the education space. They provide tactful advice about incorporating technology in the classroom, including a teacher's guide to technology and learning as well as product reviews on the best laptops, tablets, and apps for teachers. MindShift: Mindshift is another technology focused blog that incorporates data and research into a lot of the content. It has a unique section around games and learning and how apps are changing how toddlers are learning their basic skills and knowledge through technology. TechThought: This progressive blog is for all educators who are looking to be more digitally connected. They have great sections on testing with technology, best practices for iPads in the classroom, what hashtags to follow on Twitter, and research around how thinking habits and neuroscience impact students' learning processes. Inside Higher Ed: This is a great source of content for anyone in higher education, including those looking for jobs. They have sections including Admissions, Books, Technology, Career Advice, and Diversity. LEAD School: LEAD is a leading Ed-Tech platform in India that transforms the classroom teaching in India’s Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. The Daring Librarian: Gwyneth Jones, the Daring Librarian herself, knows that librarians can have lots of fun. Approaching ed-tech with a sense of humor and plenty of Vines and cartoons to illustrate her stories, Jones writes a blog that entertains as it informs. Not only does she provide plenty of excellent content on new apps and ideas on how to use everyday websites as learning opportunities, but also a good measure of fun stories that will have you laughing out loud. EdTech RoundUp: With weekly posts on the state of technology in education, EdTech RoundUp is the best place to go to find out the latest news related to education tech. The comprehensive coverage of news and recently released apps and devices allows you to find out the latest happenings in just one place every week.  

Coaching Select July 25, 2022

List of 10 Popular entrance exam in India

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List of 10 Popular entrance exam in India

UPSC Civil Services Exam: Probably the most prestigious, the UPSC Civil Services Exams are conducted to recruit candidates for top administrative positions in the Central Government of India. The exam encompasses various services like IAS, IPS and IFS. The three-tier exam consisting of Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and the Interview or personality test demands a great level of seriousness, dedication and hard work. The UPSC syllabus is extraordinarily vast, encompassing a diverse range of subjects which makes it one of the toughest and popular exams in India. Conducted By Union Public Service Commission UPSC Prelims 2022 Exam Date 5th June 2022 (Tentative) Official Website www.upsc.gov.in Exam Type Post Graduate Exam Level All India Level   IIT- JEE: The Joint Entrance Exam to screen the students for the various engineering courses at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The exam is conducted in two stages which includes IIT-JEE Mains and IIT-JEE Advanced. Conducted By National Testing Agency (NTA) IIT JEE Mains 2022 Exam Date 1st Session- 4th week of February 2022 2nd Session- 3rd week of March 2022 3rd Session- Last week of April 2022 4th Session- Last week of May 2022 Official Website jeemain.nta.nic.in. Exam Type Under Graduate Eligibility 75% aggregate marks in class 12 Exam Level All India Level   Chartered Accountant (CA): Conducted by ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India), the multi-tier exams for the CA course has a rigorous pattern. Qualifying for the exam can guarantee a successful career with a lucrative salary but that comes with a great amount of hard work. The exam comprises 3 stages which include the Common Proficiency Test (CPT), Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC) and CA Final Examination. To know more about the exam and the job profile, read our detailed blog on how to become a Chartered Accountant. Conducted By Institute of Chartered Accountants of India CA CPT 2022 Exam Date June 2022 Official Website icaiexam.icai.org Exam Type Under Graduate Eligibility 12th with a minimum of 60% Exam Level Foundation, Intermediate and Final   NEET UG: In order to get admission to medical schools in India, the NEET exam is mandatory. A premedical test administered by National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducted every year to select the candidates for the MBBS, BDS and other courses in top medical schools except AIIMS which has its own exam to offer admissions. The exam is for the medical students who have qualified for their 12th class examinations. With the rising competition, the NEET exam has become a prominent name in the list of the popular exams in India. Conducted By National Testing Agency (NTA) NEET 2022 Exam Date May 2022 (Tentative) Official Website www.nta.ac.in Exam Type Under Graduate Eligibility 12th or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology. Exam Level All India Level   Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): The GATE exam is conducted to facilitate admissions for postgraduate engineering courses in IITs. The exam is conducted by the Indian Institute of Science. Considered one of popular exams in India, the GATE syllabus comprises the concepts taught during the 4 years of the undergraduate degree. It is organised as an online exam and evaluates test-takers on two parameters, i.e. General Aptitude and knowledge of Technical and Engineering Mathematics. Conducted By Indian Institute of Science GATE 2022 Exam Date February 5, 6, 12 and 13, 2022 (Announced) Official Website gate.iitkgp.ac.in Exam Type Post Graduate Eligibility Graduation in Science or Engineering Exam Level All India Level   National Defence Academy (NDA): the NDA exam is conducted by the Services Selection Board (SSB) for the recruitment of the candidates to the Army, Naval and Airforce. The exam is conducted twice a year to screen out the best candidates for the countries most prestigious defence academy. The NDA exam pattern involves a written test followed by the SSB interview which further has a list of outdoor activities to evaluate the on-ground performance skills of the candidate. It is mandatory for the students to clear all the stages of the examination to qualify for admission in NDA. Conducted By UPSC NDA 2022 Exam Date NDA (I): April 10, 2022 NDA (II): September 04, 2022 Official Website upsc.gov.in Exam Type Under Graduate Exam Level All India Level Mode of Exam Offline   Common-Law Admission Test (CLAT): Common-Law Admission Test (CLAT) is an entrance exam that is conducted to offer admissions in LLB and LLM. Though some of the law schools accept LSAT while others rely on the CLAT scores for the admissions. The exam is conducted once a year and the mode of examination is offline. For admission to a bachelors course, the eligibility criteria need a candidate to have completed the 12th class examinations while as for a master’s degree, a bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite. The exam demands a vast knowledge of subjects which makes it one of the popular exams in India. Conducted By National Law Universities CLAT 2022 Exam Date 3rd week of May 2022 Official Website consortiumofnlus.ac.in Exam Type Under Graduate and Post Graduate Eligibility UG: Class 12th with minimum 45% PG: 3-year LLB with minimum 50% Exam Level All India Level   UGC NET: UGC NET is a national level exam that aims to screen candidates for the post of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) at Indian universities and colleges. One of the top 10 toughest exams in India, it is organised across 83 subjects as well as 81 centres around the country. From 2018 onwards, it has been conducted under the authority of the National Testing Agency (NTA) and is usually pursued by those who are studying or have completed their master’s degree. Conducted By National Testing Agency UGC NET 2022 Exam Date 1st Week of June 2022 Official Website https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in/ Exam Type Post Graduate Eligibility Post Graduation with a minimum of 55% Exam Level All India Level   Common Admission Test (CAT): The top business schools in India rely upon the CAT exam to facilitate admissions for various courses in Business Management. The exam tests candidates on various parameters which include Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning and Verbal Ability skills. Every year around 2 Lakh candidates appear in the exam out of which only 1500 are selected. The mode of the exam is online and is conducted once a year. Indian Engineering Services (IES): Also referred to as Engineering Services Exam (ESE), IES Exam is another potential contender in our list of top toughest exams in India. It is mainly a recruitment exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) with the aim to shortlists candidates for various engineering positions and vacancies under the different departments of the Government of India. It is organised for engineering branches, i.e. Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. More than two lakh aspirants appear for the IES exam every year and the test encompasses a three-level recruitment procedure, i.e. IES Preliminary, IES Main followed by a Personality Test.

Coaching Select July 07, 2022

Difference between MS and MTech

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Difference between MS and MTech

Mtech vs MS   Parameters Mtech MS Name of the Program Master of Technology Master of Science Duration 2 years 1 to 2 years Course Structure It is a technical course with more practical applications The course is more theoretical and research-based Entrance Exam GATE (India)GRE (Abroad) GATE (India)GRE (Abroad) Curriculum The curriculum will revolve around the technical application of the chosen specialization The curriculum will be related to theoretical aspects of the specialization opted along with research opportunities Specializations Non-medical specializations such as Computer Science, Mechanical, Electronics etc Medical as well as Non-Medical options such as Biological, Chemistry, Physics etc Higher Studies Doctorate Doctorate Scope Generally, Candidates pursue full-time jobs Candidates are more into pursuing their research Eligibility Criteria of M.Sc and M.Tech If you are eyeing one of the postgraduate courses in either science or engineering, you will be required to meet the M.Sc and M.Tech courses’ eligibility criteria in India. For both Master of Science and Master of Technology courses, the eligibility criteria require the candidates to possess a graduate degree, preferably in the same field and discipline as the one they choose to pursue. However, in almost all the colleges, the candidates must have obtained a minimum of 55% or above in their graduation. Many institutes and colleges across the country take admission to the different science or engineering programmes based on the candidates’ marks in an entrance test conducted by the varsity themselves or at the national level. Candidates need to appear for Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE), which is applicable for admission to the M.Tech programmes in various educational institutes. However, aspiring candidates must note that every institute or college or university that offers different M. Tech programmes take admission based on the performance or the rank obtained by the student in GATE alone. Many universities and institutes conduct their entrance tests to take admission in those institutes. Therefore, before applying for admission to any of the institutes, the candidates must check out the eligibility criteria and other institute requirements. As conveyed by the name, M tech will take you on a tour in the world of Technology. The curriculum is designed to facilitate more industry-specific needs. It will equip you with various latest advancements in the chosen field. On the other hand, if you want to delve deeper in the domain of science and research then MS would be a better option for you. Both the programs are open for the students who have studied the science stream subjects. Being popular options after BTech and BSc courses, both the programs have several varied aspects, especially in the terms of their focus. Mtech is a technical course with various engineering specializations on offer whereas MS is more theory specific elucidating research options. Course MTech will enable you to specialize under the chosen branch of engineering. On the other hand, MS will be a treat for the ones wanting to learn core scientific knowledge of the field. A majority of universities in India offer MTech under a wide variety of specializations but MS is not that popular course in the country, instead, it is offered in the form of MSc. On the contrary, you may encounter limited MTech programs abroad as MS is offered prominently. Specializations: Mtech vs MS Often students opt for a similar field in MTech as that of their bachelor’s degree (BTech). Some frequently opted MTech specialization are: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information and Technology Engineering, etc. Whilst the MS course can be pursued in medical and non-medical branches such as Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence etc. Particulars M.Tech (India) MS (USA) Level Post Graduation Post Graduation Duration 2 years (4 semesters) 1 – 2 years Eligibility Must be a graduate in BTech/ BE 3.0 GPA on the scale of 4.0 GPA Fees Structure INR 50,000 – 2,00,000 13,200 – 141,000 USD Entrance Exams GATE TANCET OJEE BHU PET AP PGECET UPSEE Other Mtech entrance exams IELTS – 6.5 -7.5 TOEFL– 87 – 102 GRE– 292 – 328 Career Paths Senior Engineer, Project Manager, Researcher, Technical Consultant, Technical Scientist, Account Manager, etc. Top Recruiting Companies -Amazon, Facebook, Google, Cognizant, Cisco System, Booz, Allen & Hamilton Group, etc. Average Salary INR 3 – 6 LPA 64,111/USD   Entrance Exams To all the dexterous students aspiring to earn a degree in MTech or MS have to qualify competitive exams in order to secure admission. Any study destination, whether in India or Abroad, would require you to present high scores in entrance exams to secure your seat in the field of your choice. In India, you will have to qualify the GATE exam for both the courses, though some institutions may accept GRE for MS. Universities abroad would accept GRE scores for both the courses. Career Scope: Mtech vs MS Since both the programs have different approaches in the field of science, thus, you can target various industries after earning a degree in your dream course. Oftentimes Mtech graduates are picked up by leading organisations or IT companies for high profile technical roles. MS graduates are often placed in R&D companies. Also, the field of research stands open for MS students. Choosing between M.TECH and M.S. M.Tech is a course centric program focused mainly on Industries and M.S is a research-centric programme the most basic difference between M.Tech(M.E) and M.S. Admission to an M.S. program depends on the score of the entrance exam as well as the interview round whereas admission to an M.Tech(M.E) program depends on the candidate’s GATE score and in some cases Institutes internal tests. If a student wants to be trained in a specific stream within the discipline of engineering the M.E./M.Tech is the choice. The student is trained to work in an industry as well as take up some research work with the degree of M.Tech(M.E) in hand. The students are trained to take up a career in research in industry or academia as far as M.S. is concerned. The M.Tech(M.E) has a course duration of strictly 2 years. Duration of M.S. can extend even up to 3 or 4 years, depending on the status of the project. The M.S. degree is granted to the student only on completion of the project taken up for his/her masters. Program to take up really depends on the interest of the student and their career plan. Both M.Tech(M.E) and M.S. have equivalent values.   Is MS degree equivalent to M Tech? Equivalency dependents on the subjects covered under the degree. For example, an MS in Electrical Engineering can be equivalent to Mtech Electrical Engineering provided the core subjects and curriculum of the course work is same.  

Coaching Select June 04, 2022

What Are The Benefits Of Learning Artificial Intelligence For Kids

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What Are The Benefits Of Learning Artificial Intelligence For Kids

If you observe carefully, year after year we are surrounded by AI. Our young generation is blessed to be growing up with the technology of AI around them. The earlier the students learn about AI, the better it is for them to understand the technology around them. Artificial Intelligence for kids is even suggested by the (National Education Policy)NEP 2020. Before we go any further, let's talk about what Artificial Intelligence for kids actually is?     What Do You Mean By Artificial Intelligence?   AI is a branch of computer science that tends to create an intelligent system. In simple words, AI refers to the simulation of human-like intelligence in machines. Some of the good examples of Artificial Intelligence for kids are as follows: Netflix Recommendation Engine Tesla Autopilot- Self-driving cars Ride-Hailing Applications like Ola, Uber, Rapido, etc. Digital smart Assistants like Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana, Siri on iPhone, Amazon Echo, Bixby on Samsung phones, Google Home, etc. Email Spam filters such as Spambrella, Xeams, and MailWasher.   How Artificial Intelligence For Kids Made Simpler?   It all depends upon your child's age. To get started you need to make them aware of how AI works in the first place. The first step should be to make them recognize AI around them. You can ask them to list down the examples of AI around them. If they tell you about it, then it's a good thing but if not, then you need to teach them about the examples first. Once they get familiar with the real-life applications of AI, they will be able to understand the real-life implementation of AI. As per Mckinsey, it is predicted that due to automation by the year 2030, as much as 14% of the workforce needs to switch their occupation. Thus, learning artificial intelligence for kids is a necessary task.   Is There Any Artificial Intelligence Course For Kids?   To make artificial intelligence for kids easy to understand, there are many artificial intelligence courses for kids. Tinkerly's STEM learning & coding course is among one of these courses. This play-based online coding course not only teaches young minds about the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence but also makes them aware of other innovative technologies like Robotics, IoT(Internet Of Things), and Game development through Scratch programming language, etc. What Is Artificial Intelligence For Kids? 1.Enhances Student's Imagination In their early years, students have greater learning abilities. If the students learn about innovative technologies like AI(Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning at an early age, they will develop ideas that can improve the quality of our lives. AI encourages children to express their creativity as they can freely express themselves. This creativity in imagination gives birth to innovation. 2. Develops Interest in STEM Learning The Artificial Intelligence for Kids emphasizes on Hands-on approach to learning, i.e., learning by doing. It is a proven way of understanding effectively. This practical learning approach results in kids' interest in the STEM topics of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These principles applied in AI may also be implemented in different disciplines like economics. 3.A Promising Career Full Of Opportunities AI intervention in various industries is increasing job opportunities. As per estimates, by 2025, the global Artificial Intelligence(AI) market is predicted to reach the mark of $60 billion. So, the young minds who are learning the basics of AI & ML during their early years stand a chance to be one step ahead of their peers.   As per McKinsey & Company Global report, robotic automation will replace 800 million jobs around the world. Thus, there is a lot of workforce demand in the field of AI. To meet this demand, the students need to be made aware of the concepts of AI and ML.   4.AI inculcates Problem-solving skills Artificial intelligence for kids is a good thing. When we teach students AI from an early age, they can identify problems easily and can analyze it. They can clearly understand the logic behind the problem. These problem-solving skills will help them throughout their lives. Students discuss in a robotics workshop to devise the best solutions while integrating math and science topics. It teaches children how to solve issues and work collaboratively while considering everyone's ideas. It instills problem-solving skills in your children at an early age. 5.Fosters decision-making skills AI is a very interactive platform for children. It enables them to make decisions based on their interests and pursue the field of AI they desire. AI is not limited to a particular industry or sector. Artificial intelligence is now widely used in hospitals, games, and self-driving vehicles.   AI will instill a decision-making process in your children as it encourages them to make the most practical and suitable choice regarding the present situation. This skill will not just be crucial in the Artificial Intelligence Course for your Kids, but it's treasured value for life.   Summing Up!   In this blog, we have discussed the meaning of AI(Artificial Intelligence), how to simplify AI for your kids, Artificial Intelligence courses best suited for your Kids, and various benefits of learning AI for your kids. We hope using this blog we have conveyed important information about AI and its importance in your child's development that will help you to make the decision wisely.     For More Info:- Machine learning for beginners & Eklavvya

Elation Edtech Pvt. Ltd. May 30, 2022

Top YouTube Channels For Competitive Exams In Ind

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Top YouTube Channels For Competitive Exams In Ind

Science & technology and current affairs form a major section of the syllabus of a considerable number of competitive examinations. Skills tested under these sections include problem-solving, knowledge of scientific concepts, computer familiarity, basic general knowledge among others. The major topics tested in both the sections have been briefly mentioned below. For more details about competitive exams and best coaching, please visit CoachingSelect. Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) and Technology Scientific Laws, State of Matter (Solid, Liquid & Gas), Units & Conversion, Metals, Ores & Alloys, Image Formation, Nuclear. Elements & Metals, Synthetic Materials, Cell, Periodic Table, Atoms, Acids & Bases, Force, Nuclear Science, IT, Computer Knowledge, Cybersecurity etc Current Affairs Business, Major Awards (Domestic & International), Scientific Developments, Accidents, Festivals, Government Schemes (Aadhaar, GST), Important Judgements, Amendments, Disasters, Sports & Games, Appointments, RBI Rate Changes, etc.   In addition to the above primary sections along with basic general knowledge, there are several other disciplines that are included under the syllabus of these competitive exams. Here is a table that enlists some of the major subjects that might appear in the syllabus of a competitive exam. History Modern History, Medieval History, Famous Rulers, Battles & Wars, Indian History in Chronology, Reforms and Movements, World History, Treatises, Ancient Texts & Authors, Dynasties, British Rule (Viceroys, Governor Generals, British Legislations), Social Movements, Monuments Geography Rivers, Mountain Ranges, Deserts, Lakes, Waterfalls, Islands, Wetlands, Straits & Canals, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Atmosphere, Lines, etc. Polity Indian Constitution (Parts, Schedules, Articles, Amendments), History of the Constitution, Parliamentary Terms, Questions & Motions in Parliament, Legislative, Executive & Judiciary, Rights & Duties, Centre-State Relations, etc. Economy Nationalised Banks, RBI, Coins and Currency, Central Banks of Important Countries, International Financial Institutions, Bank Rates & Ratios Environment Ecology, Environmental Issues and Conventions, Climate Change, Natural Resources, Wildlife & Conservation, International Environmental Conventions & Protocols* Literature, Art and Culture Film & Cinema (India & International), Dance Forms, Indian Architecture, Religion & Languages, Music, Books & Authors, Nobel Prizes and Winners, Indian Honors (Jnanpith Award, Sahitya Award, etc) etc. International Relations Major Wars (World wars, Spanish Civil War, US-Vietnam War, Cold War, etc), International Organisations (UN, WHO, International Criminal Court, EU, etc), International Associations (SAARC, BRICS, ASEAN, OPEC, G8, G20, etc), SDGs, MDGs etc. India Basic Facts, National Symbols, Languages, Courts and Tribunals, States and Capitals, State Formation, State-Based Facts, National Organisations, World Heritage Facts, etc Miscellaneous Important Days of the Year, Sports, Social Issues   1. Khan GS Research Center 1. Official account username- @khangsresearchcentre1685 2. Subscribers: 20.8M+  3. Total videos on the channel: 360+ videos Khan sir is famous for his way of teaching. There are no bulk videos on his channel, but you will get good current affairs analysis here. He also covers topics like economics, defense, computer, railways, and many more. 2. Wifistudy 1. Official account username- @wifistudy 2. Subscribers: 15.9M+  3. Total videos on the channel: 50k+ videos Wifistudy is another big name in the field of online study. They provide 40+ LIVE classes daily (Mon-Fri). Till now, they have uploaded more than 50k+ educational videos. You will get content for preparing for many exams like SSC, Railway, IBPS, etc. 3. Study IQ IAS 1. Official account username- @studyiqofficial 2. Subscribers: 14.4M+ 3. Total videos on the channel: 41K+ videos If you are a government job aspirant, then you might have heard of Study IQ. Apart from Hindi, Study IQ also has channels in Marathi, Gujrati, and Bangla. Study IQ also provides premium courses, but their general knowledge and current affairs videos are amazing. I strongly recommend you to subscribe to this channel if you are preparing for any competitive exam. 4. Examपुर 1. Official account username- @Exampur__Official 2. Subscribers: 10.3M+ 3. Total videos on the channel: 60k+ videos Examपुर can be the one-stop solution for government job aspirants. Examपुर provides a wide range of exam preparation videos and live classes. You can start your exam preparation for SSC/Railway/UPSC/Defence/Teaching on Examपुर. 5. Physics Wallah - Alakh Pandey 1. Official account username- @PhysicsWallah 2. Subscribers: 10.2M+ 3. Total videos on the channel: 1.4K videos Alakh Pandey started this YouTube Channel in 2016. Later in 2020, Alakh Pandey and Prateek Maheshwari founded Coaching Physics Wallah. It became a unicorn in June 2022 after raising $100 million at a valuation of $1.1 billion. The popularity of Alakh Pandey Sir among the students through this YouTube channel led to milestones in the education industry.  6. Adda247 1. Official account username- @Adda247Official 2. Subscribers: 7.06M+ 3. Total videos on the channel: 40K+ videos Here you can get free online classes regularly to prepare for all the examinations every day. They have a team of over 300 expert faculty. In addition, you can prepare for CET, Banking Exams, Railway, and SSC Exams on Adda247. They also provide classes in Hindi and English both. 7. Unacademy Unacademy is an Indian educational technology company that provides an online educational platform with its headquarters in Bangalore, Karnataka.  It prepares students for various competitive exams(like JEE, NEET, UPSC, CA, GATE, UPSC NDA, CUET, Boards etc.), as well as provides content on foundational (K-12) and skill-building courses (programming, photography, entrepreneurship, etc). It has various youtube channels according to different subjects- 1. Unacademy UPSC (@unacademyias)- 5.24M+ subscribers 2. Unacademy JEE (@UnacademyJEE)- 2.24M+ subscribers 3. Unacademy NEET (@UnacademyNEET)- 1.99M+ subscribers It is one of the best education platforms, equipped with modern teaching methodologies and technology.  8. SuperCoaching SSC & Railway by Testbook 1. Official account username- @supercoachingtestbook 2. Subscribers: 3.06M+  3. Total videos on the channel: 17K+ videos Testbook is a comparatively small Channel, but the content quality is unbelievable. They provide Systematic study plans, daily current affairs videos, Exam Preparation Tips, General Knowledge articles, etc. Other than these facilities, they also provide their premium course at an affordable rate. 9. Abhinay Maths 1. Official account username- @ABHINAYMATHS 2. Subscribers: 2.63M+  3. Total videos on the channel: 1.1k+ videos This channel is based on teaching mathematics. He also motivates students, and he is the man behind the “Modi Job Do” campaign. They also teach offline in Mukherjee Nagar, New Delhi. 10. Apni Kaksha 1. Official account username- @apnikakshaofficial 2. Subscribers: 1.66M+ 3. Total videos on channel : 675+ videos Apni Kaksha is one of the fastest-growing educational channels. Its Founder Aman Dhattarwal wanted to make a platform where he could bring top faculties and subject experts and provide quality to free education across India. Apni Kaksha is now working in the field of animation, where it will be providing animated video lectures to students across India for Board Examinations/Competitive Exams and Placement Courses.    

Arun Garg April 28, 2022

Graduation Entry in IIM from IPM exam after Class 12

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Graduation Entry in IIM from IPM exam after Class 12

This exam will lead you to the 5 YEAR INTEGRATED PROGRAME IN MANAGEMENT in the prestigious IIMs. This 5 year IPM consists of (BBA+MBA). This course has made its foundation in the year 2011 by IIM INDORE. As per now there are a total of 5 IIMs providing this IPM course: IIM INDORE (2011): Provides you with a BA DEGREE IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT and then lead you towards the prestigious IIM MBA. You also have a chance to exit after your bachelors and earn your BA DEGREE IN BUISNESS MANAGEMENT. You can get into this course by giving IPMAT-INDORE. IIM ROHTAK (2019): Provides you with a BBA course and then lead you towards the MBA after successfully completing the first 3 years. In here to you can exit after your Bachelors. You can get into this course by giving IPMAT-ROHTAK. IIM RANCHI (2021): Provides you with BBA and then MBA. You can exit after your bachelors too. You can get into by giving SAT & IPMAT-INDORE. IIM JAMMU (2021): Provides you with BBA and then MBA. You can exit after completing any of the following years. You can get into IIM JAMMU by giving JIPMAT conducted by NTA IIM BODH GAYA (2021): Provides you with BBA and then lead you towards MBA. Here too the same prospect as IIM JAMMU. You have to give JIPMAT to get into this course at IIM BG. IPM is a fruitful course which provides you the prestigious IIM MBA DEGREE at the end of completing the 5 years. But you have to get 6.00 or more points in bachelors to get into MBA or else you will not be allotted to continue your MBA. The uniqueness of the IPM programme The IPM course allows class 12th students the opportunity to study at one of the top IIM for further education and is the first of its kind in the country. It has been accredited by the Association of MBAs, London (4th and 5th year). The learning goals of the programme are split into those for the first 3 years and the last 2 years. This programme consists of 15 terms spread over a period of 5 years with each year having 3 terms of 3 months. Three major elements of the course are: Courses in Mathematics, Statistics, and Economics Courses in Psychology, Sociology and Political Science along with courses in Economics Courses in Humanities, Literature, and Fine Arts This course by IIM Indore allows direct entry into the IIM for further education after 12th and gives the participants the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Foundation of Management) and Masters of Business Administration (under the Dual degree programme) who successfully complete it. What are the courses offered in the 3+2 years of the course? Courses offered in the first 3 years are as follows: Mathematics, Statistics, Economics Foundation Courses in Maths & Statistics Game Theory Optimization Mathematical Modelling Micro and Macro-economics Indian Economy Econometrics International Trade Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Foundations of Management Introduction to Sociology & Psychology Business, Government and Society Business History Principles of Management Others Humanities Languages: English, French, Spanish, German Communication & Presentation Skills Dance, Music, Drama Courses offered in the last 3 years are as follows: Communication Economics Finance & Accounting Humanities & Social Sciences Information Systems Marketing OB & HR Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques Strategy Rural Immersion Programme Himalaya Outbound Programme Industry Visit Workshop Other Optional Workshops How to get into an IIM after Class 12? Getting into the reputed IIMs doesn’t have to be pushed till after completing the bachelor’s degree. Presently, IIM Rohtak and IIM Indore offers a five year integrated and multi-disciplinary programme. The programme is fit for the students who have graduate from class 12th or any other equivalent programme from diverse schools. The program is structured to train and iron the students in becoming professionals in the management field. Students who wish to secure admissions into the 5-year Integrated Program offered by some of the top business schools of India must meet the eligibility criteria, then appear the IPMAT exam which is further explained below- IIMs offering Integrated Programme in Management (IPM) IIM Indore IIM Indore (IPMAT Indore) IIM Ranchi IIM Rohtak (IPMAT Rohtak) IIM Bodh Gaya IIM Jammu IIMs offering Integrated Programme in Management and eligibility criteria College Eligibility Exam conducted IIM Indore Age: Candidate should have been born on or after August 01, 1999 (5 years of relaxation to the candidates from SC/ST/PwD category will be given i.e. born on or after August 01, 1994)   Qualifying Exam: Candidate should have passed Standard XII/HSC or equivalent examination in 2018, 2019 or 2020   Minimum Percentage (%) of marks: Candidate should have Minimum 60% in standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations (55 % for the candidates from SC/ST/ PwD category)   IPMAT Indore IIM Rohtak Gen, OBC, EWS: Minimum 60% in standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations SC,ST and PWD (DAP) Category: Minimum 55% in standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations Candidates must be 20 years of age (maximum) as on July 31, 2021. Candidates who are in the final year of standard XII/ HSC or equivalent that is likely to be completed by July 31, 2021 will also be eligible to apply. IPMAT Rohatk IIM Jammu Candidate should have passed Standard XII/HSC or equivalent examination in 2019, 2020 or appearing in 2021. Candidate should have a Minimum 60% in standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations (55 % for the candidates from SC/ST/ PwD category). Candidates who are likely to complete standard XII/ HSC or equivalent by the end of June 30, 2021 can also apply, JIPMAT IIM Bodhgaya Age: Candidate should have been born on or after August 01, 2001 (5 years of relaxation to the candidates from SC/ST/PwD category will be given i.e. born on or after August 01, 1996) Qualification: Candidate should have passed Standard XII/HSC or equivalent examination in 2019, 2020 or appearing in 2021 Minimum Percentage (%) of marks: Candidate should have Minimum 60% in standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations (55 % for the candidates from SC/ST/ PwD category) JIPMAT IIM Ranchi Candidates should have scored 60% or above in 10th standard/Secondary/SSC Examination and the 12th standard/Higher Secondary/HSC Examination. A relaxation of 5% has been given to SC/ST/PwD candidates. SAT/ IPMAT Indore  

Tanu Kapoor February 23, 2022

List of MBA Specializations in India

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List of MBA Specializations in India

  An MBA program builds a strong foundation in the basic concepts across various management subjects while developing managerial skills to become a prospective leader in the world of business. Choosing the right specialisation domain can help you in determining the potential job you will be eligible for in the future. Going for a generalised MBA or a specialised program, completely depends on the student. To make this easier for you, we have formulated a list of various MBA specialisations offered across most of the universities and business schools across the world: Marketing The marketing department within a company carries out the responsibility of bringing in new business for the company and increase the market share for the growth of the revenues. An MBA in Marketing involves the study of the management process through which goods and services move from manufacturers to customers. It also studies the 4 P’s of Marketing: Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Students pursuing a career in Marketing will get an insight into the areas like Consumer Behaviour, Market Research, Brand Management, Sales Management, Retail Management, Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing. An aspiring marketing professional is an extrovert with good interpersonal and analytical skills. Human Resource Having great relational abilities and appealing personality makes a good Human Resource Manager. An MBA in HR involves a study of Human Resource Development, Strategic Management and Organisational Management. Other than this, students specialising in this field learn about the cultural, social and financial aspects that can affect the relationship between employer and the employees. Looking for Why an MBA in HR? If there is a workforce, there will be a constant need for HR within the organisation. Finance Accounting to nearly 22% of post-career MBA choice, Finance is the one-stop career path in the field of business, concerned with the efficient management of money. It is an ever-growing sector forming an integral part of all the organizations. Students going for an MBA in Finance will get an insightful know-how about budgeting, tax planning, investment analysis, corporate restructuring, banking, portfolio management and financial markets and services. A study of Finance has been further classified into the following 3 categories: Personal Finance Public Finance Corporate Finance Finance Management has always been and will continue to demand professionals with the skills to solve various business problems. International Business A career in International Business Management involves trading goods, services and capital at an international level. It concentrates on the in-depth aspects of international operations in an organisation. International Marketing Management, International Finance, International Human Resource Management, Export & Import Management, International Trade Laws, International Labour Laws, International Labour Organisation, are some of the subjects covered in this MBA specialisation. In this rapidly globalising and liberalising world, where every business wants to expand itself in the international market, there are enormous opportunities for MBA graduates. Information Systems Technology has extended to almost every sector and industry, leading to the growing demand for professionals with business and advanced technical expertise. Students pursuing an MBA in Information Systems learn the basics of Computer Systems and Applications, Data Analysis, Database Administration, Network Security, Information Security Management, Technical Support Specialisation, Supply Chain Management and e-Business. Professionals in Management Information Systems (MIS) are trained in organise and analyse data to answer questions and solve relevant problems in an organisation. Pursing this program, you can work under the following job profiles: Risk Management Director Corporate Auditing Director Marketing and Sales Manager Supply Chain Management Director Government Affairs Director Business Development Manager MBA in Operations Management Here is everything you need to know about MBA specializations in Operations Management. An MBA in Operations Management graduate is expected to have an eye for the minutest details, commendable negotiation skills, zero-error efficiency level, and technical knowledge of the processes. For this, the students through the course curriculum are equipped with skills to deal with shop floor or production management so that they can ensure that all the operations in the business are going smoothly and efficiently. It includes all the processes pertaining to planning, organizing, controlling, and supervising. Some popular job profiles a student can work in after graduating with an MBA in Operations Management are listed below: Purchasing and Procurement Plant/Facility Manager Warehouse Manager Logistics/ Distribution Manager Supply Chain Manager Other MBA Specialisations Below-mentioned is a list of more comprehensive industry-specific specialization fields for students aspiring to pursue MBA from abroad: MBA in Agriculture MBA in Energy Management MBA in Communication MBA in Pharmaceutical Management MBA in Project Management MBA in Retail Management MBA in Healthcare MBA in Accounting MBA in Quality Management MBA in Fashion Designing

Tanu Kapoor February 09, 2022

How to Become an Influencer

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How to Become an Influencer

How Do You Become an Influencer? The life of a social media influencer is envied by many. What we often fail to recognize is the persistent effort they have to put in order to live a life of luxury and glamour. The truth is that there is no easy answer to the question of how to become an influencer. However, there are certain steps that you can take in order to steer your efforts in the right direction. Identify Your Niche Types of Influencers: Mega-influencers are those who have millions of followers, earning them the prestige of a social media celebrity. Macro-influencers have followers between 100,000 and 999,999. They focus on a specific niche such as beauty, lifestyle, gaming, fitness, fashion, or business. Micro-influencers are masters of a specific field with the number of followers ranging from 1000 to 100000. Since many influencers fall under this category, this is the most preferred type of influencer. Nano-influencer characterizes people with a following between 500 and 1000. They are usually hyper niched and have a closely-knit audience group.   If you want to become an influencer, you can’t expect to be a “jack (or jane) of all trades, master of none.” It is crucial that you pick a niche that aligns with your image. An easy way to select your niche is to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Choose a niche that allows you to showcase your strengths and hone your skills further. Deciding on a particular niche will help you streamline your audience and tailor your content to suit their preferences. Typically, when deciding on how to become an influencer, you can choose one of the following categories: Travel Lifestyle Fashion Food Beauty Sports Gaming Entertainment Tech Health and Fitness What kind of content creation works? Conceptual – A big chunk of the content, especially on YouTube and Instagram, is around data science concepts. These include statistical concepts and tutorials on programming languages like R and Python. Career and job opportunities, data science and AI landscape – The most popular area for content creation in this field is around jobs and different types of careers in data science and AI field. Creators often talk about how to go about networking, how to edit one’s CV as per job roles and experience, etc. Some even host mock interviews to give a real feel of the actual process. Business concepts – A data scientist needs to properly understand business settings to derive insights from the data and help in business decision-making. Influencers often base their content around real-life business use-cases to give their users a feel of how business decisions are made.   Pick Your Platform As an influencer, you need to have a powerful presence on the internet. However, that doesn’t mean that you should use all of the social media platforms and distribution channels out there. Depending on your niche, certain platforms might be better suited for your content than others. Example: For instance, if you are a fashion blogger, Instagram would work better for your visual content than other platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn. In fact, 93% of social media influencers prefer Instagram as it delivers the best results. However, that doesn’t mean that you should focus all of your effort on Instagram if your niche doesn’t align with the platform. Prioritize Your Content High-quality content is perhaps the most potent answer to the question of how to become an influencer. It is extremely important to publish unique and authentic content that resonates with your audience. In fact, this is the only way to keep your audience hooked to your content. Regardless of the type of content you create, it should be meaningful and valuable. Depending on your niche and distribution channels, you can choose different types of content such as blog posts, photos, videos, podcasts, etc. Listen to Your Audience An effective way to ensure that your content garners traction is to create content that your audience wants. In order to get relevant content ideas, you can run a quick Google search for your niche. Scroll down to the bottom of search results to find the long-tail keywords that are being used by your target audience. You can also search platforms such as Quora and Reddit to get an idea of what your target audience is talking about. If you want your content to strike a chord with your audience, you must have a deep understanding of your follower community. Maintain Consistency Publishing high-quality content on a regular basis is one of the most effective ways to retain your audience’s attention. When you deliver good content on a regular basis, it creates a sense of anticipation among your audience. Collaborate with Other Influencers When you are starting out, and still wondering how to become an influencer, partnering with someone famous in your niche can be of great help. It gives you access to their fan base and allows you to attract them to your social media profiles. Create a Media Kit A media kit serves as a digital portfolio for an influencer. Think of it as a way to show brands what you can help them achieve. Whether a brand approaches you for collaboration or you want to pitch a brand that you’d like to work with, having a media kit will help you stand out as an influencer. Your media kit should include details like: Introduction about yourself and your expertise Number of social media followers Audience demographics Engagement rate Previous brand partnerships and testimonials Collaboration options You can easily create an impressive media kit online with real-time data and analytics using a platform like MediaKits. It offers multiple customization options to ensure that your media kit reflects your personal brand perfectly.

Tanu Kapoor February 05, 2022

Top 5 Educational Tools for Students

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Top 5 Educational Tools for Students

One of the most profound ways in which technology has changed education is that it has made it more accessible than it was a few decades ago. From laptops, educational apps to online courses, technology has undeniably changed the face of education today. The host of digital tools readily available now have contributed a great deal in enhancing students’ learning experience. Technology is also playing a key role as a catalyst in encouraging interactions between parents, teachers and students – tapping into the domain – and ensuring that students construct knowledge. Thanks to the advent of Ed-tech, education is no more dominated by blackboards, chalks, dusters and textbooks. For students, one major advantage of going to college in the digital age is that there are a host of online resources, right at their fingertips. Rather than serving as a distraction, the top productivity tools help students stay focused and make the most of their time. And the good news: These tools can be had free of charge, saving students the hassle of paying for apps or keeping up with potentially costly subscriptions. Coursera: What to learn more about something or pick up a new skill? Coursera offers massive open online courses (MOOC) from top universities. Courses are available for free, all students need is a reliable Internet connection, so they can study anywhere, anytime. Each course typically lasts 4-6 weeks, though some are longer. Students can access high-quality course materials, instructional videos, discussion forums, and interactive lessons that would otherwise be out of reach. The platform includes paid courses, too, and those come with additional projects, and, upon successful completion, a certificate that may count toward a master’s degree. For those who want to enhance their career prospects, specializations give them the opportunity to acquire a new job skill, with challenging, self-paced courses that include real-world assignments and projects. edX: The second-largest MOOC-provider after Coursera, edX offers more than 2500 courses from 140 prestigious colleges, universities, and top-tier companies. as one of the best free online productivity tools, this app was founded by Harvard and MIT. It connects more than 20 million like-minded learners from around the world. Removing geographic and cost barriers, edX meets learners where they are with rigorous, self-paced courses on subjects ranging from computer science to communication. EdX operates via an open-source platform, so educators can leverage technology to regularly add new features that enhance the learning experience. Paid courses are also available that allow students to work toward master’s degrees in engineering, IT management, marketing, and several other fields, with more programs in the works. Evernote: Need to keep up with class notes and other stuff, but don’t want to deal with piles of paper or isolated computer files? Evernote transforms the way busy people in general, and students in particular, keep track of important info. Evernote provides a single, secure source for storing and readily accessing files, photos, and voice memos from any device. Even better, Evernote is compatible with digital assistants Siri and Google. As if all that isn’t enough, users can share their info with others, even if the recipients don’t have an Evernote account themselves. Evernote’s browser extension makes it possible to capture everything from PDFs to full webpages, and other online items. Students can also get to-do list reminders so they don’t miss important deadlines for term papers and projects. Google Docs: Google Docs is a top productivity tool that enables users to create documents in a variety of styles and formats (with helpful templates included). Plus, users can convert documents back and forth between Google and Microsoft Word. Another feature that makes this app one of the top productivity tools is its versatility. Students can easily create and store documents on any device, even when they don’t have Internet access — a plus when service is down or there’s no Wi-Fi and users are worried about maxing out their data plan. Google Docs saves changes automatically and maintains revision histories so students can look up different versions of the same document. Real-time editing and chatting allow for seamless collaboration. Insight Timer: Research shows that productivity is higher when students take time to rest and rejuvenate. If you’re looking for free online productivity tools that help you do that, look no further than Insight Timer, the free meditation app. With an extensive library of more than 30,000 titles, this site features a collection of guided meditations for relaxation and restful sleep. The free timer feature allows users to customize settings to incorporate meditations into their daily routine. Students can also adjust settings to more easily access their favourite meditations and talks. New to meditation? This app includes a free 7-day course on the fundamentals of the practice. What’s more, Insight Timer’s resources are available in 30 languages, so they’re available to students worldwide.

Tanu Kapoor February 03, 2022

How to Become a Judge

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How to Become a Judge

How to Become a Judge in High Court in India? The high court is the chief of the state judicial administration. A person must have a citizenship of India. Must have an LLB/LLM degree. He/she should have held a judicial office in India for 10 years or he should have been an advocate of a high court for 10 years. Those who want to become a High Court Judges need to qualify in the State Judicial Services Exam. These exams are done by the individual state governments. To become a judge of a High Court the person must be an Indian citizen and he will be at least 45 years of age. It is a requirement that the person must be worked as a judge in any court in India in a time period not less than ten years. Also, the advocates of having ten years standing in any High Court are also eligible to become the high court judge. In the exam, the questions related to the law will be asked. You can consult former candidates who had appeared in the exam. When you attend the interview you need to reply in a direct manner. They can give some time for you before answering. They will plan the accuracy of your replies. The NJAC Bill has offered the ways to regulate appointments of the judges. The politics have no role in appointments. So we can state that anyone cannot become an HC Judge, there is need to satisfy the above conditions.   How to Become a Judge in Subordinate Court in India? The courts at district levels are called subordinate courts. The person must have an LLB/LLM degree. He/she must have passed the exam by the state Public Service Commission.   Earning a Law Degree The primary thing to start a career in Law as a Judge is to earn a Law degree. An undergraduate degree in Law or an LLB degree is a prerequisite for anyone to prosper in the field. A number of reputed law schools around the world offer LLB courses which marks the beginning of your journey to Judgeship. To get admission to prestigious Law schools in India, you need to qualify CLAT exam. But if you are planning to undertake legal studies abroad in top schools like Harvard, Yale, Oxford or Cambridge, you need to get a valid score in LSAT exam. Preparing for LSAT can be a daunting task but scoring good in the exam can surely guarantee you the best education in the legal domain.   Best Law Colleges in India Earning a degree in LLB or LLM is the core and initial process of how to become a judge. Many colleges in India that build and train you for being a competent lawyer and judge. The following are a list of top law colleges in India: National Law School of India University, Bangalore National Law University, Delhi NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur National Law University, Rajasthan The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Symbiosis Law School. Pune Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab   Gaining Experience While exploring the question of how to become a Judge, you must know that having work experience is imperative. In a courtroom, Judges are met with a variety of cases that sometimes can challenge them. The slightest carelessness due to inexperience can hamper the process of delivering justice. This is why highly competent candidates are chosen for the job. To ensure that a highly experienced professional is overseeing a case, the candidate has to meet a list of requirements to shoulder the responsibility as a Judge in a courtroom. Most of the Law professionals work as attorneys prior to attaining judgeship. A variety of fields are there that a lawyer can specialize in before applying for the exam for a judgeship. The specializations include Immigration Law, Civil Rights Law, Environmental Law, Corporate Law, Tax Law, and Intellectual Property Law.   Pass a Licensure Exam Once you have got your bachelor’s in Law degree, the next thing is to qualify for the Judicial Services Exam or the PCS (J)-Provincial Civil Service-Judicial Examination. The competitive exam is taken by state authorities under the supervision of the respective high courts to appoint the members for the lower judiciary. The age limit for the exam varies between 21 to 35 years. The eligibility for the exam is to have a degree in LLB and work experience of a minimum of 7 years. The exam is conducted in three stages which involve Preliminary, Mains and interviews. The questions asked in the Preliminary exam are objective-based while the Mains paper is subjective in nature. In India, around 24 states conduct the exam with each state having its own eligibility criteria. Before applying for the exam, it is advisable to go through the requirements. The syllabus for the licensure exam covers subjective topics like Criminal Law, Penal Code, Constitution besides the topics on General Knowledge, Aptitude and Reasoning and Language.   Skills Required The power and position to strike that gavel requires certain requisites. Educational qualifications and experience are not enough to become a Judge. Owing to the sensitivity of cases and intricacies involved in jurisprudence, the role of a judge is highly critical. The selection of candidates for the judgeship is administered by experts from the field who evaluate their profile on various parameters. Besides meeting the requirements for the position, the candidate should possess the following skills: Critical Reasoning Skills Objective Analysis Careful Listening Skills Unbiased Decision Making Reading Comprehension Empathy Writing Skills Salary The Salary of a judge depends on the type and the position of the judge. The initial salary for a district-level judge is INR 7,00,000. It further increases with experience and ranges from INR 1,44,840 – INR 2,24,100. The average monthly salary of a supreme court judge and a high court judge is INR 2.50 lakh.

Tanu Kapoor February 02, 2022

UpGrad enters Edtech Unicorn Club

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UpGrad enters Edtech Unicorn Club

upGrad is South Asia’s largest online higher edtech company offering 100+ courses in collaboration with top-notch global universities like Duke Corporate Education (US), Michigan State University (US), Liverpool John Moores University (UK), Deakin Business School (Australia), Swiss School of Business Management, (Geneva), IIT Madras (India), IIM Kozhikode (India), and others. Founded in 2015, the international edtech leader has impacted over 1 million total registered learners over 50+ countries across the world. With an 85% program completion rate, outcome-based learning approach, industry-relevant curriculum, finest university credentials, strong mentorship, and steadfast career support, upGrad has solidified its position in India and globally. upGrad differentiates itself in driving meaningful career outcomes for its learners, in terms of career transition, acceleration or elevating professional confidence. UpGrad, a Bangalore-based startup that specializes in higher education and upskilling courses, hit a valuation of $1.2 billion with a $185 million funding round Monday as global investors plow record capital into firms in the world’s second-largest internet market. Singapore’s Temasek led the financing round while the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation and IIFL participated. The first tranche of this unnamed round — about $120 million — was completed in April this year at a valuation of over $600 million. “We are pleased with the investor interest ever since we opened up for fundraise and had our maiden raise from Temasek, followed by IFC and IIFL in the last 60 days,” said Ronnie Screwvala (pictured above), co-founder and chairperson of upGrad, in a statement. Six-year-old UpGrad, which in recent months has pushed for expansion in international markets, offers students over 100 courses in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, finance, programming and law in collaboration with universities such as Michigan State University, the IIT Madras and IIT Delhi, and Swiss School of Business Management, Geneva. More than a million users from over four dozen nations have accessed the platform’s courses, the startup said. On its website, UpGrad says it has over 62,000 paid students. These courses cost between $3,300 to $6,750 and run for six months to two years.   UpGrad is among the scores of Indian edtech startups that has reported skyrocketing growth in recent quarters as students move online following the shutting of schools due to the pandemic. UpGrad is the 21st Indian startup to become a unicorn this year, up from 11 last year. In recent quarters, high-profile investors such as Tiger Global, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Falcon Edge and Temasek have doubled down on their bets on India. This year, upGrad has already made two acquisitions, including upskilling platform KnowledgeHut to mark its foray into the short-duration professional courses segment, and video-learning solutions provider Impartus to provide digital learning tools to education institutions and colleges. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic disrupting businesses across sectors, edtech companies in India have been ruling the roost in raising funds from global investors since early 2020. Edtech was the most funded sector last year with Byju’s alone accounting for $1.4 billion in funds raised. Upgrad has risen to fame owing to its fantastic marketing strategy and for providing the convenience of pursuing a degree entirely online. But is the company merely a good show and no hustle? Any ed-tech platform that makes our work easy and efficient is indeed a good platform, and upgrad fares well in that area. However, many other platforms serve a similar purpose like upgrad, such as Simplilearn, Udemy, EdX, NPTEL, Learnbay and many more. So let us analyse what makes upgrad soo different from the others and by the end I will be suggesting some alternatives that in my opinion are as good as upgrad or even better. Upgrad is a Mumbai based startup founded in 2015. Its subsidiaries include Impart Innovations, The Gate Academy, Fairmont Technologies, Rekrut India Private Limited and Knowledgehut solutions. Upgrad is a platform that provides UG and PG Programs for professionals and basic level learning programs for beginners. About the courses Upgrad has courses currently in demand and is very much trending in the industry, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Blockchain, Digital Marketing, Software Management. Diplomas, PG degrees, certificate courses are all the options you get at upgrad, making it a seamlessly good platform that you may invest into. However, there are few to no domain elective courses on the platform, which may be a problem for people from varying backgrounds and want to stick to their roots. What's more, there are stage based programs, and everyone will have to learn whatever the platform provides regardless of their work experience. This might be a problem for anyone who has significant experience in the course subject but wants to learn and dig in more. Collaborations and partners Upgrad has good ties with numerous reputable organisations such as IIT-Bangalore, IIT-Mumbai, MICA, BITS Pilani, NMIMS, the University of Cambridge, Deakin Business School, Liverpool John Moores University and more. This means you can get courses from these universities effortlessly once your application is approved. You will also get alumni status from these universities. Expenses Upgrad is expensive. Executive PG in Data Science costs 3.00 lakhs for 12 months years with an additional cost of 5000, from IIIT Bangalore including the registration fee and exam fee. This, when compared to regular college, is way higher considering the requirements of the general public. Scholarships are available for deserving students and for those who register early. EMI options are available. Subsidiaries Ugrad has 5 subsidiaries, each that serve different purposes. Therefore, it is questionable to have different platforms for each domain. Furthermore, it can become cumbersome for anyone looking for courses and can't find them on one platform. Nonetheless, let's take a look at these companies and what they do. Impartus Innovations pvt ltd It is an e-learning platform that specialises in Automated Lecture Capture, Learning Management systems; Video aided learning, Blended Learning, Personalized Learning, Distance Learning, Corporate Training, Learning and Development, Lecture Capture, Flipped Classroom, and Virtual Classroom. The gate academy It is a coaching centre solely meant for GATE coaching for engineering students. It was founded by alumni of IISc and IITs who were GATE toppers themselves. Fairmont Technologies The company offers software publishing, consultancy and supply, which is further classified into Software publishing, including production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customised) software, operating systems software, business & other applications software, computer games software for all platforms. Knowledgehut Solutions It is yet another upskilling platform offering online courses that are outcome driven. They also provide a similar to work kind of learning experience where you will be given real world problem-solving training in tech companies. These features show that Upgrad is indeed highly renowned and has been doing well in the ed-tech industry if you want to entirely focus on your learning and do it at your convenience by learning from home, not to mention that you get a degree from the most prestigious school all over the world.

Tanu Kapoor January 28, 2022

Byjus Future of India

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Byjus Future of India

BYJU’S Future School will aim at crossing the bridge from passive to active learning by offering an interactive learning platform that blends real-time instruction with lessons that generate creative outcomes for children aged between 6-18 years. At launch, BYJU’S Future School will offer coding and math lessons. New subjects like Music, English and Fine Arts will be part of future plans. BYJU'S has 80 million registered students on its flagship learning app, and the company believes that with this 1:1 live online learning platform, ‘BYJU’S Future School’ will expand to 350 million users worldwide by FY 2022. "The upgrade rates are very high in the USA and Latin America, and we are doing this organically and efficiently. We are building a model where teachers, mostly women, in different regions of the world, can teach math and coding, and come back to the formal economy," said Byju. BYJU’S Future Prospects According to BYJU’S Chief product officer, Ranjith Radhakrishnan, global EdTech platforms are all set to rapidly evolve in the following areas: Uber Personalization: The future of education is powered by data, data, and more data. Machine Learning and AI systems will personalize pedagogy and cater to a student’s individual learning needs. This combined with dedicated BYJU’s teachers assigned to each student will vastly improve learning outcomes. One‑size‑fits‑all model of education will be a thing of the past. Learning Content will Evolve: According to Ranjith, arts (music, dance, craft, painting, etc.) will play a more significant role in education. Virtual reality and augmented reality will help students immerse themselves into experiential, visual and simulated-learning experiences. Rise of Blended Learning Formats: BYJU’S founder and CEO, Byju Raveendran says that schools should not completely go online because a school’s corridors and the playground teach many important life skills like empathy and teamwork. The future belongs to blended learning formats, which combines the rigor and discipline of a live class with the flexibility and learning techniques of an online class. The New Normal: The future of BYJU’S is towards defining a new normal of education. As software and content evolve, naturally the learning devices will evolve side-by-side. One such example is the Disney.BYJU’S Early Learn Kit and its digitally enabled worksheets, which allow kids to ‘learn‑by‑doing’. BYJU’S itself has evolved from videos to adaptive learning, to interactive and game‑based learning, and then to hands-on learning. The future of BYJU’S might very well be experiential learning. “Byju’s Future School helps cross the bridge from passive to active learning by offering an interactive learning platform that blends real-time instruction with lessons that generate creative outcomes for kids aged between 6-18 years,” the email reads. “Powered by 11,000 qualified women teachers based in India engaging with students from English-speaking countries, Byju’s Future School is further targeting to penetrate deeper into non-English speaking markets such as Mexico and Brazil. The coding curriculum will also be available in Spanish and Portuguese, besides onboarding qualified women teachers who engage with students in these two countries.” Byju’s Future School plans to offer a range of subjects including music, English, fine arts and science, the startup told employees, and coding and math will be available at the launch. Edtech giant Byju’s, which is valued at around $13 billion, has globally launched its 1:1 live online learning platform ‘Byju’s Future School’. The Bengaluru-based firm has 80 million registered students on its flagship learning app. Byju’s Future School will be available in the US, UK, Australia, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico in May and will progressively expand to more geographies in the near future. This builds on the success of Byju’s subsidiary WhiteHat Jr in India and select countries globally. Byju’s Future School helps cross the bridge from passive to active learning by offering an interactive learning platform that blends real-time instruction with lessons that generate creative outcomes for kids aged between 6-18 years. At launch, Byju’s Future School will offer coding and Math with the aim of fostering engagement and personalized learning through a live 1:1 teaching experience. “We believe that through technology, we can inspire kids all over the world to fall in love with learning,” said Byju Raveendran, founder and chief executive of Byju’s. “Our global expansion comes at a critical time as families are actively looking for supplemental learning that encourages their children to be creative and learn by doing. This launch furthers our vision of creating active learners across the world.” The proprietary activity-based curriculum for coding helps children learn concepts through creating and building applications, facilitated by an expert teacher. The math program is built on a curriculum anchored on storytelling to help students learn in an engaging manner. It would also help to understand real-life math applications. Both programmes are designed to help children create on their own and learn as per their pace and style with their teacher. Karan Bajaj, founder and CEO of subsidiary WhiteHat Jr, will spearhead Byju’s Future School’s global expansion. “Our mission to empower the next generation to think differently, to ignite creative zeal, to make them creators will get a huge boost with the launch of Byju’s Future School in more countries, offering multiple subjects,” said Bajaj. “This is a purpose-driven expansion and we are confident that more and more students globally will gain from this initiative.”Last year, Byju’s acquired Mumbai-based coding start-up WhiteHat Jr for $300 million. New subjects such as science, music, English and fine arts are being developed based on the philosophy of making children creators. This would inspire them to explore and make mobile apps, websites, games, music, and art. Powered by 11,000 qualified women teachers based in India engaging with students from English-speaking countries, Byju’s Future School is further targeting to penetrate deeper into non-English speaking markets such as Mexico and Brazil. The coding curriculum will also be available in Spanish and Portuguese, besides onboarding qualified women teachers who engage with students in these two countries. Byju’s Future School is committed to enabling kids to become active learners and channel their natural creativity through an engaging curriculum and personalized live 1:1 teacher attention. The initiative is backed by a strong women-only teaching team majorly based out of India, and fast expanding in non-English countries such as Mexico and Brazil. Byju’s global expansion move comes at a time when the firm closed the deal to acquire exam preparation firm Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL) for nearly $1 billion. The stock-and-cash deal is the biggest in the education space, said sources. Experts said the acquisition and the move to expand globally will help Byju’s further dominate the market and increase its lead over its competitors, such as SoftBank-backed Unacademy, Vedantu, and traditional education institutes

Tanu Kapoor January 26, 2022

Changing Scenario in Education Sector

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Changing Scenario in Education Sector

Flexibility in India education system One important change which is to be a permanent feature of the Indian education system is flexibility. Most of the courses offered by any Indian University have a single entry and single exit opportunity. Pandemic told us about uncertainty in life. Therefore, the higher education system needs to be more flexible, where multiple entries and multiple exit opportunities are possible. The second important change is to be around education opportunities for working professionals. This is a good opportunity for the Indian education sector to become a global education centre. Indian institutions were late in adopting technology. Pandemic has forced Indian education stakeholders to adopt technology in all possible manners. Whether it is known as Executive education, continuing education, or with any other name, this segment of education needs more attention. If properly addressed, executive education which is only limited to business education can be extended to technology and science education also. India is focussing in a big way for “AtmaNirbhar Bharat”. Developing the latest skills in manpower will help India to achieve this objective. Examination system in India There are some areas of concern also. The examination subsystem requires more attention. The final examination requires proctoring. Edtech solutions are developing various AI-based solutions for better proctoring in online examinations. But no such solution is as close to as physical examinations. This allows revisiting the evaluation system based on the final written examination. Assessment of students in a class should be a regular process. It will also help in better learning. Regular assessment should be designed in such a way that should create interest in education. Assessment should be integrated with the learning process. It is certainly high time to revisit the assessment process to reduce the examination phobia and also to facilitate better learning. Competitive admission process The admission process in India is highly competitive. It creates so much pressure on the child that affects the actual learning process. Students have become more objective to crack a particular entrance examination. Since pandemic has disrupted the routine coaching industry and most of the students are studying at their home. It should be another game-changer for the Indian education sector, where dependence on coaching can be minimized. If we revisit the process of entrance examination which can check the holistic personality of students for a particular programme rather than just checking some tricks to solve objective type questions. To assess a large number of applicants, we prefer objective assessment, but it has many drawbacks. There is always a trade-off when we deal with a large number of applicants. Can we think of admissions to UG courses based on class 12th performance across the disciplines? Maybe it is time to work on these points. As we say that there will be new normal after the pandemic. The Indian education sector will become more tech-savvy, flexible, focusing on continuous assessment rather than on the final examination, enabling different types of executive education and admission process which is more student-friendly. Online learning is here to stay An immediate and effective response to the crisis was to go digital. Developing robust online platforms has become necessary to offer continuity in learning. Yet in a developing country like India with vast disparity in socio-economic backgrounds of students and the quality of educational institutions, the shift has not been easy. The digital divide has been further widening the gap, and needs urgent attention from both public and private sector players as the crisis continues. Good teachers, refreshed curricula and effective tools will ensure students stay involved and active in the learning process. New trends in teaching & learning will emerge Beyond the top band of institutional excellence with private universities setting best practices, Indian academia has been in need of transformation, long before the onset of the pandemic. There is an opportunity to rethink the traditional education system now. Digital learning is leading the charge as a mainstay, and many new trends are picking up momentum across the globe. Multidisciplinary and modular pedagogy that afford transferable skills and customised learning will succeed. Post-pandemic times could see a blend of e-learning and mainstream face-to-face teaching with a boost from traditional universities and the ed-tech sector. A call for greater global collaboration between students, academia & industry Opportunities for student mobility and practical exposure through exchange programmes, internships, participation in conferences, and more could likely be off the table for some time. Innovative new forms of collaboration and alternative paradigms are needed to drive learning, research and teaching. Sharing of knowledge between institutions globally through joint-teaching, virtual guest lectures, etc. could give students an enriched global perspective in these difficult times. Will educators rise to the challenge? A paucity of contemporary teachers has been a pressing challenge already, and it is growing more serious. Faculty are being called upon to redesign course content to meet the current and future needs. Moving away from traditional pedagogies in most average institutions, the demand for quality educators will shape the way higher education moves forward from this crisis

Tanu Kapoor January 17, 2022

About Eckovation

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About Eckovation

Eckovation is a platform which allows discovery of students, teachers and content. A platform where teachers can launch a course and discover potential students and where students can discover courses of their interest. They are building a product which puts peer learning back at the centre of online education. The app provides a platform wherein teachers run classroom using suite of inbuilt toolkit. On the student(s) side they can discover study groups, teachers and content from the personalised recommendation system (AI enabled). Eckovation is a social learning platform started by IIT Delhi graduates Ritesh Singh and Akshat Goel. Started with the aim of taking quality education to children from underprivileged and/or rural background, Eckovation bridges the gap between home and school and also brings students in touch with teachers, irrespective of their financial background. It encourages active student and teacher participation, while building conceptual understanding through animated and interactive video lectures. When The Better India published an article about Eckovation, it led to a ripple effect and has today resulted in the launch of an education program that is impacting hundreds. With a passion for education reform, young founders are seeing opportunities in almost every part of the education industry. In one such interaction with founders Ritesh Singh and Akshat Goel, we learned about Eckovation’s journey to build a social learning platform and the impact they created with the support of the education community. Here are some insights from the interview: What’s the best way to define Eckovation? What problems are you solving? Eckovation is a social learning platform that connects educators and learners to ensure quality education for all. There are a limited number of quality teachers, and they can only interact with 100-150 students annually with a traditional teaching method. With Eckovation, the reach of quality teachers increases by 10, and, most importantly, learners can get a personalized and contextualized learning experience. How many people currently use Eckovation? How do you keep track of satisfaction and impact for users? “Eckovation has more than one million users across India, which includes 15,000 educators. The platform was launched in December 2015. Since then, we have seen success in all three segments: professional learning, test preparation, and school education.” In school education, Eckovation, along with the district administration of Banka, launched Unnayan Bank, a program focused on improving the passing percentage and attendance in government schools of Banka, Bihar. Before the project started, the passing percentage was 38% and attendance was 17%. After the start of the program, attendance increased to 53% and the passing percentage improved to 71%. The program received the Prime Minister’s Excellence award in 2018 from PM Narendra Modi. Since then, the project has been replicated in different states, including Jharkhand (Gyanodaya Godda), Assam (Abhyudaya Dhubri), and Arunachal Pradesh (Unnayan Namsai). With the success of the program, Bihar CM, Shri Nitish Kumar, announced a plan to replicate it in all government secondary schools of Bihar to reach more than 1.5 million students. In the professional sector, Eckovation has more than 100 programs where more than 300,000 engineering students and other professionals are engaged. The program teaches in-demand skills in top industries. In the test preparation segment, Eckovation produced toppers in CAT. In fact, the platform also has toppers as educators of the program. Chhav Gupta and other 100 percentilers lead webinars on the platform to inspire students. Ashank Dubey (100 percentile, 2017) has also used the platform for lessons of Quant. How did this start? Background and your team.  Friends from IIT Delhi and founded the company together. During research, they discovered a large gap within education and the need for sustainable technological intervention. So, they built Eckovation, a social learning platform that can be used for communication wherever education is present. They experienced opposite upbringings and school experiences, but when they met at IIT, they agreed on one point: many students are not getting the opportunity to learn from quality teachers. Without ensuring quality education to all, they as a country cannot perform well enough to secure a spot on the list of developed nations. Education has the power to provide sustainable growth to the whole society. These thoughts were the initial driver for the start of the education initiative. “Eckovation now has more than 150 people on the team with Ritesh Singh serving as CEO and Akshat Goel as CTO. From IIT Delhi, Apoorv Mishra joined Eckovation as CPO. Gocinda Das, also from IIT Delhi, is heading the customer happiness department. Richa Choudhary, from DTU-2014 batch, is leading the impact initiative of Eckovation, along with Ritesh, as the chief impact officer in the organization.” What are Eckovation’s plans for the future? “Eckovation is growing with the average growth rate of 500% YoY. In the coming year, the target is expanding the reach of Eckovation in all states the way we have covered more than 5,000 schools and 2.5 million students of Bihar and Jharkhand. With national and international acknowledgment, there is a large pipeline of programs, which we will be launching this academic year. By the end of the year, there will be more than five million Eckovations user across the nation and the team will grow to more than 500 people.” How has AWS EdStart impacted your success? “As a member of AWS EdStart, we benefit from connecting to innovative technology leaders around the globe, advanced tech support, and AWS Promotional Credits. AWS EdStart has provided us valuable resources that have helped us scale to over one million learners in India. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides reliable and scalable technology to onboard a large user base and connect to users in real-time.” What’s your take on opportunities in the Indian online education market? What role does social learning play? “India is one seventh of the global population and ensuring quality education to all is still missing. This challenge translates into opportunity for the Indian online education market. We still have 50% of school students who are dropping before 9th standard. Reports are stating that 90% of engineering students are not up to the mark for doing a job. And, we have a limited number of quality teachers and institutions. If we are looking for scalable solutions to these problems, online education companies like Eckovation are using artificial intelligence to make learning both personalized and effective. With the social learning platform, it enhances the reach of quality teachers and at the same time builds the community of peer learning for better retention and engagement of learners.”

Tanu Kapoor January 11, 2022

E Literate What We Are Learning About Online Learning

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E Literate What We Are Learning About Online Learning

Learnings from Online Learning Career advancement and hobbies. Studying online gives you more flexibility. Flexible schedule and environment. Lower costs and debts. Self-discipline and responsibility. More choice of course topics. How do online classes help students? Work from anywhere, at any time. Review lectures instantly. Less intimidating. More time to think before sharing. Focus on ideas. Group communication. Flexible learning schedule. Cost. Upskilling is Becoming Increasingly Necessary. Self-Paced Learning. Online Learning Helps Us Stay Relevant in a Quickly Changing World. E – Learning is Resource Efficient. Online Learning is More Accessible to All. What is e learning advantages and disadvantages? Well, there are not many disadvantages of eLearning, the main one being that you get knowledge only on a theoretical basis and when it comes to putting to use whatever you have learnt, it may be a little different. The face-to-face learning experience is missing, which may matter to some of you. Another advantage of online learning is reduced financial costs. Online education is far more affordable as compared to physical learning. This is because online learning eliminates the cost points of student transportation, student meals, and most importantly, real estate. How does online education affect society? Another significant impact that online education has on society is the ability for online education to adapt to students with different learning styles. Being able to adjust to different teaching styles, also gives the opportunity to teachers to create online -assessments for their students. Is online teaching effective? Online teachers will need to consider the needs of less-engaged students and work to engage them. Online courses might be made to work for these students on average, even if they have not in the past. Online courses are generally not as effective as in-person classes, but they are certainly better than no classes. “E-learning literacy (or e-learning competency) measures the extent to which someone is able to participate in e-learning activities. In this article we define e-learning in a wide perspective, i.e. including all forms of digital learning such as rapid e-learning, academic conversational blended learning, MOOCs, interactive multimedia, classroom technology, etc.” “E-learning programs often fail in one way or another to meet expectations. One of the reasons could be the lack of what we could call e-learning literacy. Another reason, is that e-learning often is used as an opportunity for changing learning goals, for example put more emphasis on "deep learning", which asks more from learners.” “E-learning literacy, also known as online learning skills or e-learning skills, e-learner competency, e-learning readiness, distance learner competence, blended learner competence, etc., refers to skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour sets that are necessary to participate in partial or full online learning programs and classes. Hong and Jung (2010) define distance learner competencies’ “as knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable a person to be a successful distance learner [...] A successful distance learner is operationally defined as a distance learner who has completed distance courses at least three semesters, with above average grades”. This definition also could be used to defined competency for blended learning.” E-learning literacy comprises several literacies, for example: Digital literacy (or literacies), e.g. computer literacy and information literacy Metacognitive literacy, defined as metacognitive skills, in particular appropriate learning strategies and Self-regulation and planning skills Academic integrity competence, e.g. plagiarism E-learning is strongly related to flexible and distance learning and the skills required to follow a contemporary online or blended class are e-learning skills. According to Hong and Jung (2010), Sometimes e-learning competency is negatively defined as part of "barriers to e-learning". E-learning competency is also addressed in the large literature on e-learner satisfaction, e-learning management, etc. and is treated as of type of explanatory variable. Seen in a wider context, e-learning competency does not by itself predict success. Other variables such as various personality traits, the learning environment, etc. intervene. A probably important personality trait is grit. Differences between Traditional Literacy and Digital Literacy When you think of traditional literacy, reading and writing come to mind. Learning phonics, sight words and eventually, reading literature. Today, students need more than the written word to succeed in elementary school, high school and continued education. Digital literacy expands the scope of traditional literacy. It encompasses e-learning skills that incorporate audio and video for strengthening thinking and learning in students. When combining digital and traditional literacies, not only do students learn how to read and write, but they also learn how to expand their communication, language and media skills. They grow and engage the world through images, diagrams, audio and video media, taking their reading and writing skills to a higher level of learning. They also develop dynamic creativity that helps them think, communicate, design and engage in the world around them. Building Communication and Literacy Skills with Digital Media It’s important that educators expand their ideas about literacy. Children in grades K-12 adapt to technology naturally, making it the best time to teach Internet technology skills. It’s the time for them to create relationships between the written and visual word for better communication with others. Communicating through pen and ink is a lot different from communicating in the technological, visual world where children need to be aware of appearance, gestures, and the tone in which they speak. These qualities don’t matter in printed material, but they’re essential skills that student need to learn for effective communication today. Traditional literacy is all about learning nouns, verbs, sentences, grammar, and reading and writing text. By taking a broader look at digital literacy, implementing technology in the classroom greatly enhances the learning experience beyond conventional literacy. This interactive visual media deepens understanding, thinking, and interpreting content, elevating your students beyond the confines of structured literacy. What Have We Learned from Going Online? For me, remote learning has meant trying to re-create the traditional classroom online. Remote learning attempts to reproduce the organization, materials and activities in a different physical space. For example, most schools have continued to organize teachers and students in class groupings and follow modified school schedules, trying to replicate traditional teacher and student interactions in “Zoom classrooms.” Many teachers have been creative in their remote classroom practices and these educators are to be celebrated. Their efforts highlight the essential learning interactions. For example: The importance of student-teacher relationships. Simple practices like greeting students and being authentic help to build these relationships, as this video celebrates. The value of student-to-student interactions. Teachers have successfully re-created many of the small-group student learning structures that support collaborative and higher-level learning, as seen in these breakout room examples. Such remote learning success stories reveal the power of teacher imagination and the importance of innovation when adapting to change.

Tanu Kapoor January 10, 2022

How to Support Your Childs Coding Journey

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How to Support Your Childs Coding Journey

Why Should Kids Learn to Code? Coding was once a very complicated combination of numbers and symbols only used by engineers and computer techs, but that is no longer the case. It is now used in everyday life and many different vocations. Many jobs require it as an essential requirement because computers, phones, and tablets are used in everyday life. Programs also need to be versatile to be used on any device. The reason kids need to learn to code is that they are the future. The younger kids are introduced and excited about learning to code, the deeper their knowledge and understanding of it will be once they are ready to get into a college or apply for a job. Kid’s minds are fresh, and they are able to pick up on things faster than adults. As the world advances, we will see a greater shift in kids learning to code, and maybe one day it will be taught in schools as important as reading or math, but until then, online computer courses are essential. How to Teach Kids to Code? When you start introducing your child, there are a few vital tips that you may want to follow: Do not force anything. This especially applies to younger children, but older kids as well. Kids are all unique with unique interests, and even if they are not interested currently, they may one day if you do not force it. Use the curious nature of children to get them interested. “Children will not decide to venture into computers because they’re convinced they’ll get great jobs out of it. They’re children and have no conception of what a great job is except what adults have told them. They’ll only try technology out if they are curious about it,” says James Carver, a tech writer at UK Careers Booster. Play off of their interests and show them how much fun it can be. The earlier they are introduced, the better. If your child is little, start by teaching them the concepts of coding through offline activities or a fun game. Older children may get interested in coding through games like Minecraft or if they are interested in how games or apps are designed and want to create their own. Programming should be fun. Coding may once have been boring and complicated, but that is no longer the case. Focus on how much fun it can be to make creations of their own, and they will not even feel like they are learning something hard.   How to Get Your Child Excited About Programming? Focus on their creativity. Kids love to create, and that is what coding is all about. Whether your child loves Legos, blocks, cars, robots, or games, coding can offer something every kid enjoys. When kids realize they can create their own passions, they will be excited to see where their imaginations can take them. Encourage exploration. Every kid loves science class where they get to see how things will react like when you add baking soda to vinegar to bring their volcano to life. In the same way, allow kids to explore what happens when they add different codes to bring their creations to life. Involve their interests. If they love games, create a game like bulk markers & bulk crayons. If they love robots, build and code a robot. If they love certain characters, they can make them on webpages or in a game. You get the idea. Coding is very versatile, and we are confident there is something your child loves that will love even more when they can bring it life.   These are just a few ideas on how to get them excited, but they could also get plugged into coding camps, classes, or boot camps. The options are endless, and the more they learn, the more eager they will be. Finding other kids their age who are also coding is a great way to get them plugged in and talking about what they are learning. They can show off their creations, problem solve and collaborate together.   Coding Courses Your Child will Love Introduction to Coding for Kids - This course is designed for kids ages 6-8 to introduce basic concepts and build a foundation to build upon. Concepts are presented with fun animated videos and can start creating with a block interface. Python for Kids - A course for kids ages 8-10. Python uses a simpler syntax than other languages and is perfect for beginners. In this course, kids will learn to code with a robot that they program on their own to complete challenges. Problem-solving and computational thinking is a vital part of coding, and your child will get plenty of practice. Kids Coding Languages- HTML/CSS - This course is for kids ages 12-17 and will teach them how to write pure code. HTML is responsible for telling the computer what you want it to display, and CSS makes the display user friendly through fonts, animations, graphics, and page layout. The combination makes this course an excellent foundational course for kids interested in game and webpage coding. It is also a gateway to JavaScript. Python for Kids - Python Fundamentals - A course for kids ages 15-17 with no prior coding experience to quickly and effectively learn the basics and start writing Python syntax independently. Java for Kids - Java Fundamentals - This course is for kids ages 15-17 with no prior coding experience to learn Java, a code to design applications. They will learn the basics through a 16-week course and show off their understanding of the knowledge with a fun project at the end.   Why You Should Invest In Your Child’s Coding Journey? For some parents coding may be a niche job, but all of us would agree that coding has come a long way from early 2000s. Coding is significantly become part of our everyday life. We deal with codes when we shop online, make payments with our debit or credit cards, with order takeaways, or an Uber. Coding has undoubtedly become a universal language we all make use of daily. So let’s look at some reasons to why you should invest in your child’s coding journey. You should invest in your child’s coding journey because Coding is the Language of the Present and Future Our world is surrounded by technology and technology is going to become more integrated into our lives with every passing year.For sure, one thing that you do not want is to let your child lag behind in this technological age. Introduce your kids to coding as coding is the language of the decade and century to come. The way we learned how to read, write and solve basic arithmetical problems – Teaching your child how to code is setting your child up for a bright future. We can’t deny that coding is the now and the future and therefore is one of the wisest investments to make in your child’s learning journey. So you should confidently invest in your child’s coding journey. Coding boosts Critical Thinking in kids It almost a universal truth now- coding helps children’s cognitive ability. This was reflected in a study published in Computers in Behavioural Science journal and many similar studies. Better critical thinking means better ability of analysis and interpretation while being open-minded. Critical thinking helps kids judge rationally and make effective decisions. It is a much needed ability that a child must learn while growing up. Learning to code helps stimulating parts of the brain that aid the process. Critical thinking plays an integral part in problem-solving. Problem-solving can be defined as an ability of analyzing and breaking a complex situation into small pieces before solving it. Coding instills problem solving skills in kids. Studies have also proved that children who learn to code at an early age age do better in math and other subjects that need critical thinking. A High Demand and High Pay Skill There are new job opportunities in the market that require coding skills. Of late, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) industry has seen spikes in job opportunities. This increase is only going to rise with time as we continue to rely on technology. A high-demand skill is always a high-paying skill. Jobs like machine learning earn an average of $100,000 per annum, a computational linguist earnr up to $90,000 annually, and a language processor is believed to make over $120,000. As of May, 2020 the average remuneration for computer and information-related jobs is $91,250. That’s two times more than the average across other industries. So if you invest in your child’s coding journey, it’s the best investment you will ever make for them. Coding Helps to Explore Creativity Creativity is one of the core pillars of coding. It demands the child to be creative when developing a program. Before a child can code, the child has to understand what he wants a program to perform. This approach brings the child to ask questions. One of the first signs of creativity is the ability to ask questions. Asking questions is the first step to being creative. While coding, the child needs to comprehend what output does he want from the program. This approach builds a magical skill in the child of asking questions.One of the first signs of creativity is the ability to ask questions. The other is testing out your theories to get the solution. By trying themselves and testing out their theory, the child explores his creative mind while thinking of a solution. An advantage of coding as a child is that the child gets to experience the satisfaction of getting the answer right when the code works the way it should. Such experience leaves lasting effect on the child’s life. They learn to think out of the box for everyday life activities. Coding Helps to Teach Resilience Coding can be a tedious task. It entails writing in a language, telling a program to get a specific tasks done. It involves a lot of back and forth, debugging and rewriting, and taking breaks to think about how best to solve the problem. A child learning how to code experiences setbacks and failures during programming. Coding teaches them that failing is okay and a part of a success journey. The best thing about coding is that kids learn to bounce back from setbacks and learn how to take constructive criticism positively to improve their skills. We cannot wait to see all your child has in store for their future using these vital skills. Kids are the future, and it is time to train and prepare them to play a vital role in the workforce. We want to provide them with the necessary skills to live up to their true potential. Be sure to make it fun, let them take breaks, encourage their creative differences, and give them the resources they need to excel. Check out our courses, talk to your child, and get them started today

Tanu Kapoor December 27, 2021

8 Best Coding courses for Kids in India

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8 Best Coding courses for Kids in India

Online Coding Courses are the training programs that enables you to learn the necessary programming skills that employers are searching for. It helps you to focus on important aspects of programming and allows you to solve real-life problems for computer programming. These Online coding certification courses are cheaper and faster to learn than college degree courses. These online programming courses will help you to enhance your logical thinking and problem-solving skills. If you’re hoping to spark an early interest in computers for your kids, coding is a great way to go. While a lot of industries are uncertain, computer programming won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. So, involving your children in fun edutainment focusing on coding will give them a head start on something they’ll most likely encounter as students or in their professional careers. Thankfully, there are a lot of resources, both websites and apps, to make coding for kids fun and hopefully jumpstart a lifelong interest, including free ones. To help get that future software engineer or game developer in your home started on their path, we’ve collected seven of the best online resources for coding kids. The timing is perfect as well, as students are about to go back to school.   With the new education policy mentioning the introduction of coding and computers from as young as 6th grade, we are going to see more parents registering their kids for coding classes. Why should kids learn to code? The world is going to grow more and more digital every day, and we are going to see them coming in of new high-end technologies. So in the future, whichever profession one decides to take up, the computer is going to be a mandatory part. Hence it is important to prepare our children to acquire computer coding skills. Also learning to code is not just about enhancing their future job opportunities, but also it will help in enhancing other skills like creativity, problem-solving, logical thinking, reasoning, and much more. Let’s look at top Coding Courses for Kids in India   1. WhiteHat Jr The online platform allows children to learn programming the fun way through developing games, animations, websites, and applications. WhiteHat Jr offers courses for kids from 6-14 years of age. Through these programs offered, kids learn fundamentals of coding–logic, structure, sequence, and algorithmic thinking–to generate creative outcomes like animations and apps. The best part is every child is allotted a specific teacher to make learning complete and the course can be taken up from the comfort of home.   2. Codemonkey Codemonkey is an international platform that introduces kids to the world of coding through games and animations. Millions of students from around the world opt for codemonkey. The easy-to-read code and easy-to-follow connection between the code make it a perfect platform for kids to learn to program. Students will enjoy the challenging puzzles and the cartoon setting. The best part of codemonkey is that its less costly than whitehat jr, but then codemonkey does not offer 1:1 learning.   3. CampK12 CampK12 offers coding classes for kids in the age group of 6-18 years. Children get to learn and create Augmented Reality projects, Mobile app development, VR Games. Web Development with HTML, CSS, JS is introduced from 5th grade. They have designed their virtual classrooms to make online learning fun-filled and most effective.   4. Vedantu Superkids Vedantu, one of the leading edutech firm too have come up with their own coding class offerings. The program is designed for kids in the age group of 6-12 years. Their program will teach kids to create apps and games, develop Artificial Intelligence-based applications using python. The program is designed by experts from MIT and IIT and supports customized learning based on the student’s learning pace.   5. Cuemath Cuemath’s curriculum and teaching methodologies help students design and develop their very own apps & games. Kids are introduced to the concepts of coding through a variety of projects, such as chasing games, mazes, artwork, and animated stories. Cuemath a platform with a strong base in maths tries to interlink maths with coding.   6. Educode Academy Educode help students learn by following industry-standard programming languages through story-rich video tutorials. EduCode’s key difference lies in the way they deliver the concept with the help of video micro-lessons, which break down complex computer science concepts into fun and engaging exercises. They also provide a 14-day free trial offer to explore their courses in depth.   7. Toppr codr The courses are designed for kids in the age group of 61-18. They deliver the class through one-on-one classes. They have prepared the curriculum by including all the latest technologies like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Blockchain, IoT, and Robotics.   8. Mindchamp The program is designed for kids from 7-14 years. There are 11 levels and each level is 12 hours long (one-hour session). They offer 1-1 or group classes. The programs are designed in an activity-centric manner. Impact reports are used to measure the impact the program has on kids’ performance.

Tanu Kapoor December 25, 2021

All about Polytechnic

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All about Polytechnic

Polytechnic education is a multidisciplinary higher education model that engages students and industry in active, applied, lifelong learning and research, and which aims to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in order to influence economically sustainable development on the local, provincial, and national levels. It offers learners a range of credentials and workplace-ready knowledge and training that integrates theory and practice. Polytechnic education in India is growing at an immense rate with students opting for vocational courses. They provide several opportunities for students to be employable in different fields. Polytechnic courses are more career-based and students can pursue these right after completing their 10th. There are ample Polytechnic colleges in the world offering an extensive range of educational experience and the syllabus is industry responsive and includes relevant experiential components. These offer 2 and 3-year diplomas, corporate and apprenticeship training besides postgraduate certificates, joint degrees with universities and online or distance education. Understanding Polytechnic Courses By definition, Polytechnic courses are short career-oriented programs in higher education with a spectrum of subjects. The courses are technical in nature and are aimed at equipping the students with hands-on training in various fields. Offering a timesaving alternative to mainstream academics which often spans over a longer duration, vocational courses are a popular choice for the students wishing to gain technical experience in lesser time. A number of students and professionals opt for these courses to power up their skills in the field of their liking. Compared to mainstream study, the colleges offering Polytechnic courses focus more on the applied aspects of education. Depending on the level, the course duration can vary. Here is the list of popular Polytechnic courses: Diploma in Civil Engineering Diploma in Electronics and Communication Diploma in Petroleum Engineering Diploma in Interior Designing Diploma in Art and Craft Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Fashion Engineering Diploma in Ceramic Engineering Diploma in Computer Engineering Diploma in Computer Programming Diploma in Hospitality Management Diploma in Aerospace Engineering Diploma in Production Engineering Diploma in Metallurgy Engineering Diploma in Business Administration Diploma in Estate Management Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care Diploma in Instrumentation and Control Engineering Graduate Certificate in Marketing Management Admission Process Registration - In order to get admission into any polytechnic programme, candidates are required to fill and submit the application form released by the concerned authorities within the specified dates. While filling out the application form, candidates have to provide some basic details such as personal details, academic details, & contact details and upload required documents such as photograph and signature. During the application process, candidates will also be required to make a payment of the application fee. It should be noted that the application form will be different for each polytechnic course. Issue of admit card - There are many state polytechnic entrance exams that are conducted for admission to the polytechnic courses offered by the participating institutes of the state. The authorities will release the admit card for all the candidates who will register within the specified dates. The admit card will contain all the details regarding the exam day such as candidate’s name, exam date, exam time, allotted exam centre, and exam day instructions. Entrance exam - The concerned authorities conduct their respective entrance exams as per the schedule. Declaration of result - After the examination, the authorities declare the result of the entrance exam. Only those candidates who will qualify the entrance exam will be eligible for admission. Counselling Process - Candidates who will qualify the entrance examination will be called to participate in the counselling process. After the counselling, the authorities will allot seats to the candidates on the basis of merit, preference, and availability of seats.   Popular Courses & Institutions The universities abroad enjoy world-class facilities with close links to top recruiters which allows students to take up essential workshops and internship programs. Given below is the list of universities that offer the best technical diploma or polytechnic courses. University Location Course Duration The University of Adelaide Australia Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 1 Year Griffith University Australia Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science in Mechanical Engineering 1 Year Trinity College Dublin Ireland Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 1 Year Auckland University of Technology New Zealand Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering 1 Year University of Canterbury New Zealand Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering 6 Months Pittsburg State University USA Graduate Certificate in Technology Integration 18 Credit Hours Saskatchewan Polytechnic Canada Post-Graduate Certificate in Technology Management 32 to 48 Weeks   With ample options available, it is up to the student to look around for the best Polytechnic program and as such, the curriculum of a foreign university may be tailored to meet the growing demand. Due to the intensive teaching and training that the students receive throughout their program, they have thorough knowledge about the subject and technicalities of it. Students opting for Engineering courses are equipped with subject understanding and way to implement that in their professional lives. Polytechnic vs College While the difference between a college and a Polytechnic institute is blurry when compared to institutes abroad. In India, there are dedicated Polytechnic colleges that enrol students for short term courses after 12th. But in other countries, universities offer diploma courses in technical fields. The course pattern is similar to that of Indian institutes but the level and educational infrastructure vary greatly. Here are a few advantages which Polytechnic has over college: Polytechnic offers more career-oriented and community-responsive education, which is based on the partnership with employers. There are a wide range of bachelor degrees, diplomas, certificates, apprenticeships, corporate training and continuing education in Engineering fields, Skilled Trades, Hospitality, Health Science, Business Administration and Community Services. Students have the opportunity to participate in applied research and commercialization projects that combine applied learning and relevant hands-on training. Moreover, Polytechnic courses allow a pathway for students to build their credentials. Polytechnic graduates bag numerous job opportunities in both the public as well as private sector. Several government-run companies offer great placements with lucrative salary packages to diploma holders, right from junior level as well as technical level positions. With a plethora of knowledge in study abroad domain, our counsellors can help you choose amongst hundreds of career options. Get your career on the right track with CoachingSelect, today!

Tanu Kapoor December 20, 2021

Adventures in Educational Blogging

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Adventures in Educational Blogging

To dig into adventures of educational blogging, we first need to know what some major insight on educational blogging. What Is an Education Blog? An education blog can be anything from lesson plans home school parents can use, to current news about the state of education, to actual tutoring and even online courses. There are so many different niches within education that you won't be lacking for possible topics to cover. Your main problem will be narrowing your focus enough to create a strong target demographic among your readers. Target Audiences for Education Blogs Your target audiences for education blogs is a bit different than say a web hosting advice blog like this one. offers articles that appeal to people wanting to grow their blog, find a better web host, or build their business, an education blog will cater to people wanting information about education, to improve their education, or to find help for their children's education. Building Traffic to Your Education Blog Just where can you find these people and drive the traffic to your site? Reach out to the local parenting community and let them know what your blog has to offer. Engage the audience of influencers in your niche. For example, if you are offering tips on how to improve grades, what organizations, schools and services would be willing to review your blog and give you a shout out on social media? Advertise based on well-researched keywords in your niche. What terms are people searching for who might want to read your blog? Visit online forums. If you are creating a blog aimed at parents who want to help their children succeed in school, then you need to get involved in forums filled with parents concerned about education. Interact, offer some value to the community, and where appropriate mention your own blog. Be very careful not to spam, though. Get active on social media with a very targeted page specifically made for your blog. On your social media, you'll want to post links to your own blog posts, but you'll also want to share useful information from other pages. In turn, they will likely share your posts or retweet you. Host a Twitter chat on a topic of interest to the people you want to reach. Let's say your target audience is first-year college students. Host a Twitter chat about succeeding your first year of college, how to pick the best professors, or something else of interest to freshman college students. Benefits of educational blogging One of the ways that educational blogging could be of importance to students is that it could facilitate reading. Most students struggle with this. Assessment of comprehension is briefly reviewed, and recommendations are provided for theoretical, cultural, and educational implications. The assumption was explored that blogs are suitable tools to support and stimulate reflection on action in teacher training and consequently to enhance the students' ability to reflect. Educational blogging can help, enabling educators to keep an ongoing personal record of their actions, decisions, through processes, successes and failures, and issues with which they must deal. Researchers showed that with the help of the mobile blogging system, educators can establish a collaborative learning model for students in virtual classrooms. Tips for Effective Educational Blogging to delve into the true adventure An educational blog should be a source of great content for anyone researching a particular subject. Here we discuss 5 Tips for Effective Educational Blogging. As an educational blogger, you need to ensure that each post you publish adds value to your readers. Many people open educational blogs without knowing the dedication it requires to make it successful. What do you need to ensure your audience perceive your blog as a reliable source of information? Effective educational blogging is not similar to any other type of blogging. Such bloggers are tasked with providing readers with the information they cannot find anywhere else. Are you struggling to complete your assignment? Homework service ensures that you submit your academic paper on that. Below are 5 tips for Effective educational blogging: Identify Your Target Audience: Whether your educational blog specializes on one subject, or it offers a general sweep of all educational topics, ensure you know your audience. You are better off specializing because this way of identifying your audience becomes easier. Even though an educational blog is not like any other blog, but just like the rest, you need to have an audience for you to succeed. Ensure the language you use appeals to the target audience. You’ll never find a college student reading an educational blog that targets high school students. Your content should offer solutions for the challenges your audience experiences.   Be Consistent: Consistency is paramount for anyone who wants to start an educational blog. This is not any different from identifying a niche and sticking to it. People need to understand what your blog offers. Don’t confuse your audience by introducing a topic you don’t usually discuss. For instance, if your educational blog helps people with math problems, if one time you begin to tackle English, you will definitely surprise the readers. Consistency also involves quality and frequency. Once you set the bar high, you cannot afford to lower it. Ensure that every article you publish on your blog meets or exceeds your readers’ expectations. This is the only way you can keep them coming back. Determine how many times you want to update your blog with an article. If it’s once every week, ensure that a week does not end without you publishing a blog. Also, consider setting aside a specific day of the week when you publish an article. Make your blog educational like Maths, planning of lessons, policy and whatever the topic which have you interest. Most of the content is very big then the readers switch off and go another site.   Avoid Pointless Arguments: As an educational blogger, ensure that every argument you pursue is relevant and informative. No one wants to visit an educational blog to read about a pointless argument. From the name, an educational blog should inform and enlighten your audience. This does not mean that you shouldn’t have an occasional rant here and there. They help break the monotony as you give your opinion on trending topics. However, ensure your arguments are relevant to the subject matter. You should never use your articles to attack fellow bloggers as well. If there’s a fellow educational blogger with a different opinion, you don’t have to point it out. The other will write the different points of anything just view and then write the same thing but in own languages. However, if you have to, ensure you do so without dragging their name through the mud. After all, educational bloggers cannot all agree on everything.   Share Educational Resources with Your Readers: When you create an educational blog, understand that your audience expects you to direct them to useful resources. Sharing educational tools and resources with your readers helps you establish your blog as a reliable source of information. Ensure that the information you give your audience cannot be accessed anywhere else. You have to go an extra mile to stand out from other educational blogs.         Resources to share with your readers include; Academic editing tools Research and studies Well-reputes educational blogs   Have a Purpose: Every blogger needs to have a purpose, and this also applies to educational bloggers. You need to determine why you’re creating content for your audience. Once you complete writing an article, go through it to make sure it satisfies the purpose for you writing it. Having a purpose also means reflecting before you begin penning down an article.  Once you establish your blog to be associated with a specific type of content, you need to ensure every article aligns with your blog’s purpose.   Did you start a blog to teach college students how to save money? Do you specialize in helping college students solve math problems? Are you using your articles to help programmers understand complex coding concepts? Whatever purpose you settle for, have it in mind each time you’re drafting an article.   Conclusion: Educational bloggers need to ensure their blogs offer information readers cannot find anywhere else. I hope this 5 Tips for Effective Educational Blogging helps you. Since your blog is for education, avoid unnecessary arguments and stick to writing about relevant topics. Ensure you share useful resources with your audience to establish your blog as a reliable source of information. An edublog is a blog created for educational purposes. Edublogs proliferated when blogging architecture became more simplified and teachers perceived the instructional potential of blogs as an online resource. So the true adventure of educational blogging lies in its very essence of presenting the facts and knowledge behind the facts with its true glory.

Tanu Kapoor December 13, 2021

Tech Learning Classroom Technology

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Tech Learning Classroom Technology

Integrating Technology in the Classroom: Other strategies to help integrate technology in the classroom include: Understanding how to use the technology and how it benefits the lesson plan Informing parents of how technology will be used Closely monitoring students' usage during the lesson Having a back-up plan in the case of technical difficulties When used properly, teachers can harness the power of technology to enhance students' analytical thinking and problem solving abilities. Assistive Technology in the Classroom: The use of assistive technology in the classroom is any program, device, or equipment piece that is intended to help improve the way students comprehend and interact with others. Using technology in the classroom can enhance not only students' learning, but also how teachers can impact their students. Becoming informed on the history and advantages of assistive technology in learning can help teachers better incorporate it into their classroom. Students with intellectual or emotional disabilities benefit from assistive technology because it gives them more independence over their work. Assistive technology has benefits for gifted and talented students, too, as it allows them to learn at their own pace as well as participate in collaboration. Types of Technology in the Classroom: Teachers can utilize more than just computers and tablets in the 21st century classroom. A few examples include: Interactive whiteboards: teachers use a projector in conjunction with a device like a laptop to shows the screen to the whole class on the interactive whiteboard A document camera: when a camera is connected to a multimedia projector and shows real-time activity Game-based learning: lesson plans that involve game-based learning are competitive, yet also provide students an opportunity to have fun while learning Another trending topic in classroom technology is the use of social media to enhance student learning. Many students in middle school and high school are active on social media, so teachers can incorporate social learning activities to help learning fit what students already enjoy. Gamification for interactive learning: Educational institutes are well aware of the impact video games have on students’ lives and minds and hence modern classrooms have taken the help of technology to mingle learning with playing. Together they can create an immersive experience for students to learn the toughest of exercises and instructions. The adoption of this new classroom technology has made it easy, interactive, excitable, and fun for students to indulge in difficult subjects and calculations, which in turn made it simple for them to absorb the overall concepts and ideas. In fact, the implementation of gamification in education is a tempting addition that is welcomed by almost every discipline. Artificial Intelligence in education: AI as technology can have meaningful influences on educational institutes as AI chatbots make several tasks easier and automated for teachers and staff, which allows them to focus on more critical responsibilities. For instance, chatbots can be used to provide answers to generic questions about college timings, holidays, homework, bill payments, college regulations and rules, paperwork requirements, and other queries that will allow human resources to answer other important queries. In some cases, chatbots and AI are involved to assist in more advanced applications like learning and assessments – one such example is named Cognii, a Virtual Learning Assistant with great potential for personal tutoring. New learning spaces paving way for remote learning: Technology in education brings in new perspectives to redefine the perception of conventional learning methods and infrastructure. Education is an industry dealing with Generation Z that has no alternative to embracing innovative learning environments and advanced methodologies. The new learning spaces or classrooms have largely evolved from being closed rooms with rows of desks and chairs facing the teacher’s desk and blackboard. Modern educators enabled with relevant technologies are inspired by the emergence of collaborative spaces wherein chalkboards are replaced with high-tech smart-boards and usual desks are replaced with smart pods for students. With the usage of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and AR/VR gadgets, the entire ambiance of a classroom has changed over time and together they facilitate an advanced form of student learning that is not bounded by any perimeters, pens, and papers. Today’s modern learning spaces are redesigned with the influences of integrated technologies, modern apps, and gadgets that don’t only help students minimize the learning curve but also widen their mental horizon and assist them in honing their special abilities and skill set. Secure and safe access to technology in the classroom: With the incursion of multiple smart devices, unlimited access to the internet, and technological developments, comes along the most critical threat of cyber-attacks. As students are open to exploring all sorts of connected devices, it is most imperative to teach them the importance of endpoint security and the dangers of compromised data. Internet of Things for smart classrooms: IoT is definitely one of the technology transformers that are impacting the educational environment and a key driver of technology in education. The most ideal benefit of IoT is to make the campuses energy efficient. IoT can also be used to unite an institution’s devices into a single network that will reduce unnecessary interactions and human activity and can automate certain tasks like change in lighting, display courses on LMS and device settings when a teacher enters a class to teach a specific subject. Moreover, IoT can be used for some better advantages – like allowing teachers to share feedback, results and observations about the students with other teachers and the parents in real-time. Conclusion Till long, the education industry had held to the antiquated ways of teaching and student-teacher interactions, but with time and changes in perception, technology made strong inroads in the education industry. Technology in education is transforming the ways of learning, instructions, engagement, assessments, and even the look and feel of the classrooms. In fact, the whole logic of learning is changing! Classrooms are not bound by parameters and teachers are not the only source of information.

Tanu Kapoor December 09, 2021

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

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Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Educational Technology (EdTech) Students today are constantly engaged in utilizing technology, this engagement opens up ways to remarkable opportunities for schools, teachers, and guardians. It can make both teachings and learning a great opportunity. As each student has his own ways of learning, so technology permits teachers to oblige interesting learning styles according to the situation. EdTech is rapidly replacing the part of textbook readings in the study halls and students are learning subjects with the guide of customized computer programs that help them according to their necessities. Today, educational technology is used to meet the needs of students and adults. It can be used to address the needs of exceptional children and adults, especially those in remote locations or schools with few or no educators. It can also be used to improve the quality of education for everyone. However, the term should not be confused with the word “educational technology,” which encompasses a variety of different domains. For example, e-learning involves using online tools and services, whereas m-learning involves computer-based training. In the field of education, EdTech can help educators to offer a broader range of courses to students. Besides classroom instruction, EdTech can be used to develop online courses for students. These online courses enable them to learn at their own pace, and at their own convenience. And because these courses are not confined to classrooms, the students can learn at any time, anywhere. In addition to online courses, these programs can be used to train new nurses and other healthcare professionals. The scope of educational technology is broad. It includes computer-based instruction, multimedia learning, and computer-mediated communication. It also includes computer-based training, internet-based learning, and distributed learning. It encompasses the use of information and communication technologies in the field of education. And it’s not just about computer-based training. Rather, it can also include educational apps and websites, as well as flexible, distance learning, and individualized learning. The field of education technology can involve many different tools. Those in the field of education use a variety of tools, such as computers and laptops, to teach students. In some cases, educational technology is used to improve learning. Various educational software and hardware are available to help teachers improve their teaching methods. There are many different types of EdTech. One of these is self-based. Another type is asynchronous, which is an online course that is accessible to multiple users. Some educational technologies are used for a variety of purposes. For example, they can help students with learning disabilities understand and retain information better. In addition to providing support for students with learning disabilities, educational technology can also help schools reduce the costs of classroom supplies. By leveraging digital tools, educators can provide personalized learning experiences for their students. These tools will make the process easier and more effective for all involved. There are many benefits to the use of these technologies in education. While educational technology has a wide range of applications, it is most commonly used in higher education. Whether it is used to teach online courses or impart correspondence education, it can benefit students and teachers alike. Often, the best way to use educational technology is to create a school environment that supports the scientific foundation of the institution. By utilizing technology in the classroom, educators can provide better experiences and outcomes for students. It is also useful to support new discoveries and developments. The use of edtech in education has a variety of benefits for both students and educators. It can augment in-person teaching and be used to supplement it. This technology can also help students with learning disabilities. It can be applied to help those with learning disabilities learn and improve their skills. It can improve the quality of learning in a school or online. If you’re a teacher, then you may want to consider this specialty in order to maximize the use of educational technology in your classroom. The use of educational technology is a growing part of modern society. It has the potential to improve the quality of education, and it can improve the way in which people learn. It can enhance the work of teachers and students, and it can help teachers and students alike. Increasingly, education has become a global endeavor, and there is a need for innovative ways to incorporate tech in the classroom. In this context, technological advances in the field of education can help all aspects of society. EdTech allows teachers to create customized lessons and increase classroom participation. Educational technology uses hardware, software, and other IT tools to advance learning. Teachers may use EdTech to automate repetitive tasks and help with grading and attendance. Top 10 Current Educational Technology Trends In 2020/2021 If you are an innovative educator, following the trends in education is probably not something new but rather essential. Even with this list, however, it is still up to you to choose the most suitable "trendy" aid for your teaching and training. Here we select the 10 latest educational technology trends that are must-know when diving into this industry. eLearning: Immediately upon the rapid growth of COVID-19 and subsequent school closings, distance learning emerged as the most significant educational technology trend for 2020. As a result, demand for online learning systems increased. Electronically provided education or training is known as eLearning. A firm can use online courses to help train staff in critical skills, or slide-based online exercises. With eLearning, students simply sponge up knowledge through reading or viewing content, changing the way education is provided. A multimodal and useful learning experience is also created by the fact that many eLearning courses contain animation, podcasts, and videos. The best aspect of online learning systems is their diversity. You have the option of using recorded (asynchronous) approaches with a wealth of video and digital tools accessible to enhance courses, or you can teach your students in real time (synchronous) via live stream or group meetings using Zoom or Microsoft Teams. To measure your students' learning outcomes, a strong online learning platform can be paired with a learning management system (LMS). Video-Assisted Learning: The use of video-assisted learning in classroom displays has grown significantly in recent years. The "video day" is no longer a television brought into a classroom on a cart. With the internet and modern technology, "video day" may be any day. In distance learning settings, where students study from computer displays, this tendency is also rising. Ones, especially animated videos, are a great way to enhance courses and improve comprehension of the material. It raises student achievement while lightening the load on teachers. Blockchain Technology: Data storage is just one advantage that the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) from blockchain offers to education. The amount of storage is theoretically infinite since each time new data is added, it creates another "block" to the system. The data will be dispersed throughout the system's many computers while also being encrypted. Data exchange becomes decentralised and transparent as a result. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and ePortfolios leverage blockchain technology to validate students' skills and knowledge. For eLearning agencies, the DLT systems will provide solutions to the issues of authentication, scale, and affordability. Additionally, during the job-search phase, it might assist student applicants in publishing their successes. Artificial Intelligence (AI): In today's EdTech sector, AI is the "in" thing. According to predictions, AI will likely dominate trends through 2021 and expand by more than 45%. So why is one of the biggest EdTech marketplaces in the world experiencing a trend boom? The primary use of AI in education is to automate routine tasks like grading. The grading of multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions can now be automated by teachers. As a result, computerised writing assessment of kids may not be far behind. STEAM: STEAM-based programs are the new EdTech improvement over the STEM programs. This new trend of EdTech applies meaningful Science, Technology, Engineering, Art (the new element), and Math content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design. Social Media in Learning: Social media is now widely used in educational institutions as a communication tool so that students may readily communicate with one another. Shared study materials, group discussions, and simple commenting are all options available to students. Even an animated educational video has the potential to go viral online. TedEd is a prime illustration of this pattern. The educational videos produced by this group are posted on YouTube where individuals may quickly access, find, and share them with their peers. Mobile Learning (MLearning) MLearning can be defined as education or training conducted by means of portable computing devices, for example, cell phones or tablet computers. According to latest reports, 80% of students use cell phones during the daytime. Hence, it makes it feasible to utilize it for the learning interaction. The main purpose of education is to enable the mind with data and Technology, and it also makes our work simpler. These remote handheld gadgets have better infiltration even in provincial zones where education requirements are not easily available. Mobile devices have become attractive learning devices for education. While the majority of the existing research has focused primarily on the value of mobile learning for students, researchers have recently started exploring its potentials within teacher development. The trends and gaps observed in the literature regarding the integration of mobile learning into teacher education. Six main findings emerged: (a) there is an increasing trend in integrating mobile learning in teacher education contexts; (b) theoretical and conceptual perspectives are scarcely reported; (c) variations exist in perceptions, attitudes and usage patterns; (d) engagement with mobile learning and devices is primarily reported as being beneficial; (e) challenges were scarcely reported; and (f) several pedagogical affordances support mobile learning integration into teacher education settings. Ensuring Tech Infrastructure Can Support Mobile Learning Because mobile learning isn’t fully remote and can be partly facilitated on campus, good connectivity is required both in class and outside of it. “Beefing up the Wi-Fi is absolutely crucial,” Embracing the cloud is also necessary for adequate bandwidth, security, ease of use and future-proofing. “You see all LMS services — Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard — moving to the cloud and being supported by big cloud services,” Because m-learning can employ streaming or uploaded video, such as lectures, cloud also offers instructors an easier way to bring content to students   Transforming teacher education practices with theoretically sound approaches Teacher educators need to go beyond the tools’ potential to explore pedagogical benefits of mobile learning within their own content areas. This change will help preservice and in-service teachers realize the pedagogical advantages of mobile learning that may shift their perspectives toward the integration of mobile devices into their teaching environments. Conclusion The development of a nation depends on the educational framework. At this point when it is paired with interpersonal relationships, insightful teachers, and deliberate projects, it can help to reframe the current learning and teaching environment  

Tanu Kapoor December 08, 2021

Top 5 Scholarship Test for K12 Students in India

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Top 5 Scholarship Test for K12 Students in India

Since all students and their guardians do not possess the same financial capabilities, various government and private institutes provide scholarships that are run nationally and internationally to promote quality education in medicine. FAEA Scholarship FAEA is sponsored by TATA’s to provide scholarships to students willing to pursue undergraduate studies in Arts/Commerce/Science/Engineering and other technical and professional disciplines at any university/institution/college in India. The scholarship supports tuition fee, maintenance allowance or hostel and mess charges as per our norms. Eligibility Conditions: Students who have passed Class XII from a recognized Board of Secondary Education in India or 1st year under-graduate students on roll. Candidates belonging to socially and economically disadvantaged sections (SC/ST/BPL Category) can apply. They also provide special scholarships for girls belonging to socially and economically disadvantaged section in the BPL category from Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu In addition, they have some need cum merit based financial grants for General Category students especially for those students who have obtained above 90% marks in their Higher Secondary Exam and/or have been able to get admission in the first rate Institutions of Excellence in the country. All India Youth Scholarship Entrance Examination (AIYSEE) AIYSEE provides economical test series at affordable rates for 1 year. The students have to appear for the scholarship exam to get access to AIYSEE test series in which students can practice for various upcoming exams like NEET, IIT JEE etc. Given the level of tuition and other fees in professional colleges, this scholarship can help poor students who have no chance to pursue their dreams of becoming engineers or doctors. AIYSEE Scholarship Criteria: Students who are willing to get AIYSEE Scholarship need to score a minimum of 55% marks to qualify for the scholarship. Below mentioned is the scholarship layout. Marks Engineering (private/government) Medical (private/government) (≥ 90%) 4 Year 5 Year (86% to 89%) 3 Year 3 Year (81% to 85%) 1.5 Year 2 Year (76% to 80%) 1 Semester 1 Year (71% to 75%) 3 month stipend 3 month stipend (55% to 70%) Rewards (laptop/tab/kindle) Rewards (laptop/tab/kindle)   3. Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students The Human Resources Development Ministry's Department of Higher Education provides this fellowship named as Central Sector Scheme for students from top colleges and universities. Eligibility Conditions: Candidates who score above 80th in the relevant stream from a particular Board of Examination in Class XII Students who are pursuing a regular course Students who have a family income of less than Rs.6 lakh per annum To avail this scholarship, selected candidates must not be receiving any other scholarship What is the rate of scholarship under the Scheme? The rate of scholarship is Rs. 10000/- per annum at graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs. 20000/- per annum at postgraduate level. Students pursuing professional courses are paid Rs. 20,000/- per annum in the 4th and 5th year. Total Seats - 82,000 Nationwide Education and Scholarship Test (NEST Senior) The Nationwide Education and Scholarship Test (NEST) is in 65 major cities across india. The purpose of conducting a series of such periodical tests is to ignite students' interest in pursuing accurate knowledge, so that they are better prepared for various competitive exams for admissions to higher studies in good institutes as well as for jobs in reputed companies. Eligibility Conditions: Only bona fide degree students registered in colleges / universities appearing in their 2022 exams are eligible for this scholarship. Category NEST SENIOR-I NEST SENIOR-II Eligibility 1st & 2nd Year Degree Students of: Engineering MBBS/BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/BDS BCA & BSc (all) Diploma Engg.(only Final Year) Class 12th (Science) 3rd & 4th Year Degree Students of: Engineering MBBS/BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/BDS BCA & BSc (only Computer & IT) Amount & No. of Scholarship 10 or more scholarships of Rs. 35,000/- each with Rs. 75,000/- to Rank No. 1 in this Category 10 or more scholarships of Rs. 40,000/- each with Rs. ONE LAKH to Rank No. 1 in this Category   ​Dr. Abdul Kalam Scholarship for Medical Students: The scholarship has been introduced to offer financial assistance to EWS students appearing for the national level medical entrance exam. Eligibility Criteria for Scholarship: Must have passed Class 12 examination with a minimum 55% marks. Candidate will also have to appear for national-level medical entrance exam to get the benefits of the scholarship. The family income should be less than INR 6 Lacs per annum. Scholarship Application & Amount: Candidates will get a scholarship of INR RS. 20,000. The application forms for this scholarship program can be filled online in the month of May or August.

Tanu Kapoor December 06, 2021

Benefits of Online Education in 2021

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Benefits of Online Education in 2021

In today’s busy world, it often becomes difficult to manage the time and create a daily schedule to perform all the important tasks in a single day. However, this isn’t an impossible task either. It is something that lays foundation for the success of a person. Online education is just something that perfectly reconciles with this whole scenario. Some of the most important benefits of online schooling are that it is easily accessible for a huge number of people. Today the computers and the internet are something that is easily accessible for everyone. It is no more something very expensive or rare. Other than accessibility, we have the flexibility factor which also adds a lot the success of this system. This system also gives the students an opportunity to interact instantly at any time with the teachers and the instructors. Both recent high school graduates and non-traditional learners can take advantage of online classes. Online courses offer flexibility, affordable tuition, and a variety of academic opportunities. For most questions, more than 50% of respondents recognized and appreciated the benefits of online classes. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of online education and how it can help you achieve your education and career goals. Scheduling Flexibility: For many learners, the primary benefit of online learning involves scheduling flexibility. Some programs allow degree- and certificate-seekers to start a course immediately. Although many online courses run asynchronously to provide maximum scheduling flexibility, some require learners to collaborate with peers at set times or meet with a professor during virtual office hours. Prospective students should research these requirements before signing up for an online course. Highly convenient; since online education is not location-based, most people prefer it compared to traditional education. You don't leave your home when you are engaged in online education. This gives you some free time to attend to other household chores and even take care of your baby if you are a nursing mother. Lower Total Costs: Many prospective students overlook the cost advantages of online classes. Although online learners may pay the same per-credit tuition rate as on-campus degree- and certificate-seekers, they do not pay for on-campus housing or meal plans. Learners also save time and money by eliminating a commute. Relatively inexpensive: Travel cost is avoided in online education since you don't have to travel to school. Housing cost is also avoided since your room is the learning area. Also it enables you to safe much on meal cost because you prepare your own. Other cost savings include cheaper textbooks, especially if online learners can purchase digital versions. As long as online learners take enough credits to qualify as part-time students, they can apply for federal financial aid programs, such as grants and loans. Most colleges also allow online degree- and certificate-seekers to apply for institutional aid, including need-based grants and merit-based scholarships. More Comfortable Learning Environment: With the ability to study anywhere, online learners can complete coursework at home, a coffee shop, or a library. This advantage of online learning allows students to work in the environment that best suits them. As new online degree- and certificate-seekers research different places, they should focus on those that offer a reliable internet connection and few distractions. Another factor to consider is space requirements, as some facilities' tables may lack the space for a computer and reference materials. Flexibility; unlike traditional education, online education gives you a chance to choose when to learn. This ensures that your schedule is not affected. You also have the freedom to choose the best location for your learning. Pacing Options: Before taking an online course, learners should understand three terms that can define the online learning experience. The first term, asynchronous, refers to a course that does not hold scheduled meetings. Students complete work at convenient times but must still meet assignment deadlines. The second term, synchronous, describes the opposite of asynchronous. Like on-campus courses, synchronous online courses maintain set meeting times where the professor instructs learners over Zoom or another video conferencing service. Lastly, accelerated refers to courses that last fewer than 16 weeks. Accelerated courses post the same academic requirements and work best for learners with no external work or family obligations. You can easily get your dream course: With online education there is nothing like running short of mooc courses. You never miss a course you want to study. Its offers limitless number of courses unlike the traditional education system where you find learning institutions offering a limited number of courses. Improves your time management skills: When engaged in online education you do not have physical contact with your instructor. This means you have to be smart in managing your time to ensure you do not miss your classes or get late. This is a great life skill that you will demonstrate in your workplace. Geographic Flexibility: Another advantage of online education that relates to flexibility involves prospective students' geographic location. Many of the nation's top colleges and universities offer online degrees and certificates, meaning that learners do not have to relocate to attend a premier school. They do not incur moving expenses since they can study from any location. This flexibility also saves money, as the cost of living among different cities can vary greatly. Besides saving money, not needing to move means that degree- and certificate-seekers do not need to end friendships and professional relationships. They can also live closer to extended family members. These advantages of online classes can lead to greater emotional well-being and less stress. Career Advancement: Non-traditional learners enjoy two significant advantages of online classes related to career advancement. First, a certificate or degree can qualify an employee for a raise. Second, some companies restrict management-level positions to employees who possess a bachelor's or master's degree. Earning a degree can lead to a promotion that may also involve increased wages. Besides tangible career benefits, most online degrees and certificates also allow learners to continue working while they study. Students can work during the day and complete coursework in the evenings or on the weekends. Additionally, learners who work can apply new knowledge and skills to their job immediately. Improve Your Technical Skills: Learning online can help students hone the technical skills they need on the job. New skills can include the ability to use new software suites, perform in-depth research online, and communicate effectively online in various formats such as discussion boards and teleconferencing. Employers often demand these skills as more and more positions require employees to work remotely. Students can also add new skills to a resume and discuss them during a job interview. Personal coaching: Online education learning the learner can choose to have a personal tutor. This ensures that the learner is given much attention which leads to his/her academic success. Enough free time is left for your leisure time activities: In online education you schedule the time for your classes allowing you to spare some free time for your hobbies, gym or walkouts. Accreditation for online classes: When searching for an online degree or certificate program, first ensure that the school possesses regional accreditation.  Some institutions do not possess regional accreditation, and as a result, employers may not regard the degrees from those schools as valid.  Colleges and universities that offer online degrees and certificates need additional accreditation from the Distance Education Accrediting Commission.

Tanu Kapoor November 24, 2021

IGNOU Distance Learning Programme for Constructive use of your Drop Year

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IGNOU Distance Learning Programme for Constructive use of your Drop Year

IGNOU or Indira Gandhi National Open University Admits About 241 Courses in Many Fields Such as Arts, Science, Commerce, Management, IT, Diplomas, Certificates and Research from Its 21 Schools. Interested Students Can Take Admission in IGNOU UG, PG, Diploma, Certificate, PG Diploma, PG Certificate, and Research Program through Online or Offline Way. Drop year: join the distance learning programme and side-by-side prepare for your entrance exam The dropout rate of students’ preparing for entrance exam in India is so much high and this has created a sense of insecurity among students and parents. The better decision is to choose a distance learning programme while preparing for any entrance exam; I’ll not say it’s an option B, rather its way out to explore your potential and using your time constructively. And even after you got selected in your entrance exam after one year of drop, you still can continue with the distance learning programme alongside your degree programme in which you got selected. As the play of dual degree, double degree and online degree is approved in India so yes, it’s an opportunity for you to gain two degrees simultaneously. Schools which provide IGNOU Admission: Hence, there are 21 schools including the School of Education, School of Humanities, School of Social Sciences, School of Sciences, School of Agriculture, School of Continuing Education, School of Social Work, School of Law, etc providing admission to IGNOU 2021 courses. So, the admission to IGNOU courses 2021 is done directly. Even without an entrance test, except for a few programs such as BSc Nursing, MBA and BEd. Therefore, the IGNOU admission for January 2021 session has begun from February 3 and will be over on April 30. New Programs Added by IGNOU: Also, Indira Gandhi National Open University has launched some new programs from January 2021 and July 2020 session. Therefore, Candidates can register themselves on these IGNOU programs till April 30. So, the university provides admission in these programs. Even in both online distance learning mode and distance learning mode depending upon the programs. IGNOU Under Graduate Courses Eligibility, Duration, and Fee Structure Courses Name Duration Eligibility Fee Bachelor of Arts (BA) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU. Rs. 6,000 B.A. Economics Honours (BAECH) 3 Years 10+2 ₹ 9,600 B.Com General (BCOMG) 3 Years A person with 10+2 qualification is eligible for admission. Non 10+2 candidates who have completed Bachelors Preparatory Programme (BPP) of the University are also eligible for admission. ₹ 8,100 B.Sc (General) 3 Years 10+2 in Science or equivalent ₹ 12,500 B.A. (Vocational Studies) Tourism Management (BAVTM) 3 Years BPP from IGNOU or 10+2 or its equivalent. ₹ 12,000 Bachelor of Arts (General) (BAG English) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU ₹ 8,100 Bachelor of Arts (General) in Hindi (BAG Hindi) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU ₹ 8,100 Bachelor of Arts (General) in Sanskrit (BAG Sanskrit) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU ₹ 8,100 Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) 1 Year Bachelor’s degree with 50% marks ( 45% for students of SC/ST/OBC/PH category) ₹ 6,000 Bachelor of Science (UGC-CBCS) 3 Years 10+2 in Science or equivalent ₹ 12,500 Bachelor of Science (Hospitality and Hotel Administration) (BHM) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent ₹ 12,700 Bachelor of Arts (General) in Urdu (BAG Urdu) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU ₹ 8,100 Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Accountancy and Finance (BCOMAF) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent ₹6,000 Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent. Rs. 40,200 Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) 2 Years at least fifty percent marks either in the Bachelor’s Degree and/or in the Master’s Degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/Commerce/Humanity. Bachelor’s in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto, Rs. 50,000 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU Rs. 12,000 B.Com with Major in Corporate Affairs and Administration (BCom (CA&A)) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent Rs. 6,000 Bachelor of Business Administration in Retailing (BBARL) 3 Years 12th/equivalent based on merit of physically fit candidates Rs. 27,000 B.Com with Major in Financial and Cost Accounting (BCom(F&CA)) 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent Rs. 6,000 B.Sc Nursing (Post Basic) (BScN(PB)) 3 Years In-service Nurses i.e. Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (RNRM) having 10+2 with three years Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) with a minimum of two years of experience (after registration as RNRM) in the profession. (For male nurses who have not done midwifery in the GNM programme, should have a certificate in any of the Nursing courses of 6-9 months duration prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council in lieu of midwifery). Rs. 54,000 BA Honours in Political Science 3 Years The University admits students to its Bachelors programmes from both formal and non-formal scheme. The non-formal stream consists of those students who have not cleared 10+2 or equivalent exam. To take admission to IGNOU’s degree programme they have to pass its Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) first. There is no entrance test for seeking admission.   9600/- BA Honours in Psychology 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent. 9600/- BA Honours in Public Administration 3 Years 10+2 or its equivalent. 9600/- BA Honours in Sociology 3 Years The University admits students to its Bachelors programmes from both formal and non-formal scheme. The non-formal stream consists of those students who have not cleared 10+2 or equivalent exam. To take admission to IGNOU’s degree programme they have to pass its Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) first. There is no entrance test for seeking admission. 9600/- BA Honours in Anthropology 3 Years The University admits students to its Bachelors programmes from both formal and non-formal scheme. The non-formal stream consists of those students who have not cleared 10+2 or equivalent exam. To take admission to IGNOU’s degree programme they have to pass its Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) first. There is no entrance test for seeking admission. 9600/-           GNOU Diploma Courses Eligibility, Duration, and Fee Structure Courses Name Duration Eligibility Fee Diploma in Aquaculture (DAQ) 1 Year 10+2 with science Rs. 6,500 Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (DCCN) 1 Year In-service Nursing professionals- GNM/BSc /MSc N Rs. 5,000 Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) 1 Year 10+2 Senior secondary pass-outs Rs. 14,400 Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE) 1 Year 10+2 or its equivalent Rs. 2,000 Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) ** D.El.Ed. is not on offer from July 2019 session) 2 Years The untrained permanent teachers having passed 10+2 standard examination with 50% marks and above teaching at primary and elementary level (standard I to VIII) in recognized schools. Rs. 12,000 Diploma in Event Management (DEVMT) 1 Year 10+2 Pass (with English as a subject) Rs. 8,000 Diploma in Fish Products Technology (DFPT) 1 Year 10+2 Senior Secondary Pass Outs Rs. 10,800 Diploma in BPO Finance & Accounting (DBPOFA) 1 Year 10+2 or its equivalent – with English as compulsory subject and 50% aggregate OR Bachelors degree and above ( with English as compulsory subject at 10+2 level ) Rs. 19,200 Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE) 1 Year 10+2 Rs. 3,800 Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA) 1 Year Nurses with B.Sc or Post Basic Degree Rs. 9,000 Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE) 1 Year 10+2 or its equivalent Rs. 2,000 Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development (DWED) 1 Year 10+2 or its equivalent Rs. 3,600 Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development (DPLAD) 1 Year 10+2 Senior secondary pass outs. Rs. 3,000 Diploma in Paralegal Practice (DIPP) 1 Year 10+2 or its equivalent of BPP from IGNOU Rs. 8,400 Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign Language (DTG) 1 Year DTG is meant for all persons who have a B.A. , German knowledge of B1 (according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages) and/or equivalent language proficiency and who want to teach German as a Foreign Language at Indian secondary schools. Rs. 7,000 Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE) 1 Year A person who has successfully completed 10+2 (higher secondary) is eligible for enrolment in the Certificate Programme in HIV and Family Education as well as for the Diploma in HIV and Family Education. Rs. 3,000 Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT) 1 Year 10+2 Senior secondary pass outs Rs. 14,400 Diploma in Modern Office Practice (DMOP) 1 Year 10+2 or its equivalent Rs. 6,000 Diploma in Production of Value Added Products from Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds (DPVCPO) 1 Year 10+2 Senior Secondary Pass Outs Rs. 13,200 Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS) 1 Year BPP from IGNOU or 10+2 or its equivalent Rs. 4,200 Diploma in Urdu (DUL) 1 Year 10th pass (with Urdu as one of the subjects) or its equivalent or a Certificate in Urdu language from IGNOU. Rs. 1,600 Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV) 1 Year 10+2 Senior secondary pass outs Rs. 14,400 Diploma in Watershed Management (DWM) 1 Year 10+2 Senior Secondary Pass Outs Rs. 12,000    

Tanu Kapoor November 23, 2021

Distance education universities for Undergrad Science Courses

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Distance education universities for Undergrad Science Courses

Distance learning is one of the most well-known options for college students who are unable to attend regular classes. College students can connect, discuss, study, and make comments without being limited by distance or time. This training method has gained popularity among the youth due to innovative, productive, and widely available innovation. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.): one of the most popular post-secondary science degree programmes. The duration of B.Sc. is three years in India. This course introduces the fundamentals of science and covers topics such as physical science, science, science, zoology, and mathematics. Students in the Science stream have access to a diverse range of courses. Students interested in the computer and data era can pursue a B.Sc. Computer Science or IT. The following is a list of India's top 10 distant education universities for B.Sc.: IGNOU: Indira Gandhi National Open Institution (IGNOU), also known as the People's University, is India's most prestigious university. The personnel at the college are highly qualified and experienced. Students in the arts, sciences and other fields can take undergrad, postgraduate, authentication, and recognition courses at IGNOU. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has started the online enrollment processes for admission to 150 Programs. At Indira Gandhi National Open University- The programme aims to develop competent human resources in distant education who can participate in studies and sports within the area. Bachelor of Science (BSc) – Hotel Administration &, Hospitality, Bachelor of Science – Nautical Science, Bachelor of Science – Nursing (B.Sc.) (N) Bachelor of Science (BSc). Manipal University: Sikkim Manipal University has made a unique contribution to the training revolution, as recognized by the University Grants Commission and supported by the Indian government. Students from the North and North-eastern additives of India receive the best training at Sikkim Manipal University. SMU-DE (Sikkim Manipal University-Remote Education) was established in 2001 to provide high-quality distance education programmes. The SMU-DE offers a variety of correspondence courses. Sikkim Manipal University has grown tremendously and is now a leading institution in the field of distance education. The B.Sc. (IT) Program establishes a solid framework in the field of Information Technology Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU): Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), Hyderabad was once known as Andhra Pradesh Open University, is situated in the Nizam City Hyderabad. In August 1982, the Andhra Pradesh State Legislature held a demonstration to establish the university. The Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) has a large network of 206 examination communities scattered across Andhra Pradesh's region. The University follows the saying "Education at Your Doorstep. Around 152 examination centres are located around the state of Andhra Pradesh. Bachelor of Science in subject’s combination is three years full-time undergraduate program presented by Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad with the endorsement of UGC. University of Madras: Currently, the Institute of Distance Education offers 97-degree programmes: Madras University's Institute of Distant Education UNON IDE is well-known in south India for its many UG and PG distance programmes and teaching styles. Madras University provides a BSc course via distance education. Acharya Nagarjuna University (CDE): The Centre for Distance Education (CDE) of Acharya Nagarjuna University was founded in 1976. The following are the components of the college: Students can enrol at the Centre for Distance Education or at a Study centre of their choice. Academic Year Batch (July to June) and Calendar Year Batch (July to December) admissions are held twice a year (January to December) Study Centres offer weekend classes and practicals. Kuvempu University: Kuvempu University is one of Karnataka's newest affiliating universities. It is a University with a distinct scholastic profile, combining a commitment to rural ethos with a contemporary mentality. It was founded in 1987. Kuvempu University provides BSc subjects in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, and Environmental Science via online learning. Punjab Technical University: Punjab Technical University offers a wide range of highly skilled and task-oriented degree/degree programmes via distance learning. The goal of the space programmes is to provide the majority of the country with affordable, relevant, skill-based, and remunerative Professional Education. It provides a correspondence BSc programme. Karnataka State Open University: The Karnataka State Open University was established on June 1, 1996, according to Karnataka Govt. Notification No. ED 1 UOV 95 dated February 12, 1996 – KSOU Act is regarded as a reputable Open University among the country's open learning institutions. It offers a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (B.Sc. (IT)) as well as a variety of courses. Annamalai University, DDE: The Directorate of Distance Learning at Annamalai University was established in 1979, and they now offer more than 501 programmes to choose from within the regular stream. Annamalai University provides B. Sc. programmes in a variety of fields via distance education. Brain research, Mathematics, Computer science, Information Technology, Visual Communication, Applied Chemistry, Electronic Science, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Digital Media, Multimedia, Fashion Design, Textile Design. Inside plan, Hotel Management, and Tourism are a few of the courses they offer. University of Mumbai: In the year 1971-72, the University of Mumbai established the Directorate of Correspondence Courses. The Directorate of Distance Education was renamed 'Foundation of Distance Education' in 1993. As a result, it was designated as a 'College Institution.' Mumbai College offers BSc Nautical Technology, BSc Computer Science, and BSC Information Technology as distance education BSc programmes. Birla Institute of Tech & Sci- Pilani: Apart from offering regular on-campus programs, BITS, Pilani also offer off campus collaborative and distance learning programs based on industry sponsorship. At present there are some 35 collaborative programs offered by the institute under the sponsorships of various organizations of repute. The Distance Learning Programs Division operates all these programs. In all these programs, emphasis is on self-learning and the pedagogy attempts to incorporate as many modern technologies as desirable. B.Sc courses are offered at BITS Pilani.

Tanu Kapoor November 18, 2021

How to Ace Multiple Choice Questions Like A Pro

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How to Ace Multiple Choice Questions Like A Pro

Multiple Choice Strategies Since most of the entrance exams are objective, knowing how to answer MCQs in a dead-on manner might free your mind. So how do you do it? How do you answer objective questions like a boss? Types of Multiple Choice Test Questions: As time passed by, the complexity of the competition questions has also increased. Earlier there were only text type questions, but now people have started using graphs, pictures, scrambled images, etc. in multiple-choice questions. Basically, there are two types of multiple-choice questions, they are: 1. Single answer questions: These are the type of questions where we will have the option of choosing only one answer. Here the choices will be provided in radio buttons. 2. Multiple answer question: In this type of questions, we will be having the option of selecting multiple answers. Here the choices will be provided in checkboxes. How to Answer Multiple Choice Questions like a pro? Multiple choice questions are mostly tricky ones. But with a little smartness, we can crack them very easily. With a little knowledge on the subject and a good strategy, you can easily answer any multiple-choice questions. Take up 1 question at a time and circle the keywords, Cover all the possible answers as fast as you can, and if no idea, then make logical guesses Execute a rescue round The following mentioned are few multiple-choice test tricks and strategies on how to pass a multiple-choice test without studying.    1.Elimination technique: For answering a multiple-choice question, it is a fact that the multiple options are formatted in a tough manner. All the options seem to be right in some aspect and so the test taker can pick out the wrong answers first and then choose the right answer. Understand the question: First thing is first, understanding the question is the most important thing in giving an answer. Every answer is correct but not to every question. So I advise you to read every question at least three times and identify what it’s asking for. With multiple choice questions you might also want to be careful with those, “Not” and “Except” tricks. So take your time otherwise you might give the correct answer to the wrong question. True or false test: Read the question carefully and if you’re muddled by looking at the options, give each option a true or false test. Cross out the false answers and by this way, the most appropriate answer can be found out. Brainstorm for the answer: This is a technique I personally use with MCQs. I try to give the answer before looking at the options I have been given. This helps me distinguish the wrong answers from the correct one(s). It also helps avoid those options that seem similar to the answer but they are not quite it. Those ones can be a toughie. So have an idea of what the answer might be. Analyse the given options: Now, this needs patience too. Examine all the options you have been given and I mean all of them. Some questions have several correct answers so may require a checklist. Answer the question: However, if you’re uncertain I say start the whole process again from understanding the question. If still uncertain, well negative marking is no joke. That animal can rip you in pieces, so leave it un-attempted. It’s not being defeated, it protecting what you have already achieved. It is habitual that test-takers have a tough time answering multiple choice questions; this is because they consider multiple-choice questions as a stress-free set of a question when equated to another type of questions and so forget to pay attention to it. Irrespective of the format of the question, test takers should concentrate on multiple choice questions a lot. Many people take a guess to answer multiple-choice questions, but these type of questions require good skill and logic to answer them. Here are a few tips on how to solve multiple-choice questions. Handling all of the above: In a multiple-choice question when there is an option as “all of the above” be careful in answering such type of question. Check to see if more than two options are right if so the choice can be opted. Check articles in sentence: When your question ends with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ’the’, then the answer should start appropriate to the article and hence correct answer can be chosen appropriately. Though this does not stand true for all questions, but can help for few which has articles in it. Patterns: When there are options with many variables and so, look out for the options and its patterns and similarities. Pick choices that have the same patterns and leave out the outliners so that the nearest or right answer is picked. Test takers should make sure to read the question carefully though it is a timed test. Many individuals waste time without reading the question, hence it is important to read the question carefully and understand what is required. Practicing well for the exam is one way to score maximum. Past test papers, practice exams or study guides can give you an idea on how to answer MCQ questions. Keywords: The keywords in the question are to be identified and underlined which helps to narrow down the meaning. Instincts: You may have opted for the first option based on your first impression, you can also change the answer if you think another response is right. Concrete reasoning is mandatory to make any changes and not just feeling. Answers hid in questions: A complete reading of the question paper is one way to find out a few answers, this is because for some questions answers are found in the question itself. The questions may have a link and answers within it too. Eliminate grammatically wrong answers: It is a good way to eliminate grammatically wrong answers in a multiple-choice question. The answers would never make sense and hence grammatically wrong answers can be avoided. Opposites can be the right answer: In a multiple-choice paper, if two options are complete opposites then there is a chance that one of them might be the answer. It is actually a trick used by the professors to check the knowledge of the students in the subject. Single-word: There are many questions where one word appears in more than one options. The answer must be one of those choices which have the same word. In this context eliminate the odd one and choose from similar options. You can also make lists and tables of important ideas or events which makes learning easier. Conclusion: These are a few hints which can be followed for answering the multiple-choice questionnaire, but these tips are not complete 100% true to yield successful results. These are a few tricks to handle the questions. The skill to tackle a multiple choice test paper is mandatory and hence good preparation on the subject along with these techniques is required to win over such exams. Test takers and students can run through these tips with proper preparation and hack their multiple-choice exams in the right manner rather than believing in guesswork.

Tanu Kapoor November 16, 2021

Most Popular Courses to Study Abroad for Indians

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Most Popular Courses to Study Abroad for Indians

Overseas education is gaining popularity with every passing day. Indian students visualize and set their heart on going to foreign universities for higher education.   Parameters while selecting a stream for higher studies: Analyze your skills and passion correlated with your interests. Make a list of available or prospective employment opportunities with it. Don't choose a course just because it has a glittering career ahead. A literature mind cannot study science well. Check out the rules and regulations, cost and crime rate of the country where you want to study. Shortlist the universities and find: Is the university recognized, ranking and accreditations of that university. Check the eligibility and exam criteria like IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, or any other test. Does the university provide internships or practical work experience? How is the internship or work experience important for your course? List of top popular courses in foreign universities: Selecting the right course is one of the major obstacles in a student's life. Students often get perplexed while choosing the right course. CoachingSelect, help you right from the selection of the right course to the right country and the right university. Medicine: You will get a medical degree after the completion of the degree course which usually has duration of 5 to 6 years. MBBS from a foreign university is highly valued across the globe, especially in developing countries (like India) and under-developed countries. Degree awarded: Bachelor's of Medicine, Bachelor's of Surgery (MBBS, MBChB, BMBS), Doctor of Medicine (MD), and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). You can also get Ph.D and M.Sc. Healthcare and Pharmacy: B. Pharm is a 4 to 5- year undergraduate program that deals with the formulation, dispensing, and correct utilization of drugs. M.Pharm is a 1 to 2 years course depending upon the university and the country. Degree awarded– Diploma in Pharmacy, Bachelor's in Pharmacy, Master's degree in Pharmacy, and Doctorate/Ph.D in Pharmacy (Pharm.D). Engineering and Technology: Like medicine, engineering is another most sought and popular course to study abroad. Whichever engineering stream you choose, there is a huge demand of engineers across the globe- be it Mechanical Engineer, Electrical and Computer Science Degree offered– Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Ph.D, Doctor of Engineering (Eng.D or D Eng). Agricultural Science and Food Technology: Due to the increased global population, increasing food production is a great challenge and therefore, an excellent career opportunity too. Rapid urbanization and lifestyle changes have also given wings to this career. Degree granted– Bachelors degree, Master degree, Ph.D Law: The need for a competent lawyer can never come to an end on the planet as law and order are an inseparable part of a country. Degree granted– Some of the popular law courses abroad are LLM, LLB (Bachelor of Law), Juris Doctorate (J.D), BA in Jurisprudence, SJD/ JSD, and LLD/ Legum Doctor. Hospitality and Tourism: The study of Tourism and Hospitality Management teaches you marketing, management, and operational skills in the sector. Degree granted– You can pursue certificate courses in hospitality and travel like certificate course in food and beverage service, Air Ticketing and Travel Management, Certificate in Food Production and Patisserie, Certificate in Travel and Tourism Management, etc. Other options are Diploma, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, or Ph.D in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Hospitality and Tourism Studies, Hospitality and Hotel Administration, etc. Biomedical Science and Biotechnology: Biomedical Science and Biotechnology are one of the top courses to study abroad as it offers you an opportunity to earn a fat salary and an expected pay like of 5% to 15% every year. M.Sc. Biotech can be pursued in countries like the US, Germany, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. Degree Offered– Undergraduate certificate, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Ph.D. Marine Biology: Students with a keen interest in marine biodiversity, oceans, and ecosystems can opt to be Marine biologists. Study of B.Sc (Marine Biology) is of 3 to 4 years whereas the duration of M.Bio (Master of Biology) is of 4 to 5 years which merges Bachelor's and Master's level program. Degree Offered– Associate in Marine Biology, Bachelor's degree, M.Sc in Marine Biology, M.Sc in Marine Biology (Thesis), and Ph.D Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy: International Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Programs are offered to equip students with skills with physical therapy, manual therapy, kinesitherapy, and special therapeutic massage. Degree Offered– Bachelor's of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy), Bachelor's and Master's degree in Occupational Therapy (Hons.), Diploma in Health Science- Occupational Therapy, BPT, MPT, M.Sc. in Occupational Therapy. Nursing: Nurses are always in huge demand in almost all countries across the globe including developed countries like Canada, America, UK, Australia, Ireland, and Australia. Degree Offered– Diploma in Nursing, B.Sc/ M.Sc. in Nursing, The Associate Degree in Nursing (AND), CRNA (The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist), DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice), M.Phil in Nursing and Ph.D. in Nursing. MBA: Master of Business Administration or MBA is another most demanded course in foreign countries as it opens a wide array of opportunities for you. The best countries to study MBA for Indian students are the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and Germany. Some universities also offer scholarships to needy and meritorious students. Top-ranked business schools in the world are Munich Business School, Melbourne Business School, Sydney Business School, Rotman School of Management, London Business School, Said Business School, Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, and many more. Degree awarded– MBA Translation and Interpretation: If you are a person who has the least interest in Maths, Science, Computers or Business Studies, then this is the most recommended course to study abroad. Frequently translated languages that are in high demand for interpreters are Arabic, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese (Mandarin). Degree awarded– Bachelor's degree, Master's degree or Doctorate/Ph.D. in Translation and Interpreting, Translation Studies, etc. Computer science: In today’s digitized world, a degree in computer science from a top overseas university can be worth its weight in gold. Pretty much every industry in every country needs knowledgeable and experienced computer scientists, so your opportunities will be endless. courses you can choose to study, including: Information technology, Computing, Artificial intelligence, Computer forensics, Informatics. Mathematics: Another of the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects, mathematics is another hugely popular subject that’s offered at universities all over the world. You can study math as a subject on its own, or there are loads of related programs you can choose, like: Statistics, Actuarial mathematics, financial mathematics. Studying abroad is a hugely popular option for Indian students; this makes India the second-largest source of international students, if you want to join the growing number, you need to think carefully about what subject you want to study. This is one of the most important decisions you need to make and can influence your: Academic success, Career after graduation and of-course your life!

Tanu Kapoor November 15, 2021

A to Z of Term 1 CBSE 10 and 12

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A to Z of Term 1 CBSE 10 and 12

SPECIAL SCHEME FOR 2021-22 The syllabus for the Academic session 2021-22 will be divided into two terms. Term I exams will have a “flexible schedule” with a “window period of 4-8 weeks for schools situated in different parts of the country and abroad”. The question paper will have multiple choice questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs and MCQs on assertion-reasoning type. Duration of the test will be 90 minutes and it will cover only the rationalized syllabus of Term I only (i.e., approx. 50% of the entire syllabus). Paper Pattern Every paper has different number of questions, but the pattern remains same i.e., MCQ. For instance, in Maths: The question paper will contain 50 questions divided into three sections A, B and C. Section A will consist of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Students will be required to attempt any 16 questions. Section B will consist of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Students will be required to attempt any 16 questions. Section C will consist of 10 questions based on two Case Studies. Students will be required to attempt any 8 questions. All questions will carry equal weightage. Challenge students may face with Shift from rote to Competency-Based exam Due to the closure of schools, the students were not able to do lab works, for example the experiments based on electricity and optics. These learning gaps may continue, and it will be the responsibility of colleges to bridge these gaps. Adolescent students have a natural requirement to connect with peers and formulate their own opinions. The lockdown seriously impacted this experiential learning, as students got confined to their homes and limited their interactions. HOW TO PREPARE Before the Exam:         Assuming that you have thoroughly learnt all the concepts Your exam rules might include: Be thorough with the Course Structure Be familiar with the Question Paper Pattern Try solving questions of all types Set goals which are time bound and achievable Practice is the key Remember you are competing only with yourself. Score-boosting tips & tricks On the Day of the Exam:             Assuming that you have thoroughly learnt all the concepts Reading Time: 15 mins to 20 mins Should be used only to read the entire question paper at least three times. Do not become nervous if you don’t know the     answer to any question. When in doubt about the correct answer, use techniques such as elimination, partial matching etc., Have faith in yourself. Be focused and avoid distractions. Remember, Exam is only one part of your life and not the end in itself. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (10 marks) Weightage for CBSE Term I & II Students will have to study 50-50 percent syllabus for both terms. Unlike the previous years, there will be no annual exam or the year-end exam. The current assessment scheme is similar to the semester-based system. Results of both exams will contribute to the final score of a student. Marks of Internal Assessment will be considered for calculating the overall scores in the similar manner as was done in the previous years. If both the Term I & II will hold as per the scheduled, then the weightage would be 40:60 otherwise it will depend on the covid situation and conduction of Term I & II. Handouts CBSE Board Exam 2022 Term 1 would be held in offline mode and evaluation would be done on same day. Term 1 papers are scheduled school/region based but set by board and Term II will be same for all. The CBSE Class 10 Maths Basic and Standard papers will remain the same. Paper pattern: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Case-based Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Assertion-Reasoning Duration: 90 minutes paper Marks: 40 + 10 (Internal marks) = 50 {e.g.: Maths} Responses to be captured on OMR sheets

CoachingSelect October 18, 2021

Dual Degree Courses A best way to have command over diverse Interests

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Dual Degree Courses A best way to have command over diverse Interests

Dual Degree Courses in India Dual degree programs facilitate you to attain double the academics in almost half the time it’d have taken you otherwise. Dual degree courses in India have become a serious hit thanks to multiple advantages related to them. Here we speak about the assorted aspects of a dual degree. Pros and Cons of Dual Degree Courses in India The Pros: A dual degree allows you to pursue two different courses simultaneously and find the experience of both in lesser time than it would have taken to pursue them one after the other. Thus, dual degrees facilitate you to amass multiple skills in lesser time and lesser cost as compared to the regular course structure. Dual degrees can be pursued as a Bachelors + Master’s program or as a joint degree of two complementary Majors and you’ll hence find yourself saving a minimum of one year for yourselves during which you can advance your career by taking on employment. They also create better job options because the companies find it perfect that a candidate comes trained in numerous areas like management and technical skills. Thus, you have got the choice to form a career in one field itself and may take up a dual syllabus if you’re confused between two courses. You will definitely stand out during the placements as companies will always want to settle on someone with a good understanding of two different skill areas instead of a student who has been trained in one. The Cons: The dual degree will certainly mean far more exertion than traditional courses. There will be numerous challenges that will need all of your concentration. You may also need constant motivation otherwise this can be an enormous miss and you may be under immense pressure to stay up throughout the semester. Common Dual Degree Courses in India Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Offers an integrated doctoral program in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics to talented bachelor-of-science and engineering graduates. The National Grad School of India University (NLU) Offers a five-year combined Bachelor of Art (BA)/Bachelor of Laws (LL.B. (Hons.)) degree. Most of the more recently established National Law Universities offer similar degree structures, while also offering new combined LL.B options like Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)/LL.B. (Hons.); Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)/LL.B. (Hons.); and Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A)/LL.B. (Hons.). Following NLU’s footsteps, a number of the normal universities, public and personal, have also begun to supply the five-year combined law programs additionally to standard three-year programs. The success of those programs has encouraged other states in India to line up new law universities. The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) Offer five-year integrated Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Master of Arts (M.A.) programs, and more recently are offering what are referred to as dual degree programs, which permit Master of Technology (M.Tech) students to graduate in five years by combining their Bachelor of Technology program, typically four years, with the M.Tech, which generally takes two years. They offer integrated M.Sc./Ph.D programs too. In 2006, IIT-Madras announced a five-year integrated Master of Arts (MA-HSS) program from its department of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IISST) Offers a five-year integrated master’s program in Applied Sciences (M.Sc) with special emphasis on space-related subjects. The University of Hyderabad It encompasses a complete department dedicated to integrated programs called College for Integrated Studies and offers courses like: Master’s Degree (5-year Integrated) courses in Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences subjects M.Sc. (5-year Integrated) Programs from the Science Schools M.Sc. (5-year Integrated) Earth Sciences M.Sc. (5-Year Integrated) Program in Health Psychology) M.A (5-Year Integrated) Programs from the College of Humanities) M.A (5-Year Integrated) Programs from the College of Social Sciences and College of Economics M.A (5-Year Integrated) Humanities and Social Sciences programs. Difference Between Double Major and Double Degree Double Major allows a student to get one degree but with specialization in two different disciplines. Example: B.A in History and Anthropology. The student gets only one degree, but have specialization in two disciplines. Double Degree allows students to simultaneously pursue two different degrees either in the same domain of specialization or two different domains. The courses such as B.Tech + M.Tech and B.Tech +MBA are examples of double degrees of different types.The term ‘Double Degree’ is synonymously used with ‘Dual Degree’. Difference Between Integrated Course and Dual Degree In both integrated courses and dual degree, the students save 1 year. Yet there are differences between the two. In integrated courses, the students get both the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree after 5 years duration. In case of Engineering, the bachelor’s degree is for 4 years and masters are for 2 years duration. In the integrated course, a student saves 1 year. At the end of the course, the students will be given both the degrees at once. In dual degree courses, the students get their bachelor’s after 4 years duration and the masters after one year. The degrees are not awarded at once as in integrated courses. Which is better? Dual / Integrated courses or Regular courses The value of any course depends on the prestige of the institution and your interest to handle the course with constant focus and motivation. Be it a dual degree or regular course, if it is done in IITs and other prestigious colleges/Universities, it will always be respected by the industries. If you are a student who has just finished his/her 12th grade exams and is wondering what options are available for you. Read these article on the CoachingSelect Career Counselling.

Tanu Kapoor September 25, 2021

Online higher education from Top Institutes

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Online higher education from Top Institutes

Topping up your work experience with a certificate from industry experts & Top Institutes An online certificate is a great way for students to enhance their education while online learning is not a new concept. There are countless online education marketplaces on the internet. This type of program allows students to obtain qualifications in a certain area without spending the amount of time required for a traditional degree. Many students & working professionals have joined different e-learning platforms in the past few years to enhance their skills. An online certificate can help students learn whenever they have free time by offering coursework, reading assignments, and other educational materials over the Internet in some cases when classes are live in D2D mode then student has to make its schedule and keep themselves free from the day to day routine. Most of the online platform keep in mind that student’s busy in Job/Degree courses as well so they schedule these live classes either on weekend or in the evening hours. A range of benefits are available to those who wish to pursue an online certificate. Many of these programs can teach valuable soft skills such as organization and critical thinking. Additionally, some certificate programs allow students to gain important technical skills or enhance their understanding of their field. Many employers prefer candidates with educational credentials, and a certificate can provide an edge to those who are seeking competitive positions. An online certificate may involve a number of associated costs, such as tuition, fees, or course materials. Since expenses will vary by institution and subject, potential students should be sure to do their research carefully. Top 4 Edu-Tech Companies Platform provide online programs upGrad upGrad began in 2015 and one of the India's largest online higher education company with the conviction that in an ever-changing industry, professionals need to continuously upskill themselves in order to stay relevant. upGrad is an online higher education platform providing rigorous industry-relevant programs designed and delivered in collaboration with world-class faculty and industry. Merging the latest technology, pedagogy, and services, upGrad is creating an immersive learning experience – anytime and anywhere. Major Courses Offer by upGrad are Data Science, Machine Learning, Digital Marketing and MBA etc. from the top institutions like IIITB, MICA, IIM Rohtak etc. Pedagogy of upgrad Courses are they deliver the program by joining hands with premium institute in India and abroad. The length of courses varies according to the program content although it varies between 6 month to 24 months. Programs deliver into D2D mode to the students while Classes would be conducted Live as well as students got recorded sessions and assignment as well. Post program completion upgrad provides Placement Support by its own Job Portal & Career Fairs & Hackathons also connects with all upgrad alumni for better reach the industry openings. Upgrad also help candidates in polishing the interpersonal skills by its tools like Career Coach, Just In Time Interviews and 1-on-1 Industry Mentorship. Courses at upGrad starting at 10k per month/ 30k for entire course and last upto 5 lacs. Edureka Edureka are ridiculously committed to their students. Be it constant reminders, relentless masters or 24 x 7 online support - Edureka will absolutely make sure that you run out of excuses to not complete the course! Major Courses at Edureka are in Big Data & Analytics, Cloud Computing, Programming, Application Development, and other trending technologies from the top institutions like NIT Warangal, NIT Rourkela, IIT Guwahati, IITK, IMT Ghaziabad etc. Pedagogy of Edureka Courses is they deliver the program by joining hands with premium institute in India and abroad. The length of courses varies according to the program content although it varies between 6 month to 24 months. Programs deliver into D2D mode to the students while Classes would be conducted Live as well as students got recorded sessions and assignment as well. Edureka will help students get absorbed into the recruitment process of the industry's biggest organization, many of whom are program partners itself. Real Time Doubt Resolution also provided by the programs directors with 24/7 learning support. Edureka also provides the Career Track to every student who become the part of edureka alma matter. Most of the courses give the executive alumni status to the students of particular institution which designed and delivered that course. Courses at Edureka starting at 10k and last upto 3.5 lacs. Coursera Coursera is a world-wide online learning platform founded in 2012 by Stanford University's computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers massive open online courses (MOOC), specializations, degrees, professional and mastertrack courses. Every course on Coursera is taught by top instructors from world-class universities and companies, so student can learn something new anytime, anywhere. Hundreds of free courses give you access to on-demand video lectures, homework exercises, and community discussion forums. Paid courses provide additional quizzes and projects as well as a shareable Course Certificate upon completion. Major Courses at Coursera works with universities like Imperial College London, HEC Paris, Illinois College etc. & Companies like IBM, Google, SAS and other organizations to offer online courses, certifications, and degrees in a variety of subjects, such as engineering, data science, machine learning, mathematics, business, computer science, digital marketing, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, and others. Pedagogy of Coursera is different from the other education platforms as per their offerings. The length of courses varies according to the program content although it varies between 6 months to 7 Years. Programs deliver into D2D mode to the students while Classes would be conducted Live as well as students got recorded sessions and assignment as well. Degree programs are long duration programs upto 5 years and for the same students access lectures through the Coursera platform, but are advised and assessed by UoL faculty and teaching assistants on a rigorous set of assignments, projects, and exams. The flexible degree programmes allow students to study online according to their schedule. As due to different time zone of the universities and international students, the most of the learning would be through recorded session only but in some programs Written examination is the assessment method for a module and are conducted at the centers of Coursera with the collaboration of other institutions like British Council etc. which are available all over the world. Courses at Coursera starting at free (No Cost) and last up to 20 lacs. Also there is subscription scheme in which Average cost of 1 month subscription of particular Specialization by coursera would be ₹5,899 and can have access to many programs which you would like to pursue. Udemy Udemy, founded in May 2010, is an online learning platform aimed at professional adults and students. Udemy is the leading global marketplace for teaching and learning, connecting millions of students to the skills they need to succeed. Some courses generate credit toward technical certification. Udemy has made a special effort to attract corporate trainers seeking to create coursework for employees of their company. Major Courses at Udemy includes business and entrepreneurship, academics, the arts, health and fitness, language, music, and technology etc. Most classes are in practical subjects such as Excel software or using an iPhone camera. Udemy also offers Udemy for Business, enabling businesses access to a targeted suite of over 4,000 training courses on topics from digital marketing tactics to office productivity, design, management, programming, and more. With Udemy for Business, organizations can also create custom learning portals for corporate training. Pedagogy of Udemy is different from the other education platforms as per their offerings. The length of courses varies according to the program content although most of the courses at udemy are of ranging 1 hour to 72 hours, Students got recorded sessions and allow students to study online according to their own schedule. Udemy offers recorded lecture into the online format which has made by the industry experts of particular specializations. Every course is certification course and generate after as soon as student completes the session time by watching all the videos of course basket. Online doubt or QnA online forum is available for all the doubts raise while attending the course over the udemy web and app. Courses at Udemy starting at free (No Cost) and last up to ₹3500 Only. Average cost of program at udemy would be ₹450.

CoachingSelect August 31, 2021